Familiar face, familiar voice.

Nami immediately realized that she had to get this man out of here.

According to this man’s character, once he saw the fishmen oppressing humans, he would definitely get involved.

From the first time she met this man until now, she knew that this man was a kind person.

Although he would not say it, he would definitely help those in distress.

In the past days, she had seen this man grit his teeth and take out the bullets from his body with a light on many nights. These bullets were the result of this man’s inexplicable meddling.

“Since it hurts, why do you have to be nosy?”

“I can’t help it, and there are gold coins and experience to brush, how good, with the Doran shield to recover blood, it’s safe.”

Nami didn’t understand these words. She knew that although this man was very smart, she could tell from the emotions revealed in his eyes.

He and Luffy are the same kind of people, but Luffy is a little more stupid.

Lin En gave her the feeling that he would always win and always make the most correct decision.

If it was him, could he defeat Aaron?

But she didn’t dare to gamble, perhaps because Aaron’s impression on her childhood was that he was incomparably powerful, or perhaps because the price of failure was too heavy.

He couldn’t die here,

He would become a very powerful man in the future,

His kindness would save more people in dire straits in this world.

And for her, 100 million Baileys was the safest way to save the village, and she had saved enough money.

“Leave here quickly!” Nami didn’t care about the shame she felt the moment before.

“Don’t be so angry, Nami, I feel like you need my help.”

Seeing Nami suddenly get angry, Lin En was puzzled. Was she angry out of shame?

Oh no, she shouldn’t have talked to her sister about her bedwetting when she was a child, although it was indeed uncommon for a five-year-old to still wet the bed.

“I’m from the Arlong Pirates. With such a powerful Arlong as my backer, I don’t need your help.”

“Your help will only be a burden to me. Don’t meddle in other people’s business, Lin En!”

“I’m no longer a member of the Straw Hat Pirates. From now on, I don’t want to see you for a second!”

“Don’t make things more difficult!!”

Pushing Nami out of the hut.

“Now, hurry to the beach and take Luffy and the others as far as you can!!”

Without waiting for Lin En to say anything, Nami closed the door.


Lin En typed a question mark. Did this woman come to visit her because of her aunt’s aunt? She was so angry.

In the room.

“Are you really okay?” Nokiko looked at Nami, who was silent and bowed her head, and felt the incomparable entanglement in her.

“Wait a minute, come with me to see Aunt Bellemere.” Although Nami’s heart was extremely depressed, her voice was still calm.

Lin En outside the room certainly didn’t leave immediately. He left Nokigo’s hut and prepared to go to the nearby village.

Just at this time, he saw Nami open the door, and he immediately hid in the orange field.

Nami poked her head out and looked around to see if there was anyone nearby. After making sure that Lin En had gone far away, she left the hut with Nokigo.

Lin En, who was hiding in the orange field, quietly followed the two to see what would happen.

Nami was sitting cross-legged next to the small mound outside the village. A gust of wind blew through her hair, and her orange hair floated with her mood.

After persuading Lin En to leave and saving enough money, she only needed to buy the village tomorrow. This would be the happiest day of her life.

“Why did you treat that man just now like that?” Nokigo was puzzled. Since joining the Arlong Pirates, she had never seen Nami lose her temper so much.

“That man doesn’t look like a villain.”

“Of course he’s not a villain.”

Nami shook her head, but the smile on her face didn’t fade.

“He’s a very good person.”

“But that’s why.”

“He needs to leave here.”

Listening to Nami’s relaxed tone, Nokiko was silent. The pressure on her sister has never been small for so many years.

“We have saved up 100 million berries.”

“Everyone in the village will soon live a good life.”

Nami’s tone was very calm, and she once again imagined tomorrow.

At that time, the children of Kokoyasi Village could go out and play at will,

At that time, the adults in Kokoyasi Village didn’t need to worry all day about not being able to pay tribute,

At that time, the people in Kokoyasi Village didn’t have to starve to save money.”If you miss this group of companions, what will happen to your dream?” Nokiko has never forgotten that Nami’s dream is to draw a nautical chart of the world.

Yes, but by then, Luffy and the others will have left.

Do I still have a chance to fulfill my dream?

Shaking his head, he shook out the thoughts in his mind.

“Dreams are not that important.”

Although I still feel lost, there is no such thing as the best of both worlds in this world.

Standing up, Nami left here. She still needs to make plans for tomorrow, which will be the most important day.

“Aren’t you coming out?”

Nokiko did not leave, but looked in the direction behind the bushes.

After a sound of leaves shaking, Lin En came out from behind.

“You heard it too, this is Nami’s idea.”

Lin En heard everything, and it was the first time he saw Nami with such an expression on her face.

When something really happens to you, you can feel the heaviness.

He understands now.

“I hope you respect her ideas, at least don’t interfere now.” Nokigo also left.

Lin En knew that Nami’s idea would not come true, and Aaron certainly would not let this idea come true. When he found out that Nami could draw nautical charts, he planned to enslave Nami for life.

Alas, this group of people really makes people worry.

Lin En lay on the grass, looking at the sky, closing his eyes, feeling calm.

Since both of them said that he still couldn’t open the boss now, it didn’t matter.

Let Nami try it herself first,

It can also allow Zoro to recover for a while.

However, his desire to beat Aaron was getting stronger and stronger.

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