I briefly introduced the situation to Luffy and the others.

The mood of the crowd became high, even Usopp was eager to try with his slingshot in his hand.

Luffy’s eyes were murderous, and he was a little angry.

Joseph and Johnny cried and shouted for Nami.

Sanji couldn’t hide his anger on his face, and Zoro felt that his sword seemed to jump out of the scabbard.

Seeing that the people in the pirate group did not have any grudges because of her departure, Nami still couldn’t help crying.

Women are really made of water, no wonder she was still wetting the bed at the age of five.

Of course, such a heartless word would ruin the atmosphere if it was said now.

In Arlong Paradise.

Arlong was chatting happily with Colonel Mouse, and the two of them were eating delicious food and counting money.

“Squeak, squeak, I’m telling you, you didn’t see the expression on that woman’s face when I took all her money.”

“She wanted to get angry but had to hold it back, she looked like she was about to cry.”

“Oh, that’s a pity, I didn’t see how cute little Nami was, hahahahaha.”

Just then, the closed door flew over and hit the table of the two. Standing at the door was Luffy with his feet raised, and his teammates.

Lin En looked at everyone in front of him with extreme excitement.

He saw that the small white spots on everyone’s body were slowly turning red.

Heart Steel!!!

Zoro’s injuries have almost recovered, and he handed the armor to Lin En.

“Oh, Nami, has she found a reliable partner?”

“It’s really rare, even I dare to resist.”

Aaron stood up and looked at Nami with a sinister laugh.

Nami’s eyes were no longer fearful at this moment, but stared at Aron with anger.

Bounty hunter Johnny couldn’t bear Arlong’s ridicule and rushed over.

“I want to avenge Nami!”

But before he raised his knife and chopped it down, Arlong slapped him away.


Joseph ran in the direction where Johnny fell.

The wrist strength of ordinary fishmen is naturally ten times that of ordinary humans. For Arlong, his strength will only be higher.

“Colonel Mouse, is this the Straw Hat Pirates you mentioned?”

“This doesn’t look good. It seems that your men are really lying to you.”

The cadres of the Fishman Pirates also stood in front and confronted.

Uh, he has said so much, should I say something too?

Lin En thought about it, but the floating Heart Steel in front of him made him envious.

Never mind, no more scolding, scolding when fighting.

Blazing Charge.

Before Luffy and the others reacted, he rushed up and hit each cadre.

Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding!

Because the number of Heart Steel layers was not very high in the early stage, thanks to the strong body of the fishman, they did not suffer much damage.

The people of the fishman pirate group were confused.

No, the straw hat hasn’t spoken yet, why did he rush up? Isn’t the correct process for both sides to make a pre-war declaration first?

Luffy and the others were also confused. They were still thinking about what to say, after all, the opponent had taunted at the beginning, but Lin En rushed up directly.


The mouse colonel was knocked out by the hammer and lost consciousness.

For the last blow, Lin En aimed at Arlong and launched a fierce charge again.

Arlong looked at the people in front of him who took this blow without any reaction, and smiled confidently that he would take this blow to dampen the opponent’s spirit.


Arlong was knocked out and smashed heavily into the huge rock in the courtyard.

“Brother Arlong!”

The younger brothers watched Arlong being knocked out, and their minds were full of disbelief.

The power was not that strong when he hit them just now, why did Brother Arlong get knocked away?

In fact, it was mainly because Lin En used less force to increase the speed when he hit the cadres at the beginning.

When he hit Arlong, he hit him hard with the momentum of rushing forward, and the more the Heart Steel was stacked, the higher the damage.

Pointing the hammer in his hand at the rock covered by smoke, Lin En opened his mouth.

“Come on, you rogue scoundrel from the fishman village, let me see what you can do.”

Captain Tiger of the Sun Pirates is indeed a noble man, but Arlong is just a villain who uses the Sun Pirates to do evil.

Lin En, he just hates such people the most.

“Brother Arlong!!!”

“That guy knocked Brother Arlong away!”

“Asshole, how can he say that about Brother Arlong!”

“I’m going to beat that guy up!”

The cadres rushed towards Lin En.

But he stopped halfway through the charge. Luffy, Zoro, Usopp, and Sanji wereBlock their way forward.

“I won’t let you disturb Lin’s battle!”

“Ah, it seems that I’m underestimated, sexy chef, do you want to make a bet?”

“How about betting on who can kill the opponent the fastest? Green algae head”

“My Lord Usopp has killed 1,800 fishmen, I don’t care about you at all.”

The people of the pirate group also faced their opponents, and the battle was about to start.

On the battlefield in the distance, Joseph and Johnny also fought with the fishmen with the residents of the town.

Although the fishmen were strong, they had no combat IQ, and the villagers’ resistance was effective.

In the smoke, a figure rushed towards Lin with a roar.

“You pissed me off, kid!!”

Aaron opened his mouth wide, revealing sharp teeth one after another, iron teeth!

Most of Arlong’s powerful fighting power comes from his teeth.

A large part of Arlong’s fighting power comes from his special body. His teeth are his killer weapon. With his powerful jaw, he can bite off anyone’s bones.

If the little pirate is bitten like this, he will definitely lose his fighting power on the spot.

“Get out of his way, Linn!!!”

Nami shouted. He had seen Arlong’s teeth. Everything on this island seemed so fragile in front of his iron teeth.

You must not be bitten. If you are bitten, it will be miserable!

But Linn didn’t seem to notice Arlong. When he heard Nami’s voice, he turned his head and looked at Nami, without paying any attention to Arlong’s forward posture.

It’s over.

Seeing that Arlong’s big mouth had wrapped around Linn’s arm, it was only a matter of a moment to bite it.

Nami fell to the ground and felt dizzy.

Is Arlong so invincible?

The fishmen cadres fighting in the distance also saw this scene. They were extremely confident in their boss’s teeth.

“Hahaha, that kid dared to be so careless, now he will lose at least one arm.”

“Boss Along’s iron teeth are invincible!”

“Let him see why the boss’s title is [Sawtooth]!”

Under the gaze of the cadres and Nami, Along’s teeth bit Lin En’s shoulder fiercely.


Along felt something was wrong, and he stepped back suddenly.

He opened his big mouth again, and his teeth were all broken!

“Where did the wild dog come from?”

Lin En showed his magic skills, and Along bit up and then immediately retreated, leaving a pile of tooth fragments on the ground.

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