The carnival atmosphere continued.

Luffy came to Brook again.

This time, it was Brook who took the initiative to ask Luffy,

“Can I join?”

“No problem.”

Others were still surprised why Brook joined so readily.

Everyone on their ship,

Except for Linn who joined without hesitation,

others were more or less entangled.

Brook’s characteristics are in line with Luffy’s habit of choosing partners.

He is a skeleton,

and a musician.

Robin smiled faintly,

“Life is interesting now.”

Nami was a little helpless,

“Why are there so many people like this on our ship? Let’s have a normal person!”

After hearing the two people’s discussion, Lin En came over to remind them,

“I am a normal person!”

Nami sighed,

“Although I want to refute you,”

“But I can’t find the words to refute,”

“It seems that you are really the only normal person on the ship.”

Robin said with a smile,

“Being normal on a ship full of abnormal people,”

“Is it possible that this is abnormal?”

Lin En also touched his chin and thought,

“Then should I become a little abnormal?”

“For example, have some quirks!”

Nami immediately interrupted Lin En’s words,

“Goodbye, you should be normal.”

“If you are not normal, I will worry about the future of this ship.”

The carnival continued for another day,

The Straw Hat Pirates packed up and prepared to leave.

“Finally we can go to Mermaid Island!!”

Sanji’s expression was excited,

“I also want to see Miss Mermaid’s underwear!!”

Brooke’s skull was shaking,

At this time, a pirate who looked knowledgeable stood out from the Tumbling Pirates,

“Mermaids don’t wear underwear.”

Sanji and Brook’s noses were bleeding after hearing this,

They are very similar in this respect.

Robin asked,

“Isn’t the lower body of a mermaid a fish?”

“Of course they can’t wear underwear.”

Lynn thought for a while,

“Maybe the body structure is a little different.”

Mermaids are indeed a strange species,

They can breathe both in water and on land.

Luffy waved his hand,

“Get ready to go!!!”


The Holy Land Marijoa is the headquarters of the World Government, located between the first and second half of the Grand Line, at the top of the Red Earth Continent, and is one of the two ways to reach the New World.

At this time, three unusual people gathered here,

Marshal Sengoku, Vice Admiral Garp, and Tyrant Bear who had just finished the operation.

“Bartholomew Kuma, with your ability, can you still let them escape?”

Marshal Sengoku, who has the highest authority in the navy, is blaming Tyrant Bear.

After all, although it was Bear who executed the order,

it was he who actually had to write the report to fool the upper level.

“The other side still has a combat capability, and this obstacle prevents me from completing the task.”

Hearing Bear’s answer, Sengoku was stunned for a moment,

“In other words, you didn’t let them run away intentionally?”

Sengoku stroked his chin and thought,

If Tyrant Bear didn’t let them run away intentionally, then the matter would be completely different,

They just defeated Moria, one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea,

Moria is not a weak character.

If they still have the ability to continue fighting with another Seven Warlords of the Sea after defeating Moria, then things would be serious.

“Did Lin stop you?”

The mechanical voice of Tyrant Bear answered,


Zhan Guo touched his head,

The bounties of Lin and Luffy are both 300 million,

If there is anyone who can stop Big Bear, it is probably only him.

“He stopped you alone?”


At this moment, Zhan Guo had the urge to write a report,

Both the Navy and the World Government seriously underestimated the combat power of the Straw Hat Pirates.

At the beginning, they set a bounty of 300 million mainly because the Straw Hat Pirates violated the dignity of the World Government,

They burned the flag of the World Government on Judicial Island,

And now it seems that the opponent’s strength level has indeed reached the level of 300 million,

even much higher than 300 million,

because there are two 300 million members in that pirate group.

Seeing his old friend in entanglement and boredom,

Garp’s face became happy,

“Don’t be depressed, I brought new tea!! Hurry up and take out the biscuits!”

Garp interrupted all of Sengoku’s thoughts with one sentence,

“Shut up, Garp!”

Sengoku had no way to deal with his old friend,

The other party was the largest free man in the navy,Even freer than the admiral of the navy,

Although his military rank is only vice admiral,

this vice admiral is not ordinary,

he is the hero of the navy,

and the flag of the navy.

Garp picked his nose,

“Don’t worry~”

“I know what kind of character my grandson Luffy is, he will definitely not go around bragging that he defeated Moria!”

Zhan Guo’s brows were still furrowed,

“Now I can only hope so.”

“But another worry is Lin En,”

“Two incredible people appeared in this pirate group at the same time.”

Garp said indifferently,

“You don’t have to worry about Lin En, he is different from the others.”

Zhan Guo raised his eyebrows,

“Oh, what’s the difference?”

Garp grinned,

“This kid, if the method is right, can be lured to become a navy.”

Zhan Guo was stunned,

“How can a pirate suddenly become a navy?”

“What if he uses this characteristic to do evil?”

“Have you examined his character?”

There are people who have become pirates from the navy,

but there seems to be no precedent for a pirate becoming a navy,

because the moral baseline of ordinary pirates is much lower than that of ordinary navy.

Garp smiled,

“I’m not the only one who thinks so.”

“It was Kuzan who first thought he had a chance to be kidnapped to join the navy.”


On the Sunny,

“Why is it that we defeated Moria but the bounty hasn’t changed!”

Luffy pointed to his bounty which remained unchanged and asked,

Nami sighed while lying on the sun lounger,

“Isn’t it a good thing that the bounty hasn’t increased?”

“The higher the bounty, the more dangerous you are on the sea.”

Robin was reading a book under a parasol and heard Luffy’s words and said,

“Maybe the navy also has reasons for not allowing our bounty to increase.”

She handed the book she had finished reading to Lynn,

exchanging the book she had finished reading with the other.

Lin En said while reading a book,

“Didn’t Tyrant Bear say that this matter cannot be known to others, otherwise the Seven Warlords of the Sea will lose face.”

“So it is impossible to increase your bounty for this matter. This is a matter of face.”

He put all the books he had read on the stool beside him,


‘I’m here. ‘

The small stool began to move slowly towards the study.

Merry was responsible for the classification and management of books in the study area.

Since Merry possessed the Sunny, the Sunny has a high-tech feeling.

As long as you shout Merry’s name on this ship,

The furniture on this ship has become intelligent,

It will help you boil hot water in advance,

Automatically clean the dust on the floor,

There is also danger sensing outside the hull.

The reason why Nami wanted more furniture was that she thought she could give Merry more functions.

The ship that Merry attached to seemed to be attached to more than just this ship.

Speaking of possessed objects, Lin En glanced at Zoro’s sword again.

The soul on the other party’s sword has not come out so far,

But Zoro seems to be more diligent in maintaining the sword recently.

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