One Piece Fragment Extraction System

Chapter 175: Submit or die!

After the two ghosts Zhao Xuan and Zhou Wu left, they first gathered dozens of ghost soldiers in a radius of ten li, and then began to conquer other territories.

After Ye Jia's indoctrination of ghost power, the two ghosts possessed the power of a high-level ghost warrior, and of course it was a piece of cake to deal with a few ghost soldiers.

The fight that should be fought, the killing that should be killed, is vigorous and resolute, and dozens of ghost soldiers have been treated obediently and honestly.

In addition to those ignorant and ignorant ghosts, the two ghosts finally included twenty ghost pawns, who were divided into two teams and belonged to the two ghosts.

With two ghost squads, Zhao Xuan and Zhou Wuyi combined, and immediately decided to divide the troops into two groups, one to the west and one to the east, to kill the rest of the ghost-scholar territory.

After all, the two ghosts are powerful, high-level ghost warriors, plus ten ghost pawns, and then make a sneak attack, I am afraid that ordinary ghost warriors-lords will be difficult to resist.

Zhao Xuan led his ten ghost pawns all the way to the east, full of energy and aggressiveness.

The east is the jurisdiction of a ghost lord. This ghost lord is a ghost with the head of a bull and a lion. He is powerful and has a reputation for brutality.

Not long after the trip, Zhao Xuan brought ten ghost pawns to the ghost palace of the ghost lord.

Looking up, the style of this ghost hall is rough and heavy, and a savage aura is blowing towards the face. .

There are several ghost guards patrolling around the ghost hall, but it is not worth mentioning to the ghosts of Zhao Xuan, not to mention that these ghost guards are full of nonchalance when patrolling.

Zhao Xuan took a few steps forward, waved his hand and said sharply, "Kill these ghost guards for me!"

"Yes!" All the ghost pawns shouted in unison, with great momentum.

The few ghost guards were patrolling carelessly, but when they saw this and heard such a sound, they were immediately shocked.

But behind the lord's ghost hall, how could they let them slack off and retreat, so they had to turn around quickly to deal with it.

"Guards!" Several ghost guards hurried over to form a formation, ready to stand.

They formed a formation to deal with it, but there were ten ghost pawns on the opposite side, and they were menacing, how could they be able to deal with it.

"Kill! Kill—" The ten ghost pawns rushed forward, the sound of killing was loud, and they went straight to the guards of the ghost pawns, with a surging momentum.

A few ghost guards were alarmed, but behind the lord's ghost hall, they really dared not retreat, so although they were frightened, they had to bite the bullet and kill them.


The two men and horses immediately killed one place!

When the two sides killed together, there was an endless stream of ghosts, the darkness was boundless, and there were sometimes screams and roars, all of which were panic.

However, most of these screams and roars were made by those ghost guards. After all, the ghosts under Zhao Xuan's hands were not vegetarians.

Of course, swords have no eyes. During the battle, many of Zhao Xuan's subordinates were injured, both light and heavy.

Zhao Xuan stood on the side, looked on with cold eyes, and said to himself, "How can these little devils be able to conquer the ghost realm for the master without some experience..."

With an overwhelming advantage, the battle did not last long, and only a moment later, Zhao Xuanyi easily crushed the enemy and killed them all.

"Return to the commander, all the enemies have been killed!" A ghost pawn ran over and said respectfully to Zhao Xuan.

Zhao Xuan nodded and said, "Not bad."

At this moment, a roar burst out from within the ghost hall: "Who dares to break into my ghost hall!!!"

Immediately, I saw the ghosts swarming over the ghost hall, talking endlessly, and the next moment, a huge ghost with the head of a bull and the body of a lion appeared in the air.

His aura is surging, and it is the realm of ghosts!

Seeing this, the ghost soldiers were inevitably a little frightened. Zhao Xuan stepped forward indifferently and said, "You wait to step back, this ghost lord can be dealt with by me."

After that, he stepped forward and faced the ghost lord without any fear.

When the bull-headed lion-body ghost lord saw him, he was furious and shouted, "Who are you!"

Zhao Xuan did not answer, but said coldly, "Submit, or die!"

The ghost lord with the head of a bull and the body of a lion was stunned for a moment, then he reacted immediately, and said, "Let's be presumptuous!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he opened his mouth wide, spurting a black light, and terrifying power surged out, heading straight for Zhao Xuan!

As soon as this murderous power appeared, it immediately alarmed the void, as if it was about to kill Zhao Xuan!

The ghosts below were still panicking, but Zhao Xuan looked indifferent, and there was a hint of mockery at the corner of his mouth.

I saw him wave it casually, and when there was a huge black gas gushing out, it immediately greeted him.

With a "Boom", the black light and black air collided in one place, and the turbulent aura was overwhelming.

After all the black light and black energy dissipated, Zhao Xuan stood there unharmed, unscathed, and his face remained calm.

· ··········

"How is that possible!" The ghost lord with the head of a bull and the body of a lion turned pale in shock, his eyes full of disbelief.

"How can you be so powerful!!" he said in shock.

"This is the power bestowed by my are so humble..." Zhao Xuan said indifferently.

Immediately, he snorted coldly and said, "Now, it's my turn!" As soon as he finished speaking, he clasped his hands empty, suddenly condensed a surging ghostly aura, and the killing intent was majestic and shocking.

The power of this surging ghost energy, anyone can see, is absolutely no trivial matter.

Therefore, as soon as the lion-headed and lion-shaped ghost lord felt the power, his pupils shrank immediately, and he would dodge to avoid it.

But how could Zhao Xuan let him get his wish?


I saw that he raised his hand, and the surging ghostly energy flew out instantly, and went straight to the ghost lord with the head of a bull and the body of a lion.

With the sound of "Boom", the surging ghost energy came in an instant, and it was wrapped in a surging murderous intent, as if it was about to be wiped out!

"Ah—" The ghost lord with the head of a bull and the body of a lion screamed in agony, his voice extremely shrill.

A moment later, after the surging ghost energy dissipated, the power of destruction gradually subsided, and when the ghosts looked up, they were all shocked.


The ghost lord with the head of a bull and the body of a lion was hit by Zhao Xuan, and he was seriously injured, dying, and clearly had no power to resist.

Seeing this, Zhao Xuan stepped forward indifferently and asked, "Submit, or die!"

When the lion-headed and lion-shaped ghost lord heard the words, his body shook, his face showed a look of struggle, but then he turned fierce, and shouted: "Go to hell!"

Before he finished speaking, he rushed towards Zhao Xuan, his killing intent overflowing - this was preparing to fight back!

Zhao Xuan's expression was indifferent: "It's ridiculous..." After saying that, he just waved his hand, the ghost power was surging, and immediately killed the ghost lord with the head of a bull and the body of a lion.

The ghost lord with the head of a bull and the body of a lion disappeared completely and turned into nothingness before he even had time to let out a scream.

After killing him, Zhao Xuan still looked indifferent: "Netherworld Ghost Realm... If you don't submit to my lord, it will be a dead end!"

After that, he waved his hand, turned around and said to the ghosts: "Go! Consolidate the territory! Kill when you kill!"

"Kill—" The ghosts suddenly became frenzied, shouting the sound of killing, and the killing intent was like a tide. .

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