One Piece Fragment Extraction System

Chapter 158 Four-dimensional Chengtian! 】

The power of Ye Jia's blow is to fully motivate the physical power of the Lord Xuanxiang, which is the ultimate physical power, without the slightest mana, nor any supernatural power.

A stab, a simple stab!

However, this attack without any fancy, instantly destroyed countless creatures, the terrifying power blasted in all directions, and the sea water in a radius of 100,000 miles was blasted into nothingness!


Nuwa, who was standing not far away, looked at her, and her beautiful eyes couldn't hide her shock.

This blow was mainly aimed at Xuan Gui, even though the aftermath was huge, it couldn't hurt Nu Wa, who was a saint of Hunyuan.

When the waves subsided, there was only a shoal left below!

In the shoal, the entire body of the mysterious turtle, including the tortoise shell, was pierced by the Vientiane Three Profound Halberd, resulting in a huge wound that was thousands of miles in size, and the flesh was blurred.

On the other hand, Ye Jia was holding the Vientiane Three Profound Halberd, standing in the void, and his face was indifferent.

As soon as Xuan Turtle broke the shell and internal organs, he seemed to be dying, his head stretched out, the corners of his mouth were full of Bloodline, and his eyes were full of horror.

"You..." It struggled tremblingly, and as soon as Fang spoke, a large piece of blood gushed out of his mouth.

Ye Jia waved the Vientiane Three Profound Halberd casually and said, "Why, are you still not convinced?"

Xuan Gui's body trembled, and his face immediately turned bitter: "I...I serve..."

It finally knows, in its power, that it is simply impossible to sanctify heaven-defying.

Not to mention that the mysterious person who easily sealed him was the person in front of him, and he was definitely not an opponent. What's more, the prehistoric world is so vast, who knows if there are other terrifying existences.

However, how does it know that the two people who have easily defeated it one after another are actually the same person. And there is no stronger existence than Ye Jia.

Seeing that he had surrendered, Ye Jia nodded with satisfaction and said, "If you are not stubbornly resisting, neither me nor the Heavenly Dao will be able to kill them all... However, your body is the Heavenly Dao repairing the sky. The thing, but it can't be asked again~ˇ."

Xuan Gui heard the words, and his body trembled, but he lowered his head honestly and said, "If you listen to it, you will..."

Ye Jia thought about it for a while, then stretched out his hand a little, and took thousands of miles of seawater from the depths of North Blue, and when it floated in front of him, he said, "Lian!"

As soon as the words fell, thousands of miles of sea water surged, and immediately there was an infinite amount of divine light.

In the divine light, the sea water became more and more condensed, and after a while, there were only nine feet left in the original ten thousand miles of sea water.

Although it is only nine feet tall, it is the essence of sea water at the bottom of North Blue, which contains infinite water power.

Ye Jia then stretched out his fingers again, took thousands of miles of blood from the mysterious turtle, and said, "Refining!"

As soon as the words fell, thousands of miles of blood and water surging and condensed, and at the same time, boundless divine light flickered, and after a while, only a mass of nine-zhang-sized mysterious turtle blood essence was suspended in the air, exuding a thick and solid aura.

A mass of nine-zhang-sized essence of water, and a mass of nine-zhang-sized mysterious turtle's blood essence.

Ye Jia flipped his palm, and the two immediately blended.

"Boom--" Amidst the rumbling of thunder, there was an immeasurable amount of mysterious and vast aura surging. After the two merged and condensed, they turned into a mass of nine-zhang-sized purple slush, flashing with mysterious brilliance.

Ye Jia pointed his finger again, vitality poured out, and the purple slush surged, immediately bursting with vitality, as if he was about to come back to life.

Seeing this, Xuan Gui was too shocked to speak, while Nu Wa frowned and muttered to herself, "Isn't this Ye Jia's magical power..."

Ye Jia said to Xuan Gui, "The soul is separated from the body."

Xuan Turtle was stunned when he heard the words, and then he obediently left his body, and a mysterious tortoise phantom floated in the air.

With a move of Ye Jia's palm, the mysterious soul of the tortoise suddenly flew, and under his guidance, it sank into the purple slush.

"Metamorphosis!" Just listening to him snort softly, and with a swipe of his sword, the purple slush suddenly became brilliant, full of vitality, and surging tossed.

A moment later, as the purple slush rolled, the shape of a mysterious tortoise gradually changed, and it became more and more alive.


As soon as the words fell, the Jiuzhang Xuan Turtle immediately shook his body and slowly opened his eyes with a confused look in his eyes.

Immediately, it reacted and said respectfully, "Thank you, Lord, for giving me a new life!"

The flesh body created by Ye Jia, even if it is only based on local materials, is not easy, plus the soul of the mysterious turtle itself, so as soon as the new mysterious turtle comes out, it will have a quasi-sage cultivation base, which is rare in the wild. of the strong.

Ye Jia's expression didn't change, and he said, "You still have great responsibilities in the future, so you must be cautious in your words and deeds."

Xuan Gui didn't know why, but he said honestly: "Follow the will of the adults."

Ye Jia nodded, and then said, "Okay, you can go and settle in the Yellow River. When the mission comes, I will find you."

Xuan Gui respectfully agreed, then turned into a rainbow light, rose into the sky, and went straight to the Yellow River...

When Xuan Gui left, Nu Wa suddenly stretched out her hand and said a little angrily, "...〃You are Ye Jia, right!"

Ye Jia was stunned when he heard the words, and then smiled awkwardly: "Haha... You saw it out."

When Nuwa heard this, she couldn't help but pursed her lips and said resentfully, "Really, why did you come to save me now."

"Uh..." Ye Jia touched his forehead, "I didn't expect Xuan Gui to be blown up by the space-time barrier, so he could still have such strength."

Immediately, he quickly changed the subject and said: "The body of this mysterious turtle is already here, you should hurry up and mend the sky."

After saying that, Ye Jia waved the Vientiane Three Profound Halberds and released several sharp auras, severing the limbs of the mysterious turtle.

Although Nuwa was still a little depressed, she also knew that business was important, and immediately flew over to get the limbs of the mysterious turtle.

I saw that (King Nuo's) her hands were flying, and the multi-colored gods burst out of the sky, covering all the huge limbs of the mysterious turtle, as if they were boundless blazing flames.

Nuwa looked solemn and said, "Lian!" As soon as the voice fell, the sky was surging, and the limbs of the mysterious turtle slowly changed.

After a while, the limbs of the mysterious turtle were refined and refined by the colorful radiance, and finally turned into four huge pillars, standing upright, extremely tough and heavy, exuding mysterious colors.

Nuwa looked at the four giant pillars, and immediately said: "East, west, north, south, all directions are lined up!"

As soon as the voice fell, the four giant pillars flew and turned into four rainbow lights, flying to the east, west, south, and north respectively.

When all the four giant pillars had reached the four directions of heaven and earth, Nuwa changed her gestures and said, "The four dimensions bear the sky!"

As soon as these words came out, there were boundless divine lights surging in all directions of heaven and earth, and the four giant pillars, under the shock of a shock, finally turned into heavenly pillars, connecting the sky to the ground, standing on one side. .

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