Bang bang.

At this time, there was a knock on the door of the box, and Natsu heard the sound and stepped forward to open the door.

First of all, a staff member wearing a black suit and auction came in, bent down and respectfully said: “Sir, this is your slave, if there is nothing wrong, I will go down first.” ”

Saying that, the staff brought in the person Qin Feng had purchased, and retreated after getting the promise.

“Ouch, how is it you brat.”

As soon as Lei Li came in, his face showed a hint of stunned after seeing Qin Feng.

Then Renly found a place to do it, picked up a drink on the table with his shackled arm and drank it.

At the same time, he shook the shackles on his body and quipped: “Qin Feng boy, don’t you let go of this old man for me?” ”

Looking at Reilly, who teased himself, Qin Feng smiled and said; “Mr. Renly, if this thing can also trap you, then I wonder if I bought a fake Mr. Renly.”

Qin Fengtong replied to Renly’s words in a joking way, and at the same time bit the word ‘buy’ very hard.

“Ahhh This this….”

Renly touched his head with some embarrassment when he heard this, and then a click sounded, and several shackles on Renly’s body fell to the ground.

Looking at Qin Feng, he said with some helplessness: “It seems that my old man is really old, can it be that even the fake one jumped out.” ”

Facing some self-deprecating Renly, Qin Feng just smiled.

At this time, Renly suddenly looked up and said, “What are you going to do next?” ”

He also saw the news of Qin Feng’s troubles at the headquarters of the navy, and now it has not been long since he swaggered to the Chambord Islands, thinking of this, Reilly felt that he couldn’t see through Qin Feng for the first time.

“Mr. Reilly, speaking of things, I really have a point, do you know where there is Treasure Tree Adam?”

Qin Feng got up and asked.

“Treasure Tree Adam?”

Renly touched his chin and said with a deep groan: “This thing should be available at this auction, regardless of whether it is used for shipbuilding, I am afraid it will not be enough.” ”

“Not enough?”

“Well.” Reilly nodded, at this time he obviously understood Qin Feng’s purpose, but then Reilly looked up and smiled: “But you don’t have to worry, when I followed the captain, I left a piece where your Aunt Xia was, I think it should be almost the same when two pieces are added together.” ”

“That’s good.”

Hearing this, Qin Feng’s heart relaxed slightly.

And just when he was about to say something.

The host who presided over the auction first bragged below, and then sold a pass, just as the treasure tree Adam mentioned by Renly appeared.

It’s just that the initial price was an expensive 300 million Bailey, which ordered many people to abandon Adam’s auction.

Although there were many pirates in the crowd present, between Devil Fruit and Adam, they obviously chose the former, and if they could leave a piece of money to auction Devil Fruit, they would definitely not waste more than one.

After all, the Devil Fruit is something that can change their fate!

So the people bidding below are at most some nobles who want to collect Adam.

Therefore, when Qin Feng was bidding, he easily won it with a price of 400 million.

What Qin Feng didn’t know was that the moment he took Adam.

There are many people who have set their eyes on him secretly, although he is in the fifth layer, as long as it is not a Draco, it gives some daring people a glimmer of hope, and don’t forget that although the fifth layer has a noble status, there are not only Qin Feng and them in one box, and in the ten boxes on the fifth layer, in addition to Qin Feng and others, there are people in three boxes.

The auction continues.

The headquarters of the Navy not far from the Chambord Islands.

“Damn, that guy actually showed up in the Chambord Islands!”

The Sengoku in the marshal’s office gritted his teeth, listening to the report of his subordinates, he couldn’t help but smash a punch on the desk.

According to the ship docked in the Shambord Islands, at this time the Warring States had determined that Qin Feng appeared in the Chambordi Islands.

And what made him angry was that he didn’t even know when the other party came up, could it be that the scouts under him were all a group of rice buckets?

And the Chambord Islands are so big, where does he go to find someone? In case of another Draco’s death…


As soon as he thought of this, the Warring States felt a burst of fire.

Immediately, after Sengoku felt the seriousness of this matter, he ordered the red dog and the yellow ape to dispatch at the same time to block the entire Chambord Islands.

Even if you can’t find someone, you can’t allow the other party to leave easily!

Last time, the other party disgraced the navy, this time, he must use this guy to tell the whole world, the navy, is absolute justice! Will not spare any pirates who dare to provoke the majesty of the Navy!

The other side.

The hot auction is coming to an end.

At this time, the person presiding over the auction was just about to announce the next auction item when a strong man in a black suit came up and said something in his ear.

Then I saw a flash of excitement on the host’s face, and then he excitedly shouted: “Gentlemen, ladies, good news has appeared, that is, according to the request of the auctioneer just now, our original box-pressing items, the original three Devil Fruits are ready to be combined for auction!” And the auction below! It’s these three devil fruits! ”

Saying that, he deliberately accentuated the four words of Devil Fruit.

At the same time, three blondes came up in the dark next to them, one of them holding a glass cover in both hands, through the glass cover you can clearly see the devil fruit full of strange patterns inside, and at the same time, more than a dozen strong men in black who are not weak came up, it seems that they are used to protect the devil fruit so as not to find any changes.

At this time, the host excitedly shouted again: “The auction of the Devil Fruit has officially begun!” ”

“Because this is a merger of three coins, the auction price is 500 million Bailey! Each markup must not be less than 100 million! ”

Suddenly, a fierce-looking Hu Dahan in the crowd below stood up and said, “600 million!” ”

“Six hundred million? Lao Tzu out of 800 million! ”

“Cluck, a bunch of garbage pirates, the old lady gives a billion.”

The fat woman who had previously held her face with a fan said with disdain on her face.

The auction was going on, and many people below were also scolding, after all, the money they prepared was only enough for a devil fruit, and this sudden change really made them not react.

At this time, a moment after the fat woman’s voice fell, an eagle hook-nosed man in the fifth floor box got up and said disdainfully: “These three devil fruits our Derock family wants, 1.5 billion!” ”

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