One Piece Fragment Extraction System

Chapter 13 The Great Way!

After a while, all kinds of visions slowly dissipated.

There was only a faint golden light left on Fuxi's body, but the aura of divine majesty remained undiminished.

He floated up slightly, stood in the air, looked at the ministers, and said slowly: "I have achieved the throne of the emperor, which is complementary to the fate of the human race, and can no longer be involved in human affairs. You can do it yourself."

As soon as this statement came out, all the ministers were shocked: "Lord Fuxi is absolutely impossible, if the human race has no adults, they don't know where to go!"

Fuxi smiled when he heard the words: "The human race has a boundless future and endless vitality. I am only a temporary success, so why is it indispensable?"

After all, he couldn't say anything more than the ministers. With a flash of golden light on his body, he broke through the air, and the speed was so fast that no one could chase him.


In the void, the two of them strolled together, walking towards the Northwest Xuanhuang, walking calmly.

These two people, one is gentle and gentle, the other is calm and unfathomable, and it is Fuxi and Ye Jia who are good.

"Thank you very much, if it wasn't for your help, it would have been difficult for me to achieve the throne of the Holy Emperor." Fuxi said.

Ye Jia smiled casually: "Why thank you, it's just a matter of hand."

After listening to Fuxi, he was silent for a while before he said: "I also know that this is a small effort for you. Now I can be considered a holy way, but it is more and more difficult to understand the realm of 470 you are in. Can you tell me? I, above the holy way, what is it?"

After saying that, he couldn't help showing a confused look and stopped to look at Ye Jia.

Hearing this, Ye Jia also stopped to think for a while, and then said: "This kind of mystery is actually complete. It's like a mortal who can guess a monk, but can't guess an immortal. A monk can look up at an immortal, but he doesn't. Saints know nothing."

Hearing this, Fuxi was shocked.

According to this statement, the sage cannot yet understand the way of Ye Jia, so Ye Jia is far beyond the existence of the heavens, and even above the way of heaven.

Thinking of this, Fuxi felt more and more shocked deep in his heart.

Ye Jia went on to say: "First, everything is an art, and there is no distinction between high and low, but if you enter your ears, nose, tongue, body, mind, and mind, there will be layers. The essence of the world is boundless chaos, and within the world, eternal Endless."

"Boundless chaos..." Fuxi muttered to himself with a trace of confusion flashing in his eyes.

"Secondly, all things are different, and the Dao is unreasonable." Ye Jia said.

"Everything is different, the Dao is unreasonable?" Fuxi was puzzled.

Ye Jia smiled slightly: "For example, when a mortal sees a black horse, he calls it a black horse, and when he sees a white horse, he calls it a white horse. When he sees a black horse, a white horse, a yellow horse, etc., he can They are collectively referred to as 'horses'.

They are collectively called horses, because they realize that they are only different in color and are essentially the same, so color is excluded as a secondary thing.

In this way, people are familiar with the concept of 'horse', and at a certain level, they are also familiar with a kind of 'Dao'. "

As Ye Jia said, Fuxi couldn't help but fell into deep thought and was silent for a long time.

"There are too many similarities between the black horse and the white horse, and it is easy to generalize.

Going a step further, in addition to horses, there are pigs, dogs, tigers, Madara, etc., which look very different. But when people understand more, they can gradually be summarized as 'beasts'.

When it comes to the concept of beasts, each beast has different styles and many differences, and the so-called same essence is much less.

Further up, there are more differences between beasts, birds, insects and snakes, and people call them "living creatures".

At the level of living beings, the differences between each living being are greater, and the same essence is less.

By analogy, the bigger the 'Tao', the less rational it is. When the Dao reaches the Ultimate, it is unreasonable. " Ye Jia said slowly.

Fuxi was shocked when he heard the words: "So, where is the Great Dao, can't I never be able to reach it?"

Ye Jia smiled slightly: "You are now in the realm of the Holy Emperor. In your eyes, are there many differences between ordinary creatures?"

As a true god, Ye Jia sees all things as indistinguishable, and plays the world.

As a sage, Fuxi (bffh) looks a lot like ordinary creatures.

So after hearing this, he immediately showed a look of surprise: "So it is, the Dao is unreasonable, it is the infinite Dao, the infinite chaos, it is the endless end!"

Ye Jia said with a smile, "It seems that you are quite enlightened."

Fuxi couldn't help sighing: "I didn't expect your realm to be so high, just a few words can make me stunned."

After a pause, he continued: "Now I have a feeling, and I am looking for a place to practice. Now that the demon court is no longer there, do you know what good place is there?"

Ye Jia listened and said, "Come to my Jiuxiao Divine Realm, where a residence has been arranged for you, and the Holy Emperor of the Human Race will also practice there in the future."

Fuxi heard this and immediately thanked him.

Then, under the leadership of Ye Jia, the two came all the way to the Nine Heavens God Realm. Ye Jia arranged for Fuxi to go to the Huoyun Cave for cultivation, and then he left from here and went to the world again.


Let's say that Fuxi left Zen and was no longer involved in human affairs, but he did not leave any entrustment.

After the civil and military officials were shocked and anxious, they suddenly discovered that the human race now has no supreme leader.

Originally, Fuxi had a great reputation, and he was the absolute leader of the entire human race. He controlled the human race naturally from the outside, cleverly born from the inside, his hands turned according to his heart, and the law came out of his hands.

But now that Fuxi has gone abruptly, no one can inherit the throne of the king, and the current prosperity of the human race really does not know where to go.

The civil and military officials exhausted their energy, but in the end they were helpless, so they had to come down from Mount Tai and announce this to the human race.

When he heard that Fuxi was no longer involved in the affairs of the human race and had not yet identified his successor, the entire human race was in an uproar and couldn't believe it.

The ordinary human race was in an uproar, but those careerists who had been dormant under Fuxi for a long time were suddenly ready to move.

You must know that during Fuxi's rule of the human race, he established an army. With the establishment of the army, the human race is more stable on the one hand, and more dangerous on the other hand.

This time, Fuxi suddenly appeared, and the situation of the human race changed drastically.

Originally, the human race had three major tribes, the Huaxu kingdom to which Fuxi belonged, the Xiong clan under Luoyang, and the Jiuli tribe under Chiyou.

These three are honest under Fuxi, and the power of Huaxu is particularly strong.

However, after Fuxi left, Luoyang and Chiyou successively supported their own troops, restored their respective rule, and no longer obeyed the dispatch of others.

The Huaxu Kingdom was jointly suppressed by the two, and its momentum was greatly reduced, and finally became an existence equivalent to the Youxiong and Jiuli tribes.

And with the military strength that is not what it used to be, the three large tribes quickly annexed other small tribes, forming a three-legged situation. .

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