One Piece Fragment Extraction System

Chapter 198: Steady and steady!

Ye Jia built the Asura Ghost Palace and demarcated the sixty-mile secluded capital, which was the beginning of his sphere of influence.

There are thousands of elite ghost soldiers, dozens of ghost soldiers, and two big ghost generals. The power of Ye Jia's subordinates has also begun to become a climate.

He appointed Zhou Wu as the right envoy of Shura to take charge of the internal affairs of the territory. So after Zhou Wu went down, he started to set up official institutions, appoint officials, and take charge of the affairs of the entire territory.

After all, he was a human race before his death. Zhou Wu had rich experience and Ye Jia's advice, so it didn't take long for the government agencies in the territory to be fully set up, and the personnel started to operate after being neatly organized.

Although the ghost realm is not like the wild land, it is dark and the resources are scarce, but after all, there are many ghost activities, and it is inevitable that many affairs will arise. At this point, the ghost realm is not much different from the human world.

With a complete government organization, Ye Jia's territory gradually showed a different atmosphere.

Many formal buildings began to spring up, as if springing up. Roads were repaired, walls were built, and the area became more and more prosperous.

Zhao Xuan was appointed by Ye Jia as Shura's left envoy, in charge of all military affairs and punishments within the territory. After the Asura Ghost Palace came out, he began to rectify the ghost army.

First count the number of ghost soldiers, then register them and re-screen.

Facts have proved that although humanoid ghosts are slightly inferior in strength, they are more intelligent, good at unity and cooperation, and their combat effectiveness as an army is far superior to those of strangely shaped ghosts.

As a result, the pitiful ghosts and ghosts were completely eliminated, and among the remaining ghosts, they kept improving, eliminating those who were weaker and those who were not loyal enough.

In the end, there were exactly one thousand and two hundred ghost soldiers, all of them elite.

These 1,200 elite ghost soldiers, Zhao Xuan reorganized them and divided them into eleven teams. A team of 200 was directly under his command, and the remaining 1,000 ghost soldiers were divided into ten teams and assigned to ten ghost soldiers to lead.

Naturally, these ten ghost warriors were not randomly selected by him, but they were also carefully selected and selected through multiple assessments.

First of all, these ghosts are still dominated by humanoid ghosts. After all, the humanoid's spiritual superiority cannot be ignored at any time. Even if the ghosts have widened their wisdom, the humanoid's spiritual wisdom is still higher.

Then there is loyalty. After a period of observation, Zhao Xuan has a general understanding of the loyalty of the dozens of ghosts. He will not choose those who are not very reliable.

Then there is strength. This strength is both strategic and combat power. After all, in the ghost realm, the two complement each other and are the wings of each other.

After several screenings, the remaining ten ghost warriors are the ten direct commanders of the ghost army.

As for the remaining ghost warriors, they also have their own positions, although they are not as important as those commanders, they are also useful.

At this point, all functions within Ye Jia's territory have been established and started to operate.

This is unique in the entire ghost realm, and it can even be said that it is extremely rare in the entire prehistoric world.

After all, Ye Jia's extensive knowledge, spanning countless worlds, is simply not comparable to the creatures here.

With Ye Jia's advice, it is no wonder that Zhao Xuan and Zhou Wu were able to make this series of detailed arrangements.

The ghost realm is thousands of miles away, the territory of an alternative ghost lord, in an unheard of way, began its steady, step-by-step journey.

Ye Jia's body has long set up a space-time barrier, and there is no need to worry about the rapid passage of time in this nether world, even if it is Ten Thousand Years, it is only a flick of a finger from the outside world.

Moreover, the "life" of ghosts is infinite in theory, and there are many low-level ghosts who have lived for several Ten Thousand Years in the ghost realm. Therefore, Ye Jia, who has established the starting territory, does not need to worry about anything.

Thus, on his territory, began a slow and deep inner development.

On this piece of land in the ghost realm, there is a criminal law - something that has never been seen elsewhere in the ghost realm.

Because for countless years, the only law of the jungle like the ghost realm is violence. Whoever has the bigger fist is the undisputed boss, and the others will bow their heads and be courtiers.

For this reason, the chaos in the ghost realm has never ceased for a day, but the battle is endless, and the chaos is endless.

For so many years, only Ye Jia's territory has had laws—laws of ghosts.

Backed by a powerful ghost army, the supreme Shura is always paying close attention to this territory. Once this law is established, it will reveal its supreme majesty.

No matter which ghost violates the law, it will be punished by the ghost army, which is absolutely fair and cruel.

At first, the wild ghosts were not used to it, but because of Ye Jia's supreme authority and the deterrence of the ghost army's violence, they did not dare to offend at will.

But gradually, the demons discovered that the law was not only restricting themselves, but also protecting them.

Because of the law, although they can no longer hurt other ghosts at will, some other powerful ghosts can no longer hurt them.

As a result, the ghosts began to gradually turn pervert, and became staunch supporters of the law, not allowing anyone to blaspheme.

With a good security environment, Ye Jia's territory gradually began to become famous, and more and more ghosts began to visit and migrate, rushing to this place.

Over time, the number of ghosts within the territory grew and grew.

Under the coordination of the perfect organization, the entire territory began to prosper more and more, and it gradually became the most prosperous ghost land within a million miles.

Over the past few decades, the number of ruling ghosts in Ye Jia's territory has been several times as many, there are hundreds of ghost warriors, and there are as many as 3,000 elite ghost soldiers.

So far, Ye Jia's power has grown greatly (Li Ma's), and his background is already solid and his foundation is solid, but he has a kingly atmosphere, and he dominates the edge of this ghost realm.

On this day, Ye Jia was sitting on the throne of the Asura Ghost Palace, closing his eyes and resting. Zhou Wu stepped out from the outside, came to Ye Jia, knelt down and said, ".〃My lord."

Ye Jia slowly opened his eyes and said, "What's the matter?"

Zhou Wu said respectfully, "Reporting to the lord, a ghost soldier has discovered a ghost crystal ore vein in the north 80 miles, and the reserves are quite large, and the lord is specially requested to rule."

"Nether Ghost Crystal Mineral Vein?" Ye Jia couldn't help but flickered when he heard the words, as if he was lost in thought.

After a while, his eyes suddenly lit up, he smiled and said: "Zhou Wu, you set up a bank as soon as possible, I want the ghost realm to connect the world!"

There are also transactions in the ghost realm, but it needs currency to measure it. Now that the ghost crystal ore veins have been discovered, it is better. .

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