Where is the hard shell tower is White Star’s last shelter now, if something goes wrong there, even if he doesn’t use others, he himself will not forgive himself.

Immediately, Neptune rushed with the soldiers of Dragon Palace City towards the hard-shell tower.

Seeing this, Qin Feng also gave up the so-called visit to the Dragon Palace for the time being, just as he took this opportunity to meet the White Star, who had one of the three major weapons, the ability of Sea King Poseidon.

Now I guess it’s a ‘giant’ little loli.

Bang! Boom! Boom!

The anxious Neptune was fast, and Qin Feng also came to the hard shell tower.

However, the situation is somewhat unoptimistic, first of all, the continuous collision and cutting sound are eye-catching.

Secondly, following the sound, I saw that the huge hard-shell tower was constantly attacked by various weapons such as an axe flying from nowhere.

Huge sounds with cutting sparks flickering in the void.

Underneath the hard-shell tower was a group of gritted Dragon Palace soldiers, apparently angry at this attack that flew in from nowhere.

But this is all secondary, the most important thing is that the hard-shell tower has obviously appeared one after another cutting marks under the attack of the constantly flying axe and other weapons, and at the same time, these traces are still spreading, expanding, and even the hard-shell tower has faintly wavered.

“Ni, Your Majesty Neptune .”

Angry eyes looked at the weapons flying from the void, and then when these Dragon Palace soldiers found Neptune and saluted respectfully.

Gritting his teeth, Neptune looked anxious, and he sighed.

“Can’t the hard shell tower hold on?”

When the Dragon Palace soldiers heard this, they clenched their fists, they had the heart to protect, but they were a little helpless in the face of this attack that they didn’t know where to come from.

At this time, abruptly!


With a loud noise, rubble and dust flew away, and I saw that a huge crack that was constantly spreading appeared in the hard shell tower!

“Not good!”

Seeing this, Neptune tightened his heart!

And at this time, several huge axes flew again from the distant sky!

Neptune turned his head and his face changed, his pupils shrank suddenly, and a flash of shock flashed.

This distance…

Too late!

However, in everyone’s hearts, Qin Feng moved!

The arm instantly slashed forward, and a long knife with a demon purple pattern followed.

The sword flashed.


The swirling giant axe slammed into the void, and then suddenly separated! With a thud, it shattered into several pieces and fell heavily on the ground below, waving a puff of dust and smoke.


Seeing this, Neptune and the left minister under him, whose body was a little stiff, the huge stone that suddenly rose in the hearts of the soldiers of Dragon Palace City fell, and they breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, looking at the volume of those giant axes, if this falls on the hard-shell tower, it will not directly destroy the hard-shell tower.

Then they looked at Qin Feng with a trace of gratitude and respect in their eyes.

No matter what Qin Feng’s purpose was, being able to make a move in the crisis situation just now was already a great favor to their merfolk clan.

And only Neptune knows that White Star is not just a simple fishman princess.



A super ship named Noah is located above Fishman Island, pulled by huge chains!

An angry fishman is constantly stepping on the deck on four legs.

“Damn bastards! Who the hell! Actually stopped Benda/Ye from expressing Benda/Ye’s love for my beloved White Star! Damn!! Bastard!!! ”

This person wears a light yellow/colored top hat, upturned hair and beard, and a necklace on his body, which is the almost perverted Vander Deken in the original book.

He felt that his attack was being blocked, so instead of attacking, he threw the axe he was about to throw on Noah’s deck, and roared angrily.

After roaring for a while, Van der Deken’s face turned hideous, and while letting out a low roar, he turned and walked towards a wooden box next to him.

“No one can stop Ben Da/Ye’s love for starfish! No matter who it is! Give it all to Ben Da/Ye to die! ”

Constantly talking to himself, he walked over to the wooden box and opened it with his hand.

I saw a giant axe more than seven meters long lying inside!

Meanwhile, at the time when Van der Deken went crazy.

The other side.

Inside the monocoque tower.

Neptune asked the Dragon Palace soldiers to hurry up to repair the hard-shell tower while Van der Deken was not attacking.

He went in and glanced at Bai Xing, and found that there was nothing wrong, but he was slightly frightened and relieved.

At the same time, Qin Feng asked Natsu and Anilu to wait outside.

He also entered the hard-shell tower.

The first thing that catches your eye is a ‘giant’ mermaid little loli, although a little green, she should be about twelve or thirteen years old.

This loli wears a pink fish-shaped hair ornament, a beautiful pink striped fishtail that covers a slightly childish/tender delicate baby face, and she has wavy and flowing waist-length pink red hair.

At this time, the indescribably cute and beautiful face was looking at him curiously with a pair of watery sea blue eyes.

However, after Qin Feng looked at this loli, she instantly turned her head shyly.

Turning his head, White Star said to Neptune “Father, is he…?” ”

The voice was a little timid, which matched Bai Xing’s shy personality very well, perhaps it was the first time she saw outsiders in the hard shell tower, so while speaking, Bai Xing was a little timid to cover herself.

Neptune turned his head to look at Qin Feng, his face changed slightly, and then he seemed to have made some decision, and said gently to Bai Xing: “He may be the one who protects you in the future.” ”

“Well? Are you sure? Father-sama? ”

Bai Xing’s childish/tender face was a little confused, could it be that Lord Father planned to let her go out of the hard shell tower?

Neptune nodded: “Well. ”

The head was a little confused under this news, and after a while, Bai Xing’s jade-like doll face brought a slight red.

“And what’s the name of this adult?”

“Qin Feng…”


Qin Feng listened to the conversation between the father and daughter on the side, and at the same time could clearly see whether Bai Xing was looking at him, but immediately turned his head shyly.

This seems a little wrong…

Listening to Neptune this tone, it seems to sell the white star to himself.

Although he doesn’t mind having an extra mermaid loli on the boat, Bai Xing’s size far beyond the other mermaids is not a small problem.

Then Qin Feng almost didn’t speak, like a little confused and simple white star was sold by Neptune to Qin Feng.

And Qin Feng also unknowingly added a loli mermaid, and this mermaid loli is also known as one of the three major weapons in ancient times! Poseidon!

Well, for ancient weapons, counting the Lingjiao, before you know it, he is already two out of three.

However, Qin Feng looked at the white star in front of him who identified himself, and he couldn’t help but exhale in his heart.

The plot of this god meow is also too fast!

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