One Piece Fragment Extraction System

Chapter 77 The Jiuli tribe sends troops!

Since Ji Xuanyuan was instructed by Ye Jia, he has been practicing in Shouyang Mountain for hundreds of years. Now he has cultivated to the perfection of Taiyi Jinxian. He is considered a top master in the human race. Except for a few people, no one can threaten him .

Shouyang Yamanaka's divine sword, he doesn't know when he can call it.

The time has not come, and it is useless for him to seek knowledge.

Now that he heard about the outbreak of the Xiong's Plague, he pondered and decided to go down the mountain to explore in person and see how far the plague has evolved.

So after Ji Xuanyuan separated from Panshan and his party, he went straight down to Shouyang Mountain and returned to the long-lost Youxiong family.

As soon as people approached, the desolate and desolate scene immediately came into view.

Ji Xuanyuan was walking on the cold street, and when he looked left and right, he saw no pedestrians.

He was greatly alarmed: "How can this happen! The plague is so serious!"

The whole city looked extremely empty, showing a dilapidated scene everywhere, and the people were sparse and cool.

After a while, I didn't see anyone. Ji Xuanyuan hurriedly released his spiritual sense and swept the entire city, and found that this city was really ten rooms and nine empty spaces.

The surviving people are also packing up and planning to stay away from this place.

Seeing such a desolate scene, Ji Xuanyuan's heart was disturbed, but he also had mixed feelings and could not calm down for a long time.

After a while, he couldn't help but let out a long sigh: "Alas—for hundreds of years, things have changed. When the Xiong family is in trouble, I can't continue to cultivate."

Any genius has an unparalleled sensitivity to the general trend. Although Ji Xuanyuan seems to be ignorant and stupid, he is actually extremely talented, and he is no less than a genius in the sky.

As early as hundreds of years ago, he knew that there would be a war between the three major tribes of the human race. Only through war can we truly unify the human race and create a powerful race reborn from ashes.

Only in this way can the human race become the real protagonist of heaven and earth, not just a word in the mouth of the saint.

Since Fuxi was enshrined in Zen, the balance of the human race has evolved for a long time, and it is both delicate and fragile. The outbreak of the Bear's Plague today is the most powerful blow to break this delicate and fragile balance.

With the Xiong family, there is bound to be a war!

As Ji Xuanyuan traveled far, he thought: "Since Fuxi, the power of Huaxu has gradually shrunk, keeping a low profile, and I am afraid that they will not take the initiative to attack. The Jiuli people have always been aggressive, and the situation in the south must be more critical."

After a while of silence, he immediately decided: "If that's the case, then go to the south and take a look."

Immediately, his figure turned into a magnificent golden light, and he rose into the sky, heading towards the south where the Jiuli people were.


Inside the Jiuli Palace, the eighty-one Jiuli elders kept discussing the issue of sending troops.

Under the concerted efforts, the specific plan of dispatching troops gradually took shape, and then became more and more full and tended to be complete.

At this time, Chiyou nodded and said, "This is the beginning of the unification of the human race, and it is of great importance. At that time, the Jiuli clan will send troops, especially the Wu clan must participate in the war!"

The Jiuli people are already sparsely populated. Naturally, in such a major battle, they must come out in full force in order to stand firm in numbers. Even the powerful Wu people cannot fall behind.

After all, this is not only a battle for the unification of the human race, but also a battle for the revival of the witch race.

However, the reasons for this are not too clear.

"Is it too risky to come out in full force?" Some elders couldn't help asking.

This question did not surprise Chiyou, and he only heard him say slowly, "I know what you mean."

After a pause, he continued: "Out of the nest, there will naturally be concerns about instability in the rear. But this battle is about the general situation of the human race, which is extraordinary. The existences of the saints of the heavens and even the Lord of the Four Tribulations will pay close attention in secret. .Although it is unlikely to interfere in the internal disputes of the human race, if any other race invades the human race during this period, it will definitely be wiped out in the first place."

On the issue of the human race, the most powerful beings in the prehistoric world are surprisingly unanimous. Not to mention the ancestors and even the Lord of the Four Tribulations, even the combined force of several saints is enough to destroy all races in the prehistoric world.

After all, only the human race is the protagonist of the entire prehistoric world, and the real bearer of the fate of the world.

As someone who is above the heavens, the existence of the taboos of the Master with great magical power will never allow any race to hinder the general trend of the unity of the human race.

After hearing this, everyone thought about it for a while, and they all breathed a sigh of relief and felt relieved.

"Since there is no worries, it is naturally the best way to go out." Chi You said.

After a pause, his eyes gradually became sharp, swept over the eighty-one elders, and said, "The eighty-one tribe, how long will it take to gather all the troops?"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone's expressions froze.

After a while of silence, an elder said hesitantly, ".〃About a month."

Chi You glanced at him and said, "Within fifteen days, the entire army must be assembled!"

As the saying goes, soldiers are expensive and fast. Although the Xiong Clan has caught the plague, no one knows how long the plague will last. If the plague is eliminated soon, and the Xiong Clan adjusts quickly, the Jiuli people will suffer a big loss.

Moreover, one rush of vigor and then three times of exhaustion, the soldiers hear the clumsy speed, do not hear the cleverness for a long time, only the movement like the wind, the aggression like the fire, can overcome the enemy and win.

When everyone heard the words, they all had serious faces, and immediately responded: "Yes!"

Chi You said again: "Listen to my orders at that time, choose the time to move the army forward, go straight to the bears, and be sure to defeat the mountains and overwhelm the sea, and win all the way!"


After some deliberation in Jiuli Palace, a specific plan for attacking the Youxiong clan was finally determined. Afterwards, the eighty-one elders returned to each tribe and began to urgently mobilize their troops. There is Bear.

As a result, in the next fifteen days, the entire Jiuli clan was turbulent and turbulent, and the news of the Xiong clan sending troops swept the entire clan instantly.

Some are excited, some are worried. But in general, the Jiuli people, who inherited the blood of the Wu clan and were naturally aggressive, were mostly excited when they learned that the Xiong clan was about to be attacked.

Therefore, although the half-month mobilization of troops is quite urgent, the entire Jiuli tribe has completed the mobilization very well.

The entire Jiuli Clan, nine out of ten, can be described as a massive army, with a murderous aura.

As the commander-in-chief of the entire army, Chi You stood on the high platform north of Jiuli Palace, holding the sword of the monstrous soldier, with a solemn face.

In the silent atmosphere, he waved the sword of the soldier master and shouted: "Send troops!"

Jiuli tribe - send troops! .

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