One Piece Fragment Extraction System

Chapter 246 Goodbye Akainu! 】

"what sound?"

Bigu Mum, who still had a trace of consciousness, noticed that the seabed behind him seemed to be approaching rapidly.

But she didn't even have the strength to turn over.


Ye Jia also saw the huge shadows constantly emerging from the bottom of the sea~ It was big enough to be comparable to the entire Ogo Island!

Soon, Bigu Mum's fat body was lifted up, and a huge black shadow burst out of the water!

This is a mechanical body that looks like a spaceship... It is majestic and huge, even one point larger than Ogo Island, and anyone in front of it is as inconspicuous as an ant.

There are various electronic circuits on the hard~hard mechanical shell, and the whole is in the shape of a square prism, which looks like the barrel of a pistol... It was beyond Ye Jia's imagination.

"This is Uranus Uranus?"

Ye Jia came to Uranus, his palm lightly touched the mechanical casing, and the surrounding electronic circuits suddenly lit up like ripples.

"It's more advanced than the technology on Earth... In such a technologically backward world, how did Uranus come about?"

Ye Jia was full of curiosity.

The shape of Uranus does not look like a product of this world at all, but more like a space aircraft carrier from a future sci-fi world... No matter from the structure of the appearance or the material of the machine, it is impossible for this era to make such precision. s things.

Even on the earth where technology is developing rapidly, such high-end technology products cannot be seen.

The world of pirates is amazing!

"Uranus Uranus... With such a huge size, it is no wonder that it will be used as a weapon to destroy the world..."

When the red-haired Shanks looked up, all he saw was the towering mechanical watch body. It was so huge that I really don't know how the ancient craftsmen made it.

"Hey! Guys! It's time to do it! Uranus Uranus has appeared, and if you don't act, that thing will be owned by Shinigami Ye Jia 〃`!"

When the green cow saw Uranus emerge from the water, he was amazed by Uranus, but he did not forget his mission this time.

"Kuzan...I suggest abandoning this mission."

Sengoku of the Buddha suddenly said, "Leave Uranus to Shinigami Ye Jia... In his hands, it is safer than in the hands of others."

"The proposal is passed."

Aokiji agreed without hesitation, "No matter where this thing goes, it will become a huge slaughtering weapon, but if you put it in Shinigami Ye Jia's place, you won't be worried...because he is even scarier than Uranus!"

"I understand."

"This means... Marine did not hesitate to dispatch elite soldiers to come over, watched a scene, suffered an attack, lost all the warships, and went back empty-handed?"

Kizaru spreads his hands.

"Didn't you just say that? If you take a bite, you can get the news of the death of the two Four Emperors... Let's do it! The target is not Shinigami Ye Jia, nor Uranus, but Bigu Mum, and the cadres under the Beasts Pirates. them!"

Aokiji said lazily, "The beginning of the... ice age!"


In an instant, the ice was spreading from where they were all the way to the vicinity of Uranus.

"Everyone, do it!"

With an order, all the high-level combat power quickly flew in the direction of Uranus!

"Is the target Bikumam?"

Ye Jia glanced back, lost interest, turned his head and continued to look at the battleship in front of him.

However, no one noticed that a figure was leaving the team of three hundred elite soldiers and quietly approaching the direction of the Shinigami pirate ship.

Everyone on the Shinigami pirate ship is in a state of drowning powerlessness.

"The last person."

Qiu Li burst out of the water, holding a little guy from the Dragon Slayer Legion in his hand.

Climbing on the boat, all the wet crew members were on it, all of them were weak and weak, and kept coughing.

"Ye Jia is too chaotic. Fortunately, Luo moved all the boats to the bottom of the sea, otherwise none of the four boats would be left."

Qiu Li shook his head helplessly.

"Huh? Where's Geyamanni?"

Suddenly, Black Arm Zephyr frowned and glanced at the drowning crowd on the deck. There was one less figure in the corner.

"What happened to Geamanni?"

Qiu Li hurriedly asked.

"She was still here just now. I picked her up from the water... Why is she gone now?"

Black Arm Zephyr wondered.

"Impossible... Geyamanni is a capable person. She has just drowned, and has not recovered so quickly in a short time to be able to move freely... Besides, she is a child who likes to cry, there must be something strange about it!"

Qiu Li looked solemn.

".〃Hehehehe...Are you looking for her?"

At this moment, a sinister voice came.

Qiu Li and Black Arm Zephyr looked at them, and their expressions suddenly changed.

An uninvited guest appeared on the ship, wearing a Marine-class garb of justice and a Kabuto cap to cover his face... If he was in the team, unless you looked closely, you would definitely not be able to tell his existence.

But now that he showed his true face, both Black Arm Zephyr and Qiu Li could not help oozing cold sweat on their foreheads.

"It's you... Akainu!"

Qiu Li looked gloomy.

That's right, the uninvited guest on board is none other than Akainu, one of the three Marine Admirals once!

Today's Akainu is no longer the hero of the year, and even his temperament has changed greatly.

From the original Admiral tyranny ( Zhao Hao ) , to this time with a gloomy and grim face, with several scars on his face, like a ghost coming from hell to the world.

"Sakazuki, look at you now, do you still have a little Marine Admiral demeanor?"

"Hurry up and put down the little girl in your hand, you are insulting Marine's reputation!"

Black play Zephyr angrily scolded.

What Akainu was holding in his arms was the unconscious Geyamanni.

She didn't know at this time that a finger turned into magma was facing her temple, and as long as Akainu wanted to, she could take Geyamanni's life at any time!

"Teacher Zephyr... This is the last time I will honor you as teacher!"

"You've already betrayed Marine, don't you think it's ridiculous that you're still here telling me about Marine's morals?"

"Want me to release him? No problem! Call Shinigami Ye Jia first!".

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