One Piece Fragment Extraction System

Chapter 229 The new king!

The devouring big net was unstoppable, slamming together, and the red-horned ghost king within it was immediately crushed and shattered, turning into pure ghost power.

The red-horned ghost king, who was still famous just now, died in a blink of an eye, and the huge body that looked like a mountain was instantly wiped out.

Seeing this, all the ghosts below were shocked, and their eyes were full of astonishment.

"What?! Lord Chijiao has fallen! How is this possible!"

"Master Chijiao was wiped out by a handsome ghost.... This is unimaginable!"

"I can't believe it..."


Ye Jia killed the red-horned ghost king, and the army of ten thousand ghosts in the red-horned king realm couldn't believe it.

And Ye Jia's three thousand ghost generals are completely different.

They had already seen Ye Jia's supreme Kamui, so they had expected that Ye Jia could kill the Red Horned Ghost King, so they didn't think it was strange.

At this moment, Ye Jia really killed the red-horned ghost king, and they only felt excited and excited.

Ye Jia looked down at the thousands of ghosts below with an indifferent expression, just like the supreme god overlooking all living beings.

Under the gaze of 473 with this icy gaze, all the ghosts were silent and panicked in their hearts.

"What to do... Lord Chi Kok lost, what should we do??"

"There are three thousand ghost generals in the enemy, can we escape?" All the ghosts were pale and decadent, and deep fear came to their hearts.

Ye Jia stared indifferently for a moment, then finally waved his hand and said, "Kill them all!"

As soon as these words came out, the three thousand ghost generals were all excited and shouted in unison, "Yes! My lord!"

As soon as the words fell, the three thousand ghost generals flew down, as if dark clouds were on the ground, with endless killing intent, they charged mightily to the army of ten thousand ghosts in the King Realm of Chijiao.


"Help me—"

Seeing the three thousand ghost generals coming, the army of ten thousand ghosts immediately turned pale and panicked, and the scene fell into chaos in an instant.

Just kidding, that's three thousand ghost generals!

Thousands of ghosts fled, but the ghost general camp would not let any enemy go, and immediately came down to disperse and chase.

Three thousand ghost generals are powerful, and chasing and killing tens of thousands of ghost soldiers is of course easy to capture. Even if it is the enemy ghost commander, there are 30 ghost commanders in the ghost commander's battalion to deal with, and they will never get half of it.

In this way, the ghost general's camp is like the wind and the clouds, and in a few breaths, the ghosts will be killed in pieces, screaming everywhere.

"Ah - help!!"

"Save me! - I don't want to die!!"

Thousands of ghosts wailed, but they couldn't escape the killing of the three thousand ghost generals, and they were all killed in the end.

Those more advanced ghost warriors, ghost generals, and ghost handsomes also couldn't escape the killings of the ghost generals' camp.

Ye Jia stood in the air, staring coldly at the scene of the slaughter below, with no expression on his face.

After a while, when the slaughter below came to an end, his expression gradually changed.

Ye Jia stretched out his hand and made a light move at the group of pure ghost power floating not far away.

The pure ghost power refined by the red-horned ghost king immediately flew in shock, and flew to Ye Jia's eyes instantly, flashing with mysterious brilliance.

This group of ghosts was refined by the red-horned ghost king, and its momentum was far from comparable to before. Since the ghost king is powerful, his ghost power is no trivial matter. After Ye Jia devoured the power to condense, he called out such a group.

In this group of ghost powers, in addition to the ordinary ghost power, there is also a little extra-ordinary ghost king power.

It is this power of the ghost king that makes the ghost king possess a powerful power that is different from the ordinary ghost clan.

You know, with Ye Jia's strength, I don't know how many enemies of the same rank can be swept away, but in the face of a ghost king who is only one rank higher than him, he has to be serious.

It can be seen from this that the power of this ghost king is so mysterious and superb (bfeh).

The power of the ghost king comes from ghost power, but it is higher than ghost power. Ye Jia is now in the realm of a complete ghost handsome, or even a half-step ghost king. As long as he has the power of a ghost king, he can break through and become a ghost king in an instant.

As for the remaining ghost power, although it is vast, it is dispensable to him.

Thinking of this, Ye Jia stretched out his palm and gently stroked the ghost force twice, the ghost force was like a knife, swallowing the power to accompany it.

The sound of "click" came one after another, and the group of ghosts shattered into pieces immediately, and then Ye Jia stretched out his finger, and a little black-blue ghost king's power flew out from it, and re-condensed into a small group of ghost king's power.

Immediately, he flicked his palm again, and the remaining ghost power fragments split again into 3,030 pieces, floating in the air.

Ye Jia looked down and saw that the three thousand ghost generals had almost wiped out the enemy. Except for a few who were still chasing, the rest had long been swallowed up by the soldiers of the ghost general battalion, making them a stepping stone to improve their strength.

The battlefield - no, it should be said to be a butchery.

Above the slaughterhouse, three thousand ghost generals slaughtered ten thousand ghosts of the enemy army, and after the ten thousand ghosts of the enemy army died, they were refined into ghost power by the devouring and fusion runes on their bodies, which were absorbed one by one, and there was nothing left.

With the fusion of ghost powers one after another, the overall strength of the three thousand ghost generals has risen, getting stronger and stronger, and the momentum is getting more and more prosperous and prestige.

Seeing this, Ye Jia stretched out his finger and pointed, and the 3,030 ghost powers flew out immediately, and they all fell into the body of the generals and soldiers of the ghost general camp.

At this time, the last enemy was also slaughtered.

The next moment, all the generals and soldiers of the ghost general battalion were shaken, and their auras skyrocketed in the vastness of the mysterious light.

The ghost will be complete!

The ghost general's camp, which was originally extremely powerful, has now been strengthened several times, with the help of Ye Jia's ghost power, and its strength has suddenly jumped like a fly.

Three thousand ghost generals, all possessing the power of the ghost generals to Consummate!

And the strength of the thirty ghost handsomes also skyrocketed, reaching the realm of complete ghost handsome, and their strength is vast.

The ghost general camp was immediately excited, and they all knelt down and kowtowed, and said sincerely, "Thank you, Lord, for the gift!"

The sound was great, and the thunder rumbled.

Seeing this, Ye Jia couldn't help but nodded with satisfaction.

Afterwards, the ghost generals said in unison: "Please master the kingship!"

"Please master the kingship!"

Three thousand ghost generals called the mountain, the momentum was huge and earth-shattering.

Ye Jia was silent for a while, then reached out his hand to attract the power of that group of ghost kings, causing it to sink into his body instantly.


As soon as the power of the ghost king entered the body, the magnificent power immediately rioted, and Ye Jia's whole body was filled with profound light, and his momentum skyrocketed.

As if it were boiling, the ghost power around it was surging, ups and downs, there were wind and clouds, lightning and thunder, and the magnificent sound was endless.

The boiling power is getting more and more turbulent, like a volcano that may erupt at any time.

After a while, I heard a "boom", and under the great work of Xuanguang, a huge breath suddenly descended!

Asura Ghost King! .

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