One Piece Fragment Extraction System

Chapter 215 Slave Island]


Ye Jia, who wanted to test how strong the 3rd-level Armament Haki was, heard about it, but gave up the idea of ​​experimenting, and pushed out the door without even looking at Jack, who was beaten in agony by him.

Walking to the deck, Ye Jia saw a small island with blue stones on the horizon.

"That's the 'island outside the world' isolated from the world?"

"Being able to establish itself as an island, these slaves also seem to have a great chance~"

The Outer Island -, also known as "Slave Island".

All the surviving people in it were once slaves of Celestial Dragons... Some were trashed by Celestial Dragons, thrown away like garbage, and then came here with others.

Some also took the opportunity to escape the control of Celestial Dragons and ran here desperately, praying to become one of them.

At first, Marine launched several attacks on Slave Island in order to maintain the dignity of Celestial Dragons... But these slaves are not easy to mess with. For freedom, they can even give up their lives and fight against these Marines like crazy.

Even later, Admiral was alerted, and he planned to come to destroy Slave Island in one fell swoop.

At this time, Whitebeard took the initiative to stand up and shouted, "From now on, this island is Laozi's territory!"

From then on, Slave Island was truly settled down and became the residence of slaves.

However, the experience of the otherworldly island has not improved much because of this... The surrounding island towns, as long as they hear that the otherworldly island needs to purchase supplies, they all refuse...and there are no more ships willing to go to the otherworldly island.

Although Whitebeard's pirate group brought them supplies every time, these supplies alone could not satisfy the population of the entire island.

The slaves want to be self-reliant, but they don't know anything. As soon as they leave the island, they will be caught by the pirates who are waiting for the opportunity to re-sell... Some pirates will even sneak into the island to destroy, loot, and sell people. ...Slave Island was not protected by law, Marine ignored it at all, and over time, this so-called otherworldly island became a complete barren land.

"Ye Jia, you are approaching the island beyond the world, now you can always say why you are here?"

Qiu Li asked.

"You'll find out later."

Ye Jia has deep eyes.

After a while, the three ships of the Shinigami Pirates stopped by the shore.


Two big men with machetes rushed over with nervous expressions, watching Ye Jia's group vigilantly, "You are pirates! What are you doing here?"

"Don't get in the way."

Ye Jia said lightly.

Immediately, Karz and Qiu Li rushed out and brought the two big men down in the blink of an eye.

Ye Jia continued to move forward, and after a while, he saw the town in the island beyond the world.

Different from the prosperous towns, this place is depressed everywhere, there are dilapidated thatched houses everywhere, and there are not even a few intact brick houses... On the road full of mud and gravel, many wear all kinds of linen. The people in Patch are sitting slumped on the ground, heating the fire with the branches they picked up, and cooking the fruits picked from the forest.

Walking all the way, Ye Jia's eyes were fixed, and everyone behind him was expressionless.

That's horrible.

These slaves, even free from the torture and control of the Celestial Dragons, cannot escape the injustice the world has done to them.

Can't leave the island, can only survive.

Rely on picking fruit every day and cook this fruit soup to fill the stomach.

Occasionally, someone can be seen secretly eating the leftover fish head residue, and when someone passes by, he seems to be afraid that others will snatch the fish head residue in his hand and run away like a fly.

"They are so miserable..."

Seeing this, Si Qingluo's eyes were red.

She used to be a slave of the Hongnulou Building. She lost her freedom and was forced to do everything... If she hadn't met Ye Jia, she might have become a victim of entertainment now.

Seeing this tragic scene, Si Qingluo was moved to tears.

"Look! Someone's coming in!"

"Hehehe...they wear clothes that only nobles can long as we kill them, we will be able to live and breathe!"

Suddenly, more than a dozen figures jumped out from the roofs on both sides, holding machetes and daggers in their hands, and their eyes were full of bloodthirsty.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?

bang bang bang...

Gunshots rang out in succession.

When Karz put away the sniper rifle, all the people in the air fell to the ground, and all of them were shot dead.

"Poor people must have something to hate."

Ye Jia said coldly.

The group kept walking and continued to move forward.

When the slaves saw the dead bodies, they hid in the house in horror, for fear of being implicated.

"Damn pirates, dare to break into our territory!"

A group of menacing and ferocious people came from all over the country.


Roughly counted, there are at least hundreds of people... each of them is a machete, experienced masters, and the few people in the forefront can feel extraordinary from their aura... at least they are at the Vice Admiral level!

New World really deserves to be a place where the strong go all over the place. There are so many strong people in a small slave island.

"Boss! From the looks of them, they seem to be quite rich... Let's make a fortune from them! Then we can go to the nearby islands for a cool look!"

"They add up to a dozen people. We have hundreds of people. It's too easy to deal with them!"

"Look at those little girls, they are so beautiful! Grab it and enjoy it, it must be very ecstasy~ Soul, hahaha..."

These slaves looked at Si Qingluo, Geya Manni, Ain and the others with a smile.

"Sure enough, not all slaves are worthy of pity... It's useless to inflict one's own misfortune and anger on innocent people, and stay in this world."

Ye Jia said with an expressionless face.

"Kill them all."

As soon as the words came out, everyone in the group immediately changed their eyes and rushed up!

In an instant, blood and howls danced along the entire road, like Shinigami's scythe waving, frantically harvesting the lives of these slaves!

Ye Jia turned his head and looked at the terrified slave commoners with wide-eyed eyes.

"Who is willing to follow me? I will take you to change your destiny!".

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