“Arrogance comes at a price!”

Hearing Qin Feng’s words, Morikawa suddenly roared, without the slightest hesitation, continued to attack, clenched his fist in his right hand, and smashed into Qin Feng’s brain door with powerful force, and his fist also carried a whistling wind, this is a pirate with good physical skills.

Seeing this, Qin Feng raised his sword again to block in front of him.

‘Block! ’

With a ‘bang’, Morikawa slammed his fist on the sword, making a sound.

And immediately afterwards, Qin Feng suddenly used his strength to bounce Morikawa Fist away, and then violently counterattacked. “One knife flow! Draw the knife and chop! ”

The words fell.

Qin Feng withdrew the iron sword into his waist at an extremely fast speed, and in the next second, he directly bent down and took the posture of drawing the sword.

This series of actions takes no more than three seconds.

And immediately afterwards, Qin Feng’s gaze became sharp, extremely sharp, a cold light streaked through, the iron sword on Qin Feng’s waist was quickly pulled out at an extremely fast speed, with powerful strength and accompanied by sword qi, and slashed forward fiercely at a speed that was invisible to ordinary people’s naked eyes.


At this moment, Morikawa opened his eyes wide, and his tone was filled with disbelief.

He felt a deadly breath.

In the next second, he felt a pain in his neck, raised his hand to wipe it on his neck, and his hand was stained with red blood.

With a thick unwillingness, Morikawa slowly fell to the ground.

And Qin Feng also withdrew the iron sword, exhaled a breath, pulling out the sword is his most powerful move, but also the strongest consumption of physical strength, after using it once, Qin Feng immediately felt that his physical strength was consumed a lot.

On the other side, Sende’s face was full of consternation at this time, followed by anger, and the roaring flames burned directly in his eyes.


“Bastard, you actually killed Morikawa!! I want you to die!! ”

Sende roared angrily, his eyes became red, and he rushed towards Qin Feng, and there was a flame burning in Xiong’s mouth, making it difficult for him to calm down. That was his younger brother, just now he let Morikawa fight against Qin Feng because he wanted to test Qin Feng’s strength, but where did he think that he couldn’t take a few faces, Morikawa actually died! ! !

“Don’t worry, I also want your head.” Qin Feng said with a smile, facing the angry Sende without the slightest panic or the like.

If he can’t even solve a pirate with a reward of 10 or 20 million, then how can he become the strongest in this One Piece world?

Might as well commit suicide.

“Come on!”

Qin Feng pulled out his iron sword again and pointed it at Sende.

“Arrogant, I will sacrifice your life to Morikawa !!” Sende said angrily, and rushed towards Qin Feng, the speed was very fast, much faster than Senchuan, and in the blink of an eye, he came to Qin Feng’s face, and smashed a punch towards Qin Feng.

‘Block! ’

With a low snort, Qin Feng suddenly raised his sword to block the attack.

“What a strong force!!”

The powerful power on the sword body came, so that Qin Feng couldn’t help but secretly exclaim, and his footsteps moved back a short bit.

This also made Qin Feng clear about Sende’s situation, which should be a powerful pirate in terms of strength.

“But… Still useless. The corners of Qin Feng’s mouth raised, even so, he had a way to deal with it.

“Give me death!!” Sende roared angrily, and slammed another punch over.

Seeing this, Qin Feng secretly said ‘accelerate’, and immediately felt that his body was much lighter, and quickly dodged, dodging Sende’s attack and appearing on Sende’s right side.

Immediately afterwards, Qin Feng directly swung his iron sword and slashed at Sende.


Caught off guard, a wound was directly cut out above Sende’s waist, and blood kept leaking out.


Sende took a breath of cold air, and his face became a little pale, but looking at the ground on the side, his brother’s lying corpse couldn’t help but get angry again, and his anger rose directly.

“Either you die today or I die!!”

Sende roared, ignoring the wound on his waist, and continued to rush towards Qin Feng, jumping sharply with his hands in fists, and the fists formed by the two hands together smashed down fiercely.

Seeing this, Qin Feng almost did not have the slightest hesitation, quickly dodged away, and appeared in the distance.

And where he was standing just now, there was a ‘boom’, which was shattered by Sende’s blow.

Seeing this, Qin Feng also took the pose of drawing the knife.

Now he doesn’t have many skills, and the only thing that can solve Sende is to draw a knife and chop.

Other skills may not be able to kill Sende in seconds when used, so it is better not to use them, and it is a waste of physical strength to use!


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