He turned his head, and saw the uncomfortable sight of the two people on the platform. Moria understood. What was the matter with the pink coat monster? Did he know him? After thinking for a long time, Lin En still couldn’t figure it out, so he stopped thinking about it. Although he was temporarily targeted, but considering the ability of this group of people, it is estimated that they will focus on him for half a year. The combined firepower is about one eighteenth of Qingzhi. At this time, a loud roar came from the front, “I will smash you navy!!” Little Oz, who broke through the periphery, picked up a warship and smashed it towards the navy at the head of the bay. The navy at the head of the bay fled in all directions when they saw the warship falling from the top of their heads. However, the warship was too large. The size of the navy warship was several times that of the general pirate ship. It was estimated that if it really smashed down, it would still cause large-scale casualties. Lin En jumped up from a horse stance,

Big red horns appeared on his head,

His feet also turned into hooves,

This is his newly developed ability,

Half-sheep form,

Although the basic value of the form of the God of Forging is very high and very powerful,

But there are also disadvantages,

That is, all the moves are open and closed,

Basically, they rely on their strength to crush the opponent,

But if they encounter opponents with better dexterity, it will not be so convenient,

Although the size of Lin En in the half-sheep form is not as huge as the God of Forging,

But the advantage is that his speed will be faster and his flexibility will be better without losing too much power.

“Who is that man with goat horns!!!”

“Why is he rushing towards the warship!!”

“What does he want to do!!”

A navy recognized Lin En’s identity amidst the constant exclamations,

“That’s Major General Lin En!!”

“I’ve seen him fight with Admiral Aokiji! His form is very similar to this time!!!”

“But his size was much bigger at that time!!”

“Is that his new form!!”

“He has two forms: a red half-goat form and a goat-shaped giant beast form!!”

A navy on the other side asked,

“Why not use the red form to fight from the beginning?”

Does bro really think that bro is Tiga?

Lin En didn’t have time to think about these things. His whole body was surrounded by orange-red light.

Liquid wave shadows surged under his feet.

The small red light spot rushed to the bottom of the warship.

He used both hands to hold the falling warship.

The eyes of the navy on the ground were about to pop out,

They stared blankly at everything that happened in the sky,

They even forgot to run away,

But there was no need to run away now,

Because Lin En threw the search warship back to the sea outside the bay,

Originally, he wanted to use the warship to hit Little Oz,

But when he saw other navy officers on the warship, he gave up the idea.

Looking at the warship falling into the sea, Lin En couldn’t help but think,

Marine officers should all be able to swim, right?

He fell to the ground,

And at this time, Little Oz’s fist hit him,

“Don’t stop me from saving Brother Ace!!”

As expected of the low-intelligence demon race,

If everyone wasn’t watching now,

Lin En wanted to open the voice communication,

If you want to save him, go ahead, why are you always talking to me here!

Lin En ran and jumped,

and rushed towards Little Oz’s fist.

When he jumped into the air,

he took out the small hammer in his hand,

and the next moment the small hammer became extremely huge.

Since you have no brain,

then I will take your heart steel.


The sound of a huge heavy object hitting the ground was heard,

Little Oz was hit by Lin En’s hammer and fell back into the sea.

At this time, the navy officers on the side were all ecstatic,

“As expected of Major General Lin En!!”

“Even if the opponent is the descendant of Banguo Oz!! Major General Lin En can repel him with one blow!!”

“Is this the power second only to the admiral!!”

Lin En glanced at Little Oz who was swimming in the sea,

It will take some time for this guy to get ashore,

He put away the hammer in his hand,

Since the fight with Aokiji,

He has reached a new level of control over his own power,

In addition to being able to control the limit of transformation,

The size of the weapon of the God of Forging can also be switched at will.

At this time, Whitebeard at the bay head glanced here,

He also felt something was wrong,

Although what Zhan Guo said was exaggerated,

But the offensive of the right bay head did slow down under the influence of Lin En.

Their plan was to attack on three fronts at the same time,

with the inner bay where the Whitebeard Pirates were located,

and the left and right outer bays where the New World Alliance Pirates were located,

and the three points simultaneously rushed towards the execution platform,

butAlthough the left side has been successfully broken through,

the right side has been unable to attack under the influence of Lin En,

if this continues, the situation on the battlefield will only be more unfavorable to them.

Whitebeard shook his sword,

and shouted with full energy,

“Our goal is to rescue Ace!!”

“Don’t be affected by extra things!!”

This shout awakened the pirates who were attacking Lin En like a demon,

“Yes, we are here to rescue brother Ace.”

“Yes, why are we still here, rush inside!”

After Whitebeard’s shout, the pirates at the right bay head ignored Lin En and rushed to the execution platform.

Lin En sighed,

Finally, this group of people remembered what they were here for,

he was just here to fish,

but it seemed as if he was very important in this battle,

then how could he act?

Smoker touched his chin and said thoughtfully,

“So this is your purpose?”

“Due to the special crescent-shaped terrain of Marinford, the navy must concentrate all high-level combat forces in the inner bay,”

“So most of the vice admirals, the Seven Warlords of the Sea and the three admirals will be the last line of defense in the inner bay,”

“And Whitebeard also knows part of the navy’s strategy, so they only need to put some slightly higher-end combat forces in the outer bay to break through,”

“And you guessed the layout and strategy of the Whitebeard Pirates,”

“Choose to snipe Whitebeard’s mid-to-high-end combat forces here,”

“In this way, the three-line combined offensive will become extremely difficult to carry out under your interference,”

“So you will appear here.”

Hearing Smoker’s words,

Lin En’s mind was full of,


Did I think so much?

He then sighed lightly,

“You finally found me, Smoker.”

“Yes, that’s what I thought.”

Smoker’s eyes narrowed,

He figured it out,

He figured out everything,

including the challenge to Aokiji before,

This man,

He wanted to use this war that could change the times,

to become famous all over the world.

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