The Shandia warriors who had finished the battle also gathered here at this time, and their battle with the divine soldiers also came to an end.

When the female warrior Lazi saw Wapa lying on the ground, she immediately came over with an anxious face and helped him up.

“Wapa, how are your injuries?”

“I won’t die.”

After being helped to stand up, Wapa took out another cigarette and lit it.

He turned his head and glanced at the people behind him. Kamaqili, Braham, and Jebao were not seriously injured.

But the ordinary Shandia warriors who arrived here were all injured, and the number was obviously much less than when they came.

Wapa was heavy in his heart and still asked that question: “How are the casualties of your team?”

“Basically everyone was injured, but no one was killed.”

As if she saw Wapa’s doubts, Lazi explained

“Some soldiers are taking care of the seriously injured on the road.”

“That’s good” Wapa felt fortunate in his heart. This may be the battle with the least cost in Shandia in so many years.

Kamaqili stood up:

“It’s strange.”

“Originally our shields couldn’t stop the Slashing Shells of the Divine Soldiers.”

“But suddenly a layer of white film appeared on everyone’s body.”

“Then we found that the Slashing Shells couldn’t cause any damage.”

Jebao also recalled the battle:

“And it seems that there is someone in the sky who has been helping us harass the Divine Soldiers.”

Speaking of the devil, Usopp flew down from the sky on Meow Meow as if he heard someone praising him.

“Hahahaha, that’s all thanks to my uncle Usopp.”

Seeing that Luffy and Enel had gained a huge advantage in the battle, he had nothing to worry about.

Lachi said to Usopp: “Thank you very much for helping the Shandians.”

“No, no, I, the sky warrior Usopp, just like to help others.”

He turned around again and asked Lin En holding the golden pendant:

“Lin En, this thing is so powerful, can I use it next time?”

“I’m overthinking, it’s random.”

“Then can I ride Meow Meow next time?”


“No!!” Usopp screamed.

The great sky warrior Usopp fell on the first day.

There are also Zoro and Sanji who solved the battle.

“Hello, this beautiful lady whose name I don’t know, I’m Sanji,”

Sanji looked at Lachi’s figure and immediately turned around.

Although a little uncomfortable, Lachi still thanked the two.

“Is this the partner you mentioned?”

Wappa asked Lin En, no matter who it was, they helped them solve a lot of troubles.

“Yes, although they look unreliable, they are very capable.”

“They are really great.” Wapa was silent for a long time before saying this, which is enough to show that he is not good at praising people.

Nami and Robin from the expedition team also came over through Chopper’s nose.

“Is everyone okay?” Chopper asked about everyone’s injuries.

Among them, Zoro was injured more, after all, his opponent was not a rookie, but this injury was not serious for him.

“What about you, have you found the Golden Country?” Lin En asked Robin.

“We found it, but we didn’t find the golden bell that Nolando said.”

Robin looked up at the sky. If her judgment was correct, the location of the golden bell was not in the Golden Country, but here.

“Golden Country?” The Shandia warriors who heard this word were a little moved. That place was their hometown in the past.

And soon, they can live there again.

Wapa fell into memories when he heard the golden bell.

In every generation of Shandia warriors, there is one person who inherits the last wish of Calgara 400 years ago.

It is to ring the golden bell to guide the direction of Calgara’s best friend Noland in heaven.

The person who inherits this mission in this generation is himself, and this is also the wish he has fought for many years.

Usopp said happily: “After Luffy defeats Enel, we will find the golden bell and ring it.”

“Let the uncles on the ground know that the Golden Country exists.”

Hearing Usopp’s words, Wappa’s throat was a little dry, and he hurriedly asked Usopp.

“What’s the name of the person you are talking about?”

“Him, his name is Mont Blanc. Kulikate”

Mont Blanc-Kurikate, the descendant of Mont Blanc-Noland,

At this moment Wappa realized that not only himself, but also on the ground 7,000 meters below,

There is also a person who has tried his best for this friendship 400 years ago.

Gan-Fol also woke up from a coma, and he saw Wappa next to him at first sight.

“This is the world after death, Wappa, you are here too.”

“Stinky old man, don’t curse”People.”

Wappa closed his eyes with a sullen face, trying hard to hold back the urge to burst into tears.

“By the way, where is Enelu?”

“Where is Luffy?”

The former was asked by Gan-Fol. He knew that this was not heaven when he saw so many people around.

He was also very curious about what happened during the coma and why Enelu disappeared.

The latter was asked by Zoro. He asked Chopper to bandage Luffy with his eyes, but still couldn’t find him.

“Both of them are up there.”


Enelu laughed wildly on the vines in the air.

A golden ark suddenly emerged from a cave on the ground.

Enelu took advantage of Luffy’s attention being attracted to teleport to the ark and charged the ark with his fruit.

The fully charged golden ark rose, and a large number of thunderclouds emerged from the hole above.

“Ten thousand thunders!!!” ”

Countless lightning bolts gathered into a ball in the sky.

The ball was only the size of a washbasin at first, but it grew at an alarming speed.

By the time everyone realized something was wrong, the ball had become as big as a hill.

Luffy rushed into the ball, trying to find the unstable point inside to destroy it.

But soon he rushed out from the other side of the ball and stared at Enelu.

Enelu still smiled arrogantly, no longer embarrassed.

“Hahahaha, Qinghai people, what if you are not afraid of lightning?”

“Where are your friends?”

“Where is this island?”

“Where is this country?”

Zoro looked up at the sky.

“Hey, is this true? ”

The thunder ball has become as big as the island.

It is no longer getting bigger, but falling slowly and silently towards the island.

Its color has also changed from black to a strange color, covering the entire island.

The sky is full of strange lights, as if the Holy Spirit is showing off its power.

Enel screamed: “This is the divine punishment for this country! ! ! ”

Gan-Fol, Wapa, and Shandia’s warriors stared at the strange phenomenon in the sky in a daze.

Although they fought hard and won, they still couldn’t reap the fruits.

The emotion of unwillingness spread in their hearts,

Wapa’s eyes were bloodshot,

Is it still not working?

Usopp was the first to pick up the surprise,

“Run, everyone.”

“MeeMee can grow bigger, let’s ride MeeMee and leave together! ! ! ”

“This place is going to be destroyed! ! ! ”

Gan-Fol stroked his mount Pierre dejectedly

“Run, Pierre.”

“As the previous leader, I want to stay with all the people of Sky Island.”

The bird that ate the devil fruit did not move, and still leaned against its master.

Wappa shook his head bitterly,

“Home is here.”

“Where can you run to?”

This is the hometown they once lost.

Even if they can leave,

Where can they go?

If they leave,

Will the perseverance of their ancestors and the four hundred years of struggle become a joke?

At this moment, all the residents of Sky Island saw the day of destruction.

The Hidden Cloud Village was silent.

The old chief looked at the statue of Kalgara,

praying that he could protect Shandia from falling.

“I hope Wapa, Lachi, and Linn will return safely. ”

Aisha muttered silently, and threw the remaining land in her hand into the sky.

The chief looked at all this in confusion, he knew that the bag of soil was the treasure of the little girl.

“Lin En told me that I can stand on the land every day in the future.”

“He will keep this promise.”

In the Kingdom of God, it fell into an unparalleled panic.

“That’s thunder and lightning! !”

“Is Lord Enel going to destroy us?”

Conis and his father were silent, waiting for the final outcome.

The huge thunder ball slowly fell, and the peaks that first touched the thunder ball turned into powder in an instant.



The ground began to shake,

faster and faster,

like a strange melody.

Enel laughed wildly:

“Even the earth is shaking for fear of God’s power? ”

The response was Lin En’s calm words.

“No, this is Arpaiado’s unwillingness and anger. “

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