
Is this a divine skill?

After sorting out the information obtained in his mind, Ye Jia was also stunned, unable to react for a long time.

He was limited to the point where he knew what strengthening meant. For example, when the atomic bomb was strengthened, it could increase its power, and after the body was strengthened, it could become more powerful. However, for him, this reinforcement seems to be a bit unpractical for him.

He is already very powerful now, and his divine skills are also perfect. It can control the world, control space, control light, and the power of the five elements can steal yin and yang fortune. With such a powerful divine skill, what else can be strengthened? It should be said, how to strengthen it? It made Ye Jia somewhat incomprehensible.

But if you don't strengthen Ye Jia's divine skills, do you mean to strengthen Ye Jia's inner part as the system said? Spiritual cultivation and connotation? That's really fucked up, Ye Jia doesn't feel that his inner self is imperfect, on the contrary, he likes himself very much. If the divine skill is such a use, he would rather not use it. If God's skill only has this ability, it's really fucked up, it's too tasteless.

Its 450 is not what Ye Jia thought. Strengthening is also a god, after all, this is a skill that can strengthen gods! This alone is unmatched by other skills. It can be said that strengthening divine power is a more practical existence than the previous nine, and it is indispensable in divine skills.

However, Ye Jia is still a little bit incomprehensible. Suddenly, Ye Jia asked suspiciously:

"Enhancement, what does this god skill do? How does he want to strengthen the god skill?"

Hearing Ye Jia's doubts, the System Elf patiently replied:

"Returning to the great god, although your current god skills control the world, the effect is not obvious. And the tenth god skill enhancement will help you to amplify the effect of all god skills, making you closer to the perfect existence. ."

"For example, god skills control time. Although great gods can control the reverse flow of time and speed up the passage of time, it can only act on one target. And the accelerated time also has a limit (bffe). If you absorb more After the huge power of faith, the tenth god skill enhancement will help you break this limit."

"At that time, the goal of controlling the passage of time is not just one person, but the entire venue, and even the entire world is not impossible."

After hearing the system elf's words, Ye was slightly surprised at first, and then the surprise turned into a surprise.

If this is the case, the effect of this reinforcement is far beyond his imagination! Originally, Ye Jia knew that his divine skills were not very powerful. At least, in terms of the power of time, Ye Jia was very dissatisfied.

After all, he had seen the time when the system stopped the whole world in an instant! All creatures in the entire Hokage world are dead, and the ring stops. But if Ye Jia was replaced, Ye Jia couldn't do it at all.

It was easy for him to stop the time of one person, but if he stopped the time of the whole world, even if Ye Jia was a god, it would be wishful thinking. But now, the tenth god skill has appeared, which can perfectly solve this problem! Strengthen the gods' skills and make Ye Jia a more perfect god!

At that time, if the power of faith and incense is strong enough, I am afraid that Ye Jia can do whatever he wants. There are no restrictions at all!

Originally, Ye Jia thought that his strength was insufficient, so he couldn't stop the whole world's time at will like the system. But with the passage of time, Ye Jia's strength has also undergone earth-shaking changes after acquiring several god skills in turn! But the result is still the same as before, unable to stop the time of the world at all.

Now it seems that it has nothing to do with strength. If you want to make the skills of the gods more powerful, without boundaries, and beyond reason, in addition to the gods themselves, you still need the skills of gods!

After knowing this, Ye Jia nodded with satisfaction. Sure enough, every divine skill is a divine skill, and every one of them is indispensable. At the beginning, it was impossible to increase the limit of God's skills, just because the time had not come. Now that he has the tenth god skill, Ye Jia also has a clear goal!

He wants to strengthen all the gods' skills and evolve them to perfection! Make yourself the most perfect God! The most powerful being! The entire universe is just Ye Jia's trick!

At this moment, Ye Jia was completely intoxicated by the power of the tenth god's skill. The system elf didn't mind either, but instead reminded Ye Jia softly to make Ye Jia come back to his senses.

"The ability to strengthen is more than that. As mentioned in the introduction of the gods' skills, the huge power of incense will not only make the gods' skills more powerful, but also cause qualitative changes. The results of qualitative changes will surprise the great gods. I believe that the great gods will like this ability."

Ye Jia nodded, not to mention the qualitative change afterward, it was only to strengthen the gods' skills, break the limitations of gods' skills, make the gods' skills continue to evolve, become more powerful, and evolve to perfection. Ye Jia is already very satisfied.

Ye Jia didn't make a sound, and continued to listen to the explanation of the system elf.

"For example, after the time ability of the great gods is raised to the highest point of perfection, the result of qualitative change may allow the great gods to arbitrarily change the time, that is to say, to change what happened at that time, that is, to change the future and change the past. , change history..."

After listening to the system elf's words, Ye Jia almost couldn't help exclaiming. This enhanced ability can still be like this? Let's just call it evolution! If the gods' skills can be evolved to that level, and the remaining gods' skills are all strengthened to that level, who else in the entire universe can fight against Ye Jia? !

This really is to make Ye Jia into a heaven-defying existence!

Ye Jia grinned, the first of these three divine skills was so powerful. I don't know what the second and third ones will be like? ! Ye Jia couldn't help but frost his fists, and he was looking forward to the remaining two divine skills more and more.

Suddenly, Ye Jia turned around and lit the second incense. .

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