Marshal’s office.

“What’s going on?” The Sengoku, who was processing the documents, couldn’t help but ask when he heard the sound of sirens coming from outside.

Just then, a man with fluffy hair and a slender body walked in and said lazily. “A pirate ship didn’t know why it suddenly appeared in the port, that’s why it was like this.”

“Pirate ship?” Hearing this, Warring States frowned and quickly asked. “Who is it? Four emperors? ”

If it is the Four Emperors, then the Navy Headquarters is estimated to suffer today, after all, the Red Dog and the Yellow Ape were sent by him to the New World because of some things, and Karp is in the East China Sea, and now the high combat power of the Navy Headquarters can be said to be only him and the green pheasant.

“No, it’s just a 300 million pirates.” The man, that is, the green pheasant, shook his head and said. “It seems to be the Qin Feng who killed the Draco and Moonlight Moria before.”

“Him?!” The appearance of Qin Feng suddenly appeared in the mind of the Warring States, and he was stunned and a little stunned. He didn’t understand at all why this person appeared in the port of the headquarters of the Navy, wasn’t this looking for death?

Even if two of the admirals are not there, in the eyes of the Warring States, killing this Qin Feng is an easy thing.

After thinking about it, Sengoku said to the man in front of him. “Forget it, pheasant, you go to the port and watch, to avoid accidents.”

“Okay.” The green pheasant shrugged indifferently and turned to leave the office.


For these Qin Feng did not know.

At this time, the port is here.

Shells are bombarding the pirate ship, basically as long as the pirate ship is broken, then the people on board are estimated to die here, after all, once the pirate ship is broken, all they are left to swim to the port to fight the navy, or drown alive.

Qin Feng naturally couldn’t see this happening, and directly waved the Yan Ye Saber.

“One knife flow!”


Sword Qi emerged.

Qin Feng violently swung the Yan Ye Saber and kept slashing, and one after another sword qi formed a feather-like slash, which immediately flew out.

Collide with those shells.

The sound of ‘boom’ sounded directly, and those shells exploded in midair.

“Naz, Yang Fan, see if you can get out of here.” Qin Feng turned his head and said immediately to Natsu behind him.

“Good.” Natsu nodded and immediately began to prepare to steer the ship and leave here. But soon, Natsu’s voice came. “Boss, I think it is difficult for us to leave, and if we want to leave here, we can only go through the gate of justice, otherwise we can’t leave.”

“The Gate of Justice?” Hearing Natsu’s words, Qin Feng remembered that the Navy Headquarters and the three islands of the Undersea Prison and Justice Island all have the existence of the Gate of Justice, and the Gate of Justice is surrounded by the vortex of sea currents, and the only way to leave is through the Gate of Justice.

“Hey.” Thinking of this, Qin Feng couldn’t help but shake his head and smile bitterly.

It seems that there are only two options now.

Either they were caught by the navy and entered the city, or, they fought all the way out.

“It looks like I have to choose the second option.” Qin Feng muttered, raised his head and looked at the edge of the port, and then his pupils shrank abruptly, and he saw that on the port, a man in a blue and white suit was walking out.

Men have fluffy hair.

Qin Feng recognized it at once.

It is precisely the green pheasant of the three admirals of the Navy.

I saw the green pheasant stretch out his hand and put it on the surface of the sea, and then an icicle condensed in his palm and made contact with the sea surface.

Followed by.

‘Ice Age!!’ ’

The voice of the green pheasant suddenly sounded.

This sea area actually began to freeze in an instant, and the sea surface was all frozen, forming a thick layer of ice.

“Go, capture them alive.” The green pheasant lazily ordered to the group of navies beside him, because he remembered that he still had to catch them to give an explanation to the Draco, so the green pheasant would order to be captured alive.


Lieutenant General Ghost Spider nodded, immediately waved his right hand, and roared. “Go, let me capture the pirates alive on that pirate ship.”


The navy obeyed the order, stepped on the ice one by one, and rushed towards the pirate ship.

At this time, because of the ice age of the pheasant, the sea surface was all frozen and could not move at all.

Seeing the arrival of those navies again, Qin Feng shook his head and said directly. “Hey, guys, it seems that now, we can only fight.”

“Then fight!” Natsu immediately clenched his fists and replied.

Anilu did not speak, but sneered, waved the golden stick, and the thunder and lightning began to rage.


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