After Zoro fell to the ground, Brook crawled over using all four limbs.

“Are you okay!!”

“You are bleeding so much!!!”

“If you were a bone, your bones wouldn’t bleed.”

Zombie Ryoma walked forward without looking back,

He still had to deal with Straw Hat Luffy and the others.

Moria asked himself to leave everyone a breath,

so that he could harvest everyone’s shadow.

“Stop making noise!”

Zoro struggled to get up and interrupted Brook’s chattering,

but Brook’s mouth still didn’t stop,

“I’m sorry, this is the first time I’ve seen such a serious injury.”

“After all, I am a bone, and bones don’t bleed.”

“My bones are damaged, just drink milk.”

Zoro called Zombie Ryoma,


“The battle is not over yet.”

Zombie Ryoma looked back at the seriously injured Zoro,

“Your body is already like this,”

“Are you still going to fight?”

“I want to If you want to become a swordsman, you can’t be stupid. ”

Brooke also advised,

“Yeah, you can’t die!”

“If you lose again, you will become a pile of bones like me! ! ”

Zoro stood up tremblingly,

“Your target is Luffy and the others.”

“They are my companions,”

“If you want to get through,”

“You must step over my body.”

Tears flowed from Brook’s skull eyes,

“What an admirable friendship! ! ”

Zombie Ryoma sighed,

It seems that he will not be able to complete Moria’s mission.

“You have already said that,”

“Then if I don’t kill you, it will be disrespectful to you.”

He turned to face Zoro again,

Zoro endured the severe pain all over his body and pulled out the Onitsukasa and Kadō Ichimonji from the scabbard.

Looking at Zoro’s trembling posture,

Zombie Ryoma felt a little pity.

He seemed to sense a connection between him and the other party, but Moria’s orders could control his body. The two men confronted each other again, Zoro gritted his teeth and looked at the other party, this time, he was going to die. Suddenly, a whisper came to his ear, “Zoro, just use a knife.” The moment the voice came out, he got goose bumps all over his body. Although he had not heard this voice for many years, he recognized it at the first time. “Kuina…” “Just use a knife.” The whisper sounded again, as if Kuina was blowing into his ear, “Okay…” Of course he knew which knife Kuina was talking about. He put the ghost back into the scabbard, and held the Wado Ichimonji with both hands on the right. Zombie Ryoma looked at this scene and suddenly seemed to feel something,

“Is it a little different?”

His eyes became serious, and there was a strong flame burning in the eyes of the skeleton.

Zoro looked to his right,

In a trance, he seemed to see,

It seemed to be the shadow of Kuina who had grown up,

She also held the Wado Ichimonji with both hands,

She was smiling at him,

‘Zoro, it’s time to go. ‘

At this moment, Zoro no longer hesitated, rushed forward, and swung the sword,

And Zombie Ryoma also greeted him with Qiu Shui.

“Secret Sword! Slash the Dragon!”

The swords crossed,

The two stood on both sides with their backs to each other.

Brook’s eyes almost popped out,

Although he had no eyes.

Who will win this time?

Zoro knelt on one knee on the ground,

A large mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth, and then his body fell backwards.

Brook’s skull head was hanging low,

So Zoro lost?

Suddenly he heard Zombie Ryoma laughing,

“Hahahaha! Interesting, interesting.”

“This time, I lost.”

“I didn’t expect that I had never lost a hundred years ago, but I would lose to my descendants a hundred years later.”

He turned his head,

“What a great swordsman.”

“What a great sword.”

Although he was a skeleton, his joy could still be felt.

A trace of blue fire ignited from his body, engulfing his whole body in an instant,

Finally, several shadows came out of Zombie Ryoma’s mouth,

One of them floated back into Brook’s mouth.

Brook looked at his feet in surprise,

His shadow was back,

This green-haired swordsman actually beat Zombie Ryoma! !

And Zoro, who was lying on the side, grinned and whispered,

“Sorry, I cheated.”

“After all,”

“There are two of us.”

He saw a shadow in front of him again.The shadow of Kuina appeared again,

squatting on the ground and looking at him curiously.

Sure enough, am I going to die soon?

Kuina also lay down beside Zoro,

grabbing Zoro’s arm.

Zoro remembered a rumor he had heard before,

When a person is dying, he will see those who have died before,

He turned his head to the right and looked at Kuina,

“Sorry, Kuina, I will die before I become the world’s number one swordsman.”

He closed his eyes and shed tears silently,

but it’s not bad to see you again.

Kuina’s voice rang in his ears,

as if she was singing a ballad.

“Zoro, crybaby~”

“More than ten years, no change~”

Zoro’s mouth curled up,

Crybaby is a crybaby.

In Kuina’s gentle voice,

he fell asleep.

It was as if he was having a very long dream.

In the dream, he returned to his childhood,

in the dojo of his master Shimotsuki Kojiro,

and then he kept losing to Kuina,

2001 times.

But for some reason, the grown-up him in the dream still couldn’t beat the grown-up Kuina.

After another failure,

he lay on the floor, listening to Kuina’s nagging voice,

and suddenly felt happy,

such a life seemed pretty good.

He got up,

looked at Kuina’s face,

wanted to listen carefully to what Kuina said.

“You can’t die here.”

“If you die here, you will turn into bones.”

“You are not like me, I have only bones all over my body.”

What bones?

Looking closely,

Kuina’s face turned into the appearance of Brook with a skull and an afro.

Zoro wanted to swear,

I’m almost dead, God won’t let me have a good dream!!!

He woke up from his dream and looked at the chattering Brook,

“Shut up!!”

Brook was also very happy to see Zoro open his eyes,

“I’m glad you’re not dead!”

“I was still thinking how many years it would take you to turn into bones!”

“After all, they are the bones of my savior,”

“I’ll carry them with me!”

Zoro gave up, he couldn’t interrupt Brook’s chatter, he closed his eyes and took a rest.

Brook then said,

“By the way, do you have any impression of the sleeping girl next to you?”

“She was lying next to you just now.”

Hearing this, Zoro suddenly opened his eyes,

looking at his side,

blue-haired Kuina was sleeping soundly with one hand holding his arm,

and talking in her sleep,

“Zoro, you lost again.”

“I am the world’s greatest swordsman.”

So he hasn’t woken up from the dream yet?

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