One Piece Fragment Extraction System

Chapter 281 Nether Millennium!

With a wave of Ye Jia's arm, the gate of devouring immediately closed and merged. With a flash of brilliance, all the devouring powers returned to the sea and were absorbed into Ye Jia's body.

Like a long whale absorbing water, Ye Jia returned to his normal appearance in an instant, wearing a black robe and standing in the air.

At this moment, he is storing a huge amount of majestic energy in his body, all obtained from devouring the ghosts of the Eight Wildernesses.

This majestic energy, only needs to use half of it, it is enough to make him advance to the ghost emperor realm at any time, but he does not want to advance for the time being, so he did not use this majestic power.

He turned to look at Ghost Commander Camp and said, "Zhao Xuan."

Zhao Xuan was stunned for a moment, then quickly stepped forward and said respectfully, "My lord."

Ye Jia nodded and said, "The commander has merit, and he will be rewarded."

After saying that, with a wave of his palm, a pure ghost force flew out and disappeared into Zhao's "four five seven" mysterious body in a flash.

Before Zhao Xuan could react, the ghost power in his body began to boil uncontrollably, and he was terrifying and terrifying.

Like a volcano that is accumulating majestic power, its momentum is ups and downs, as if it is hitting an unbreakable bottleneck.

Seeing this, the ghosts didn't understand where they were, and they all showed envious expressions. Zhao Xuan was about to break through the realm of the ghost emperor.

Zhao Xuan also quickly calmed down, calmed down, and controlled the ghost power around his body to flow back and forth.

After a while, the mysterious light on his body suddenly burst out, and the magnificent aura burst out. Feeling the powerful power in his body, Zhao Xuan immediately raised his head to the sky and screamed, his voice shook the sky, and he was agitated in all directions!

Ghost King!

The first ghost emperor of the Ghost Commander Camp was born!

After a while, Zhao Xuan was calm and returned to normal.

He immediately knelt down and kowtowed: "Thank you, Lord, for the gift!"

Ye Jia nodded with a smile and said, "You deserve it."

After a pause, he said again: "This matter is over, and the power of the Queen of Ice will be handed over to you to take it back."

"Yes! Lord!" Zhao Xuan said loudly.


Deep in the inner realm of the ghost realm, the realm of the Underworld Dragon Emperor.

Inside the Dragon Tomb Hall, the Emperor of the Underworld Dragon was sitting on the throne, shrouded in darkness, and a dark and deep breath filled the entire hall.

After a while, a ghost emperor rushed in from outside the hall with a panicked face. As soon as he entered the hall, he came before the throne, knelt down respectfully, and said, "Your Majesty."

The dark figure on the throne was motionless, but a deep voice came slowly: "What's the matter?"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, the Second Emperor of Wind and Thunder seems that the entire army has been wiped out..." The man said in a panic.


The dark dragon and ghost emperor, who had always been deep and mysterious, was finally alarmed, his body was shocked, and he said in shock.

As soon as he was shocked, a wave of ghost power surged and tossed in the air, and the strong breath was almost suffocating.

The kneeling ghost emperor was even more frightened, and quickly lowered his body, not daring to raise his head.

After a while, Minglong Ghost Emperor's mood seemed to return to calm, and he said slowly: "What's going on, tell me in detail."

"Yes, Your Majesty." The man seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, "Empress Frost has gathered a million ghost army and five thousand ghost generals to attack Shura, while Fenglei Second Emperor led four thousand ghost generals to do the Oriole behind. "

"It stands to reason that with such a strong military, not to mention that Shura is just a ghost king, even if several ghost emperors add up, it is difficult to guarantee that they will not be destroyed." The man said slowly.

"But." He swallowed, "Not long ago, according to the report of the spies, the Asura King's Realm was not destroyed, and it was renamed the Asura King's Realm..."

Speaking of this, he carefully glanced at the Emperor Minglong Ghost, seeing that there was no response, and then continued: "Furthermore, the Asura Emperor has already begun to attack the territory of the Queen of Ice and others, and the offensive is fierce. The road can be said to be invincible, like entering a realm where no one is there.”

The Emperor Minglong and Ghost heard it and asked, "How is the battlefield?"

"Back to Your Majesty, I specially sent people to investigate the battlefield, and found that the battlefield was empty, as if everything had been swallowed up. Only the earth there was cracked everywhere, and the land in a radius of tens of thousands of miles was forcibly lifted. Going to the first floor, it looks extremely terrifying." The man said.

After a pause, he said again: "Besides that, I haven't found any trace of the Second Emperor Fenglei and his ghost army, and the Emperor Shura is not weak but strong, so the minister speculates that the Second Emperor Fenglei has been wiped out. …”

After listening to the Minglong Ghost Emperor, he was silent for a long time, as if he was lost in thought...  

After a while, he suddenly sighed and said, "I did some calculations just now, but it is difficult to calculate the whereabouts of the wind and thunder, and the Shura is even more chaotic and unfathomable... It seems that this Shura is indeed It's an anomaly in the ghost realm."

After a pause, he said again: "I expect the great catastrophe of the Netherworld to come. If you send your order, from today onwards, the entire Netherdragon Emperor Realm will shrink, keep a low profile, and no longer have any communication with the outside world."

The man was stunned when he heard the words, and then agreed: "Yes."

When he left, Emperor Minglong and Ghost Emperor sat on the throne, don't be silent, but after a long time, he suddenly sighed, bringing a bit of loneliness.


In the following period of time, Zhao Xuan led the Ghost Commander Battalion to capture the various territories of the Queen of Ice.

Back then, in order to attack the Shura King Realm, the Queen of Ice gathered a group of forces, only to gather five thousand ghost generals and one million ghost troops.

Such a powerful military force is already the backbone and even the core of the major forces. As a result, the entire army is wiped out, and the territories of the major forces will naturally become unclaimed land.

Except for the Queen of Ice who has died, there is no ghost emperor nearby. Zhao Xuan led more than 3,000 ghosts and handsomes to attack, and he was like a wind and a cloud, invincible in battle and invincible in attack.

It didn't take long for the land with a radius of 3.7 million miles to be captured by the Ghost Commander Battalion. Counting the original 1.3 million miles of Asura Realm, it was exactly 5 million miles.

The Asura Emperor Realm is five million miles in radius! 3.7

Such a vast territory can be compared with the six great ghost emperors. Apart from Ming Zun, this is the top power in the ghost realm.

The first thing Ye Jia did when he returned to Asura Youdu was to find Zhou Wu and give him vast ghost powers, making him the same advanced ghost emperor.

A group of ministers in charge of government affairs have also been rewarded, and their strength has soared. After all, civil and military strategy, in the court, only when civil and military officials are balanced, the entire territory can prosper and develop, and will not be beheaded by three generations.

For the next 1,000 years, the boundless Asura Emperor Realm was consolidating a territory of five million miles.

Under the control of the powerful and sophisticated imperial court, the Asura Imperial Realm developed rapidly as always, and soon became the most prosperous place in the ghost realm, just like the original one with a radius of 1.3 million miles. .

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