Smoker was training in the dojo of the Navy Headquarters, holding a thick cigar.

The war brought together the highest possible combat power in the Navy.

Although his rank was brigadier general, his own strength was still strong.

It was just that he was unable to be promoted because he acted on his own and refused to obey the rules.

While he was training, the navy officers next to him were chatting,

“Do you know the news? About the new major general,”

“Of course I know, the news has been hot these days,”

“I heard that Lin En is the second-ranked pirate among the supernovas.”

“The first one is Luffy, his captain, and his bounty is 10,000 Baileys higher than his.”

“Why did the navy recruit a pirate?”

“I don’t know, this example has never happened, but I heard that Admiral Aokiji authorized it.”

“What is the purpose of recruiting him?”

“Isn’t it to prepare for the war with the Whitebeard Pirates? A pirate with a bounty of more than 300 million will definitely not be weak.”

Hearing this, Smoker couldn’t help but feel annoyed.

He hated pirates very much.

But he didn’t know why Admiral Aokiji pushed Lin En up,

and he was a major general right away,

one level higher than him, who was recently promoted to the commodore of the navy.

Although Lin En was not weak in his eyes, he was just that.

Why did Aokiji make an exception and let a pirate in just because of such a fighting ability?

Just when he was bored,

he suddenly found that many navy officers were rushing to the playground.

“What are you going to do?” he asked casually,

“Of course, we are going to watch the show. The new major general Lin En wants to challenge Admiral Qingzhi.”

The cigarette in Smoker’s mouth fell to the ground.

He had seen Lin En in Rogue Town.

At that time, Lin En pushed him away and ran away.

So in his impression, Lin En should be as strong as him.

But now Lin En wants to challenge the admiral?

Thirty of him may not be able to beat the admiral.

The admiral will be defeated in one move when fighting against his level of fighting ability.

This Lin En loves to show off too much,

And he shows off even though he has no clear understanding of his own strength.

While thinking, Smoker also walked towards the playground.

He wanted to see how many seconds Lin En could hold on.

On the huge playground of the naval exercise,

Two people were standing in the middle of the playground, facing each other,

while the navy watching sat densely in a circle,

Lin En said to them,

“I suggest you sit farther away when watching,”

“We can’t stop fighting when we fight.”

Some navy soldiers listened to Lin En’s words, thought about it and retreated to a farther position,

while some navy soldiers said indifferently,

“Let’s watch from a close distance,”

“If you stand too far away, you can’t see Admiral Qingzhu’s attack,”

“It will only take a moment for Admiral Qingzhi to beat you,”

“How could he not stop fighting?”

“You think too highly of yourself.”

Lin En sighed and looked at Qingzhi after hearing these words,

But Qingzhi said indifferently,

“Don’t worry, I will control it,”

“Even if you can really force me to use my full strength, you don’t have to worry about them,”

“After all, the navy here are all elites,”

“Those who talk a lot usually run fast.”

Smoker stood on the periphery and watched the battle.

Suddenly, someone patted his shoulder.

“Sir, you are here too!”

It was his subordinate Tashigi.

“Are you also interested in this battle?”

“This Lin En is the one who defeated Crocodile last time and was admired by the people of Alabasta.”

“I didn’t expect him to become a navy from a pirate.”

Smoker said to Tashigi helplessly.

“Don’t talk so much. Are you going to watch it or not?”

“While you were talking just now, Lin En was killed in seconds.”

After hearing what Smoker said, Tashigi immediately shifted his sights to the center of the playground, where a human-shaped ice sculpture was standing.

At this time, there was a booing among the navy,

“This guy just told us to stay away.”

“Wasn’t he killed in one second?”

Another navy repeated Lin’s words in a sarcasm,

“Stay away, we can’t stop fighting.”

“This is a joke.”

In the center of the playground,

Aokiji looked at Lin who was frozen into an ice sculpture,

“Come on, don’t tell me you only have this much strength.”

“You know what I want to see.”

The ground of the playground began to shake,



Two sounds appeared on Lin’s ice sculpture,

One was the sound of ice breaking from the outside,

and the other was the sound of the ice melting into water insideThe sound of evaporation again.

A huge fiery red beast burst out of the ice.

A smile appeared on Aokiji’s mouth.

Is this the posture when he defeated Crocodile?

A unique ability that is not a fantasy beast fruit but more terrifying than the fantasy beast fruit.

When he investigated Lin En, the most surprising news was not that he defeated Crocodile,

but that he was not afraid of sea water,

and even swam in the water.

This means that the other party is not a devil fruit ability user,

He is not a devil fruit ability user but has such a magical and powerful ability,

Coupled with a good character,

This is the most potential of Lin En in Aokiji’s eyes.

Seeing the red beast again, Smoker was stunned.

When the other party fought with him, was this goat so huge?

It seems to be much smaller.

The last time he fought Lin En, the monster Lin En turned into was less than 10 meters.

Although it was already very big,

this time, the monster Lin En turned into was three times the size of the previous one.

Is it just a show?

Or has the opponent’s strength increased a lot during this period?

He didn’t know, but at this moment he took back his previous contempt.

What does 30 meters mean?

Big means strong.

The vice admirals of the giants in the navy are basically less than 20 meters.

Even if they don’t have such high combat skills,

they can defeat most opponents with just the suppression of strength and size.

In this state of the opponent,

the strength is indeed worthy of the rank of major general.

At this time, the crowd began to stir.

The reason was that the navy soldiers who were originally sitting in the front row in the spectator seats began to flee backwards frantically.

“Why are you running?”

The disturbed person asked,

“Idiot! Didn’t you see the look in Admiral Aokiji’s eyes?”

“He’s going to use the Ice Age!!”

“You won’t be able to stay in this playground soon. If you don’t want to become an ice sculpture, run quickly.”

The person who spoke was the navy soldier who had mocked Lin En the most.

Aokiji was right.

People who like to be humiliated usually run away quickly,

because those who can’t run fast all die.

Everyone ran out after hearing this.

If the combat power of the admiral level really fights seriously,

the damage caused will be island-level.

This group of people have never seen or heard of the Ice Age.

It is obvious that Aokiji is going to use a big move.

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