“Let’s go!”

Qin Feng stood up and said directly, turned around and walked towards the outside of the tavern, the muscles had already determined where to go next, then he didn’t want to stay in this place for a long time.

Perona and Naz also immediately followed.

Only the group of shocked pirates remained, this is their most shocking scene, the pirates with a reward of 100 million have never seen them, let alone a reward of 300 million, you can imagine the shock in their hearts.


Coming to the outside of Mogu Town and returning to the pirate ship, Natsu just asked. “Boss, where are we going next?”

“Empty Island.” The corner of Qin Feng’s mouth raised a smile.

“Empty island? Does it really exist? Hearing this, Natsu blinked his eyes and immediately asked excitedly.

“Of course.”

Qin Feng nodded affirmatively, and then shouted directly in his heart. “System, using a one-time teleportation array, the teleportation location is Empty Island, Apayado.”

‘Yes! ’

The sound of the system sounds.

Immediately afterwards, under the pirate ship, a blue magic array suddenly emerged, and in the next second, the entire pirate ship disappeared directly on the sea, including Qin Feng and the three.

And high above the clouds above the Qinghai Sea, there is a sea of clouds called the White Sea, and the entire White Sea is full of clouds, but there are creatures unique to empty islands swimming in it.

Hundreds of years ago, part of Gaya Island was washed up on the empty island by rising currents and became Apayado, and on Apayado, there is a golden township.

This was the purpose of Qin Feng’s trip.

On the white sea, next to Apayado, a pirate ship appeared out of thin air.

“Here it is.” Qin Feng opened his eyes and looked at the surrounding environment and muttered, soon he saw an island next to him, there was no doubt that this was Apayado.

“Boss, where is this?” Natsu looked around in amazement, how could he be so good that he appeared in this strange place?

And Perona too.

Qin Feng explained with a smile. “This is an empty island.”

“Oh ho luo, this is an empty island, it’s so beautiful.” Perona floated into the air and laughed, admiring her surroundings.

Natsu was also lying on the bow of the boat, excited.

“Okay, don’t look, we have something to do here.” Qin Feng reminded and jumped directly off the ship to the island.

Seeing this, Natsu and Perona also came down.

“Boss, what are we doing here?” Natsu walked to Qin Feng’s side and asked.

Hearing this, Qin Feng was about to answer, but then he laughed. “I’ll talk about it later, someone is coming.”

In Qin Feng’s domineering perception, there was a person who was coming to the sky above them at an extremely fast speed, almost comparable to the speed of a flash fruit.

Qin Feng suddenly looked up.

Sure enough, at this time, I saw a man with a shirtless upper body floating in mid-air, with a golden drum behind him. Holding a golden stick in his hand, with two large earlobes, and a white turban, thunder and lightning raged around his body.


Seeing that person, Qin Feng immediately recognized it.

Anilu’s domineering appearance is not very familiar, but with the power grid, it is extremely terrifying, almost the entire empty island is under his domineering attention, so Qin Feng’s voice was also heard by him.

Suddenly landed in front of Qin Feng and was surprised. “Huh, you know me?”

“Of course.”

Qin Feng nodded with a smile, and immediately said. “I came here for two things, one of which is for you.”

“For me?”

Anilu tilted his head and looked at Qin Feng strangely. “What are you doing for me?”

“Come to you, be my partner.” Qin Feng said seriously.


“That’s right.”

Qin Feng said. “We are a group of pirates from Qinghai below, and we invite you to become a member of our ship and become our partner.”

Hearing Qin Feng’s voice, Anilu immediately understood the meaning.

But then came laughter. “Boy, hahahaha, I am a god, how can God be partners with you civilians? You’re daydreaming. ”

“God?” The corner of Qin Feng’s mouth raised a smile, looked at Anilu, and said slowly. “How do you know you’re a god?”

“Because I am powerful, comparable to a god!”

Anilu said arrogantly, and with a wave of his hand, thunder and lightning raged wildly.

Indeed, Anilu’s fruit abilities are terrifying.

It is not surprising that there is such arrogance.

But Qin Feng slowly pulled out the Yan Ye Dao, pointed the tip of the knife at Anilu, and said slowly. “What if, I’m stronger than you?”


Collectible, flowers, tip, support.

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