One Piece Fragment Extraction System

Chapter 228 Germa Scientific Combat Unit! 】

Two disasters, more than a dozen captains, three Admiral stars, and the cadres of Red Hair Pirates.

These backbones belonging to the Four Emperors fought, and the battle between them and the little rogues was a world of difference... A wave that spreads out with any force is enough to overturn those weak pirates.

Because of their participation in the battle, in an instant, the battlefield was turned upside down, and the level was improved by several levels... From a small battle between muskets and swords, it became a Haki competition between various abilities and non-competents!

The screams of killing are moving, and the two sides are coming and going, no one will obey the other, no one will let the other, and they are all fighting to the death for their own beliefs and belongings!

In Summit War, there may be artillery bombardment, using all kinds of strategies and methods to block or attack.

But in this decisive battle on Ogo Island, it is simply to kill each other and fight with blood...until one side chooses to surrender!

"Everyone in Germa obeys!"

"Target, Whitebeard Pirates and Red Hair Pirates!"

"Start the attack!"

There was no charge, and Vinsmoke Judge, who had been watching from the sky, saw the time came, and immediately waved his arm and ordered an attack.

In an instant, the fighters wearing combat uniforms, sunglasses, and special scientific combat devices swooped down to the battlefield!

As soon as they joined the battlefield, they immediately brought about huge changes.

These fighters are extremely efficient and quick to fight—

If you can shoot with a gun, you will never play close combat!

It can be knocked down with one strike, and there will never be a second strike!

Their attack method is simple and neat, like a gust of autumn wind sweeping the leaves, killing and killing them on the battlefield!

"Damn it! Give Laozi a head-to-head confrontation if you have the ability! Hit him and run to the sky, what kind of man is he?!"

"Their bodies are a bit strange...they won't bleed after being attacked, but deformed!"

"These are the guys called 'evil army' and 'war machine'! Their bodies have been scientifically modified, and they are not so easy to kill! Dodge!"

All of a sudden, the pirates of the Whitebeard Pirates and the Red Hair Pirates lost their troops, and many people died at the hands of the Germa combatants.

boom! boom! boom!

Yasopp turned on these flying guys and the bullets were pouring at them!

But before the bullets arrived, as soon as they raised their hands, a special light circle suddenly appeared on their hands, which blocked all the bullets!

"The reaction speed is very fast!"

"Then try this again!"

Yasopp licked the corner of his mouth, put on his special bullet, and continued to shoot.

This time, the bullet directly penetrated the aperture, shot a combatant directly from the sky, and fell down!

"Warning! Warning! There is an attack that can break through the 'resistance circle', retreat immediately!"

With Yasopp's move, the scientific combat troops immediately chose to retreat, as if they were afraid of being shot.

"Sure enough... it is difficult to meet the characters of the Four Emperors..."

Vinsmoke Judge narrowed his eyes.

He has given the order to continue, as long as there is a long-range attack that can break through the resistance circle, he will immediately retreat, and never stay any longer.

The members of the scientific combat troops brought here are all elites among the elites, and one death is equivalent to losing a lot of wealth... It is not worthwhile to bear such a consumption for the battle of the Four Emperors!

Vinsmoke Judge never really wanted to be involved in this war from start to finish.

What he really wants to participate in is just to board Uranus Uranus and study the weapon system of Uranus!

Germa 66 is a scientific force, all believe in scientific weapons... As long as he can get a little information about Ancient Weapon, and then use science and technology to imitate another Uranus attack weapon, then his fortress will become more invincible !

Just imagine, even if they can imitate 10% of the power of Uranus, after mass production, it will become an extremely terrifying force capable of destroying the world!

At that time, let alone dominating North Blue, it is impossible to dominate the world!

"Change the attack mode, shoot from a distance, and don't provoke people above the cadre level of the Four Emperors... Just get rid of those little scoundrels!"

Vinsmoke Judge commanded, "Also, let the two guys Iji and Yuji come back quickly, this place is more dangerous than any battlefield now!"


Everyone on the battlefield was fighting, fighting with blood, and the sound of shouting and killing resounded in the sky.

Blood and screams have become the most common and least surprising existences. People keep falling and their lives are mercilessly harvested... The winner is the king, and the loser is the bandit. This is a battle forged with blood. Terrible war!

However, at this time, three people were on the battlefield, but they stayed out of it and were not affected in the slightest.

"Shanks... have you seen enough?"

"This war, you are sure to lose!"

Red-haired Shanks, Kaido of the Beasts, facing each other from a distance, fighting spirits full of fire, his eyes blazing with fire.

"Why do I feel like you lost?"

Red-haired Shanks said coldly.

"The two of you don't talk too much..."

"The direction of the final war is still in the hands of the three of us!"

Bigumam said coldly.

"Come on! Let me see how much you've grown since the last duel, redhead Shanks!"

Kaido said, waved the mace in his hand, and slammed it on the ground!

boom! ! !

A loud noise came out, and in an instant, a huge crack opened in the ground, and all the pirates who couldn't dodge fell into the crack.

The gap continued to spread, and it came to the red-haired Shanks.

"Kaido, no matter how much you show off your power, you can't match Whitebeard!"

The red-haired big foot stomped, and the crack stopped in front of him.

"Whitebeard? That guy should have been buried long ago!"

"A rotten old man who actually wants to compete for the position of One Piece... Look at his subordinates, they are all idiots. If they dare to oppose me today, it means that their death is coming!"

"Red Hair Pirates, Whitebeard Pirates, all of you disappear with me!".

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