Headquarters of the Navy.

“What?” After the Sengoku, who was processing the documents, received the phone worm, his face changed abruptly, his tone became higher, and he quickly asked. “Are you saying that someone killed Draco in the Chambord Islands?”

“Yes Marshal, at the moment Major General Marcus asked me to ask for the support of the general, it’s not good, Major General Marcus he, he…”

“What’s wrong with him? Make it clear. Sengoku hurriedly asked.

“He’s dead!” A terrified voice came on the phone.

Hearing the sound, the Sengoku’s face turned pale, and the death of a major general of the headquarters was not a small loss, but soon the Warring States spoke. “I know, you guys dragged on, I will immediately let the general rush over.”

After speaking, Sengoku directly hung up the phone worm, and then quickly thought about it.

“The general close to the Chambord Islands, I want to think, let me think.” Sengoku muttered as he walked back and forth, wondering which of the three generals was closest to the Chambord Islands.

But in ten seconds, the Warring States immediately thought of it, and hurriedly picked up the phone worm again and dialed it.

Soon, the phone worm connected, and Sengoku spoke directly. “Akainu, you’re pretty close to the Chambord Islands now, aren’t you?”

“Yes, does the marshal have any orders?” In the telephone worm, a deep voice came, and on the other side, it was the red dog general wearing a red suit and a serious face, one of the highest combat power of the navy.

Sengoku quickly ordered. “There are people in the Chambord Islands who killed Draco, and also killed Major General Marcus of the headquarters, you immediately rushed to support and capture the prisoners.”

“I see.” The red dog nodded, and a cold light immediately flashed in his eyes.

“That group of troublesome Draco, but since you dare to kill Draco, and also kill Major General Motobu, no matter who you are, you can’t be left.” The red dog said coldly and drank directly. “Turn around and head to the Chambord Islands.”

“Yes!” The navigator listened to the order and immediately turned around.


For the matter on the red dog’s side, Qin Feng was not clear.

At this time, Qin Feng was looking at the hundreds of naval soldiers, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Coming to this world, Qin Feng never thought that he would become a navy and just wanted to become a pirate, and the reason was very simple.

Looking at those soldiers, Qin Feng sneered. “That’s why I don’t want to be a navy, even those lowly Draco, the navy has to serve.”

And there is no freedom to speak of, and it will be under the surveillance of the world government, in comparison, pirates are undoubtedly much freer, as long as they are strong enough, they can completely escape on the sea for a lifetime.

“Let’s all die.” Qin Feng said coldly, without thinking more, but directly waved the Yan Ye Saber.

‘Whoosh! ’

‘Whoosh! ’

‘Whoosh! ’

Slashing down one after another, every time Qin Feng’s Yanye Knife swung, there was a sea sword qi emerged, and finally turned into a terrifying slash and slashed directly forward.

‘Boom! ’

Slash to the ground.

One after another explosions sounded, those naval soldiers were almost alive by this slash to be cut apart, lucky only killed by one slash, unlucky will be hit by several slashes at the same time, the corpses are incomplete.

‘Congratulations to the host creation skill: One Knife Flow! Chiba! ’


Hearing this, Qin Feng looked at the slash he sent, which was indeed like one blue feather after another.


Grinning, Qin Feng smiled slowly, and then once again rushed towards the remaining hundred or so naval soldiers.

The pace is constantly shaking.

Qin Feng’s figure strung among the navy soldiers like a ghost, and with his super high reaction power and speed, no navy soldier’s attack could hit Qin Feng.

On the contrary, every time Qin Feng swung the Yan Leaf Saber, it was blood splattered on the spot.

All accompanied by the death of naval soldiers.

‘Congratulations to the host creation skill: Ghost Step! ’

The voice of the system in the head sounded.

Qin Feng did not stop his action because the sound of the system sounded, but continued to attack, but he secretly laughed in his heart. “Sure enough, actual combat is not only a good way to improve proficiency, but also the fastest way to create skills.”


A cold glint appeared in Qin Feng’s eyes.

Then the Yan leaf knife was withdrawn back to his waist.

“Give it all to me, die!!”

Qin Feng shouted coldly.

The voice fell.

Qin Feng’s Yan Ye Knife directly pulled out and slashed forward.

This was Qin Feng’s all-out slash.

A slash, a terrifying slash is emerged, condensed by the sword qi of the sea, as if carrying the vastness of the sea, giving me a feeling of infinity, completely unable to see through and dodge.

‘Congratulations to the host creation skill: One Knife Flow! One cut silence! ’


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