At this time, on a blue sea, the hot summer sea breeze continues to blow in the face.

“It should be almost.”

Qin Feng got up and stood on the pirate ship built by the treasure tree Adam.

In one hand he held the design drawing of the ancient weapon Hades, and on the other side, he took out a blue card from his pocket.

‘Perfect Special Retrofit Card’

This is the card that Qin Feng obtained using the mysterious creation in the Chambord Islands.

Able to perfectly transform the structure of the ship under him according to a certain scale on the design drawings.

“Do you use a special modification card?”

The moment Qin Feng picked up the card, some cold voices sounded from the system.

“Yes.” Qin Feng nodded without the slightest hesitation.

Then, I saw countless blue intertwined rays flying out from the card, passing through the Hades design drawing, and then merging towards the pirate ship under him.

At this moment, the pirate ship swayed a little.

Qin Feng could obviously feel that the interior of this pirate ship was constantly being transformed, and this vibration made Perona grab Qin Feng to stabilize his figure, while Natsu and the others were also grasping the pole and other places.

Fortunately, the shaking did not last long, and it stopped after a moment.

In addition to the internal transformation of this pirate ship, the appearance of the outside has also changed greatly.

At this time, this pirate ship was composed of dark colors, and the bow was a void dark purple unicorn head, and the overall appearance was a little hideous, like ancient creatures, but Qin Feng did not care about this.

He pays more attention to the abilities of this perfectly modified scaled-down version of Hades than on its appearance.

Then the pirate ship below began to travel under the control of the fourth undead, the fourth is the ability to multiply the fruit, and like No. 1 and No. 2, they were once legendary-level sea pirates!

I’m afraid that using a legendary-level pirate to be the person who operates the pirate ship, the only Qin Feng in the world, after all, it is a legendary-level pirate, basically except for the four emperors, any pirate force is enshrined like an ancestor.

Under the control of No. 4, this pirate ship is very fast, and after a perfect modification, the speed has more than doubled.

Qin Feng also gave the ship a name by the way, Lingjiao.

After a perfect modification, the Lingling was extremely fast, and it took less than an hour to reach the Chambordi Islands.

As we all know, there are only two routes into the New World, one of which is the exclusive route for the world government, which is almost impossible to pass.

The other is Fishman Island, which is located 10,000 meters below the seabed!

From there, you can cross the Red Earth Continent and reach the new world, known as the Great Shipping Route!

Qin Feng’s purpose in coming here was simple, to find Rayleigh Coating.

Renly was very fast, and after Qin Feng found him, he began to coat the Ling.

During this period, Xia Qi also talked with Qin Feng from time to time, and finally about an hour passed.

Reilly subconsciously wiped his forehead, looking at the Ling Jiao who was wrapped in a transparent bubble in front of him, and his face showed a hint of satisfaction.

The coating is complete.

Then Qin Feng said goodbye to Reilly.

With Perona, Naz and the others, they began to drive the Lingyu towards Fishman Island, which is located 20,000 meters under the sea.

The icy blue water, this was Qin Feng’s first feeling after entering the sea, and then with the dive of the Lingjie, groups of strangely shaped fish began to appear in Qin Feng’s sight.

Perona held Qin Feng’s arm a little excited, looking at the fish she had never seen before, some red, some colored, some glowing fish, and even some fish shaped like stones.

On the other side, Natsu and Anilu looked at the fish swimming by one and couldn’t help but let out a few sighs of admiration.

After all, these two dry ducks have never seen so many types of fish.

However, as the Override dive, the light gradually began to darken.

About eight kilometers down to the bottom of the sea, the sea began to swim through sea kings, Qin Feng could vaguely see a huge and glowing tree, this tree is huge beyond human imagination.

At the same time, seeing this, the corners of Qin Feng’s mouth hooked, this tree should be the Yang tree that provides the light source for Fishman Island, Eve.

In other words, they are about to arrive at Fishman Island.

“Oni-chan? What is that!? ”

Perona, who was holding Qin Feng’s arm, pointed to the scarlet pupils that suddenly appeared on the bottom of the sea in the distance, where the light was somewhat dim and said.

“This is?”

Qin Feng let out a lifetime chuckle, and before he could make a move, he saw two huge brown tentacles like octopuses suddenly stretching out from the dim seabed!

Swirling the sea water towards Qin Feng’s boat!

“Ahaha! I didn’t expect to meet a damn human! Kuraken! Give Lao Tzu to destroy them! Hahaha! ”

The sound of maniacal laughter was transmitting, and a pirate ship with the fishman logo sailed out from the dimly lit seabed, and there were several excited fishmen on it, looking at a large octopus that gradually appeared, thousands of meters in size, and shouted excitedly.

At the same time, they were still holding large red pills in their hands.

The huge pupils turned scarlet, and the thousand-meter octopus full of tyranny waved its tentacles, stirring the tentacles of the sea water and dancing wildly.

“Captain, this kind of little one, please leave it to me.”

No. 1 stood at the bow of the ship, with a hint of horror at the corner of his mouth, and said with a battle.

“Go ahead.”

Qin Feng nodded.

Here is the bottom of the sea, and he uses a knife, so it cannot be used in this case of a ship membrane, similarly, the water of Anilu conducts electricity and cannot be used, as for Natsu … Well, it is estimated that the fire flew out, so let the water pressure engulf it.

At this time, No. 1 stepped forward and faced the huge tentacles that swept the seawater, and the corners of his mouth cracked.

“Aquaman? The old man hadn’t seen him for a long time. ”

With a word to himself, No. 1’s whole body was wrapped in a rolling hurricane, and the cyan pattern on his undead body lit up for a while.

Arm out at this moment!

“Super Giant Sea Spout!”


The sound falls!


A hurricane tearing force swept tens of millions of tons of seawater!

Kuraken’s tentacles, known as the legendary North Sea Giant Demon, were cut off in an instant!

The swirling sea tornado was not finished, and it rolled up in front of the terrified fishman!

Engulf them in an instant!


Fishman Island.

Inside Fishman Island, which is mostly composed of colored corals.

Mermaid Cafe.


Accompanied by a crisp shattering sound.

A crystal ball shattered in Xia Li’s hand!

“This, how is this possible!?”

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