One Piece Fragment Extraction System

Chapter 357 The power of flicking your fingers!

Ye Jia's mouth lifted: "Who am I? This is a very good question!"

After speaking, Ye Jia suddenly stepped forward, his eyes flickering coldly! Seeing Ye Jia suddenly approaching, the messenger from the Cloud Shinobi Village immediately panicked, feeling a forceful aura, backed up again and again, and said in a panic:

"What are you doing! I'm the messenger of Cloud Shinobi Village, you can't hurt me one bit!"

"I didn't want to hurt you one bit!" Ye Jia chuckled lightly.

Indeed, every country has a rule that the two armies are not killed when they fight. But here in Ye Jia, these rules are specifically designed to be broken!

"Wait, Lord Ye Jia, the two armies are fighting without killing!" Namikaze Minato quickly stood up to stop Ye Jia when he saw that Ye Jia wanted to do something.

But he was still a step too late, and anyone who persuaded Ye Jia would not have the slightest intention to withdraw his fist.


Ye Jia shot without hesitation...with a flick of his finger, it landed on the messenger's head!


With a flick of Ye Jia's fingers, the Cloud Shinobi messenger's head exploded with a bang! Bright red 15 brains shot out and fell on the floor.

Everyone watched this scene in astonishment, Ye Jia actually did it? ! That is the messenger. Every country has a rule that the two armies will not be killed when they fight. If someone kills the messenger, he will definitely be hated by the country.

But that's the case, Ye Jia doesn't seem to care about this kind of thing. After killing the messenger with a flick of his finger, he threw the blood out of his hand and said lightly:

"Self-righteous people always like to provoke those unknown things... They don't know, the most terrible, often in the unknown!"

"You don't have to panic, I will personally go to the Cloud Shinobi Village in a few days to resolve this matter!"

After saying that, Ye Jia left the shocked crowd behind, turned around and left.

Namikaze Minato and the others didn't have time to say anything to Ye Jia, so they had to send someone to clean up the blood in the office.

Not only was there no objection from Konoha Shinobi after the news spread. On the contrary, Konoha Shinobi fans also supported Ye Jia's approach.

Threatening Konoha and making rude words to Ye Jia, these people should be killed!

Especially the Hyuga clan, the head of the Hyuga clan heard that the Cloud Shinobi village wanted to fight the clan, and the envoy of Cloud Shinobi was directly killed by Ye Jia. The patriarch even came to thank Ye Jia in person.

It didn't take long, as Ye Jia had said, he took Yuhi Hong to the Cloud Shinobi village. Originally, Ye Jia was only going to the Cloud Shinobi Village for sightseeing. As for whether Konoha lives or dies, what does it have to do with him.

But the words of the Cloud Shinobi messenger completely brought natural disaster to the Cloud Shinobi village!

Hong also heard the news that Ye Jia killed the messenger, but also did not object. She is Ye Jia's servant now, she chose to be with Ye Jia, how could she accuse Ye Jia.

A few days later, news of the messenger's killing spread to Cloud Shinobi village.

When Raikage found out, he was even more angry. He smashed the table in front of him with one palm, and said furiously:

"What! The messenger sent was actually killed?! Does Konoha have to fight us!"

A blond woman in front of Raikage looked at the furious Raikage, remembered the news from Konoha, and frowned worriedly.

"It is said that the messenger was not sent by Fourth Hokage to kill, but a man named Ye Jia?"

"Ye Jia?" Raikage frowned and said suspiciously.

The blonde woman nodded and continued, "Yes. The information also said that Ye Jia will come to our village these days..."

Hearing the blond woman's words, Raikage suddenly laughed in anger.

"Hehe, you dare to come to the Cloud Shinobi village after killing the messenger we sent! It's so bold! When the order came out, all the entrances were heavily staffed, and when I found this man named Ye Jia, I immediately reported it! If he stays in the village, the old man will be this Raikage for nothing!"

"Yes!" Aware of Raikage's burning anger, the blond woman hurriedly responded.

When the blond woman exits the house to run errands for Raikage. The space behind Raikage actually distorted violently. The violent space fluctuations caused a black hole to appear in the void behind Raikage, and then a figure came out of the black hole.

The man had a Uzumaki mask on his face, and only one eye was exposed on the mask. Strangely, that eye was bright red, with three Tomoe slowly turning at the pupil. It's the Sharingan of the Uchiha clan!

After the man appeared, he glanced in the direction of the blonde woman. After confirming that the blond woman was gone, he said indifferently to the furious Raikage:

"The person who killed the messenger was named Ye Jia, right?"

Raikage was stunned for a moment, then nodded: "Yes, it's him. What, you know each other? It's rare to hear someone else's name mentioned from your mouth."

"Hmph, be careful. Konoha's Nine Tails was cleaned up by him."

"What? You didn't say that before!" 380 Raikage narrowed his eyes and looked at the masked man angrily.

"Hmph, you don't need to worry about this. Don't worry, although he has cleaned up Nine Tails, he is not necessarily better than Nine Tails. At the end, I just saw this person sealed Nine Tails with the sealing technique of the Uzumaki family. It is very likely that He just has the means to restrain Nine Tails."

Raikage nodded, he really didn't believe that someone could clean up Nine Tails alone. After all, he knew the horror of Nine Tails.

Cloud Shinobi Village had the idea of ​​Nine Tails at the beginning, but the power of Nine Tails is just too terrifying. Cloud Shinobi Village paid a heavy price and failed to clean up Nine Tails.

"Hmph, you made a promise to help me deal with Konoha and get Nine Tails."

"I will abide by the agreement, but whether I can get Nine Tails depends on you. After that person arrives, I will also find a chance to help you deal with him."

"Someone is here, I'll go first. I'll notify you when there is information about Konoha."

Immediately, the masked man disappeared into the darkness. After the masked man disappeared, Raikage narrowed his eyes and said in a low voice:

"Ye Jia? If there is a way to restrain Nine Tails, it would be good if you can use it...".

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