One Piece Fragment Extraction System

Chapter 70 Extremely nothingness!

As soon as the words fell, Ye Jia stretched out his hand and made a move backwards, and the majestic and thick water polo flew lightly and appeared in front of him in a flash.

This light-lifting posture made the Plague Snake extremely shocked and terrified.

Looking at the ten-zhang water polo in front of him, Ye Jia said slowly, "It's only ten feet in the air, and he claims to be the master of the water. I really don't know how high the sky is."

After all, I saw his five fingers flicked, his divine power surged, and the ten-zhang water polo immediately released a lot of water, and then began to compress sharply.


The magnificent voice continued to be heard, and the water polo, which was only ten feet in size, condensed to the size of ten feet in a blink of an eye.

One foot!

The Plague Snake was shocked: "It's only ten feet!"

This water seems to be very soft, but in fact it is extremely difficult to condense. From 10,000 to 1,000 zhang is extremely unusual, from 10,000 zhang to 100 zhang is a magical power, and from 100 zhang to 100 zhang, ordinary Da Luo Jinxian is difficult to achieve "nine six three".

As for from ten feet to ten feet, it is completely unimaginable for the plague snake.

Not only did Ye Jia compress the water polo from ten feet to ten feet, but what was even more terrifying was that all of this was completed in an instant, and his weight-lifting posture was extremely relaxed.

Ye Jia looked at the ten-foot water polo in front of him, his expression remained unchanged, and his divine power was still surging.


Like a thunder blast, the water polo suddenly burst into endless brilliance, majestic and majestic, and in an instant, the one-zhang water polo was compressed again and turned into a one-foot size.

One foot!

The Plague Snake couldn't even imagine the appearance of a one-foot water polo. However, Ye Jia told him with his actions - the water polo at this time was a dark color, without a trace of light, full of a turbulent and powerful aura.

A one-foot water polo was roughly the size of an adult head. Ye Jia made a light move, and the black water polo floated lightly in the palm of his hand.

He turned his head and glanced at Plague Snake: "Do you think this foot is the end?"

Can one foot be compressed again? !

The Plague Snake was stunned at this time, and his mind was blank.

Ye Jia didn't say much, but when he retracted his five fingers, the endless divine power immediately pressed against the one-foot water polo.


A loud noise as if the sky was collapsing suddenly burst out, the wind and clouds were turbulent, and the terrifying force swept away, and the one-foot water polo was compressed again—turned into an inch size!

An inch!

Looking at this incredible one-inch water polo—to be precise, it was already a water droplet—the Plague Snake was almost numb.

However, it still didn't end. Ye Jia still had no pressure in the face of this inch of water droplet. He closed his fingers again and again, and a more magnificent power burst out in an instant.

At this moment, Ye Jia's palm is already full of endless destruction-like power, time and space are shattered and surging, the light and thunder are vast, and the arc is flashing.

However, even though the water droplets were filled with all kinds of incredible destructive powers, Ye Jia's five fingers were like unbreakable laws, binding many terrifying powers, and remained motionless.

All the energy of destruction, facing Ye Jia's mere five fingers, has no resistance.

Then, under the horrified gaze of the Plague Snake, Ye Jia's five fingers full of destructive energy pinched again.

This time, the five fingers seem to be absolute barriers, all energy and matter are bound to death, and not a single bit can be revealed.

The five fingers unstoppably folded together, and the pinpoint-sized extremely dark water dot flashed with profound light, then collapsed, and the majestic power burst out, instantly smashing the space-time between Ye Jia's five fingers.

Ye Jia looked indifferent, waved his hand, and the shattered time and space healed without leaving a trace, and soon the huge water ball that was at least like a mountain was compressed into nothingness by him and disappeared.

He looked at the plague snake: "Do you know what the master of the water is?"

The Plague Snake was trembling all over, unable to speak for a long time.

" the hell are you!" he said in horror.

Ye Jia just smiled and didn't speak.

The Plague Snake finally realized that the mysterious existence in front of him was definitely one of the most powerful existences in the prehistoric world.

"Difficult... Could it be the saint in person...?" Plague Snake became more and more frightened.

From his point of view, the ability to compress the Yellow River into nothingness, such a magical power, I am afraid that only a saint can do it.

Moreover, it is a well-known thing in the prehistoric world that the saints in the heavens bless the human race.

As for Hongjun Daozu and even the Lord of the Four Tribulations, he didn't even dare to think about it.

The Plague Snake shuddered, and immediately knelt on the ground with a plop: "I also ask the sage to spare my life. It is a small one who has no eyes and has offended the Holy Venerable! I also ask the sage to spare my life!"

He knew that in the face of such existence, his resistance was meaningless. He could only beg for mercy, and he might have a life left...  

Seeing this, Ye Jia said indifferently: "The greatest forgiveness I can give you is that you can struggle to your heart's content before dying."

As soon as these words came out, Plague Snake shuddered, and his face was full of horror.

"Sage, spare your life! Sage, spare your life!..." He kowtowed, anger and fear intertwined in his heart.

"No." Ye Jia said coldly.

Hearing these words, the kowtow action of Plague Snake suddenly froze, and it didn't move for a long time.

After a while, his gloomy and stern voice gradually came: "Is this the majesty of a saint..."

As he said that, he raised his head suddenly, blood in his eyes bursting: "What about the saints in the heavens, the saints are not benevolent, they treat all things as stubborn dogs! Since you insist on forcing me, even if you are a saint, I will never be slaughtered! "

After that, a black light suddenly erupted from his body, and the dark aura was surging and mighty.


Hearing a roar, the Plague Snake immediately appeared, and the huge snake body of several thousand meters suddenly appeared and swayed endlessly.

"I want to see what kind of magical power the saint has!" The bloody light flashed in the eyes of the plague snake, like crazy.

Seeing this, Ye Jia smiled disapprovingly, and then casually stretched out a finger and pointed at the flowing water around him.

"Boom 5.9 boom-"

The water waves were surging, and the mighty river water overflowing from the Yellow River swirled endlessly, quickly gathering in the middle, and bursts of majestic breath surging out.

This vast river is more than a thousand miles huge, endless and turbulent, but with Ye Jia's light finger, the mighty water quickly gathered and formed, and finally turned into a huge water ball of hundreds of thousands of feet, extremely majestic. potential.

I just heard Ye Jia say softly, "Ning."

As soon as the voice fell, the huge water ball of hundreds of thousands of meters immediately condensed, and quickly turned into a size of several thousand meters, extremely thick.

Then he heard Ye Jia say, "Hua!"


The thousands of meters of water balloon burst suddenly, and the water waves flowed immediately, and a huge water snake of thousands of meters immediately manifested. Looking at its appearance, it was no different from the plague snake!

"If you want to fight to the death, just give it a try with this water snake." Ye Jia said indifferently. .

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