
For the legendary creatures that symbolize destruction and evil, even if they are located on Fishman Island 10,000 meters below the seabed, they have heard a little.

But why is it here?

And why has that look never been seen before?

The entire Fishman Island was shaken because of the undead wind wing divine dragon incarnated by Qin Feng’s second incarnation.

The reason is simple, before knowing the purpose of this legendary creature, people tend to think about the bad first.

And this time.

The hideous burning bone wings vibrate, and the body of the Hidden Sun Dragon rushes straight into the sky like a sharp sword, flying towards the Noah, which was hung above Fishman Island by rusty chains.

On board the Noah.


Vander Deacon crouched on the bow of the Noah, panting continuously. , and at the same time wiped the sweat on his forehead, and the corners of his mouth showed a trace of hideousness.

“Hehe, no matter who it is, can’t stop Honda/Ye’s love for Bai Xing! Give everything to Ben Da/Ye to die! Hey hahaha! ”

Constantly laughing maniacally, Van der Deken looked at the boxes behind him that were dragged out by him containing various weapons, including large wooden boxes with axes.

After a pause, Van der Deken got up and picked up an axe, licked/licked his lips, and stood at Noah’s bow, he glanced at the Fishman Island below, flashed a trace of hideousness, and laughed maniacally.

“Let’s all die for Ben Da/Ye! Hey hahaha! ”

Saying that, Van der Deken waved his arm and prepared to throw the axe!



Suddenly, a dragon roar sounded! The deafening shock made his ears buzz.

Van der Deiken was startled for a moment, and crouched on the brown deck of Noah’s bow.

“How, what’s going on!?”

At first, he was a little alarmed, but his face became angry.

This Noah had already been considered a private item, and he didn’t think that he was startled by someone in his own territory, but he could think of the level of anger.

“Who the hell! Dare to disturb Ben Da/Ye!? Hurry up and Ben/Ye, roll…”

As he spoke, his voice became smaller and smaller, and the expression on his face seemed to freeze.

Because ‘Bang! ‘.

A heavy loud bang sounded, and then a huge hideous bone claw burning blue soul fire appeared on the bow of Noah’s ship!

In front of that huge bone claw, he was like an ant.

At the same time, the sharp bone claws almost instantly caused five hideous scratches on Noah’s deck! The deck was somewhat unstable

“This, what the hell is this!?”

The voice trembled a little, Vander Dyken’s pupils shrank, and his body couldn’t help but retreat.

However, this is not the end of it.

I saw the hideous huge bone claw grasping Noah’s bow, and then under the great change in his face, a huge hideous dragon head slowly rose, staring at him with a gaze that was so cold that it was like falling into an ice cave in an instant.

At this moment, Vander Deken couldn’t sit still, his body began to tremble/tremble slightly, and his four legs retreated while pointing at the Wind Wing Divine Dragon and shouting: “You, what the hell are you!” Quick, get out of here for Ben Da/Ye! ”

As he spoke, the last sentence seemed to be shouted out with all his strength.

However, the Undead Wind Winged Divine Dragon obviously did not buy his account, and followed by the huge and terrifying dragon head, and the hideous and hidden burning dragon body appeared in the bow of Noah’s ship.

Then, facing Van der Deken, who was as small as an ant in front of him, the undead wind wing divine dragon with a thousand-meter dragon body raised its hideous bone claws.

Suddenly, a breath of death and decay filled Noah, like ripples of flesh/eyes transmitted to the surroundings, just where these breaths passed, it was a little creepy, because I saw that death was like a rotten breath, everything was entangled in dead qi, as if it was like a dry bone that had been sealed for many years, becoming fragile, as long as it was touched lightly, it would instantly turn into powder!

“You, you, do you know who Ben Da/Ye is?! Ben Dai/Ye is Vander Deiken IX! ”

Looking at the hideous bone claws that began to fall, Van der Deken roared in horror.

However, the Undead Wind Wing Divine Dragon doesn’t care who he is, it can be said that even if it is a Warring States in front of him, as long as he has Qin Feng’s order, he will not hesitate to shoot it with a claw!

“No, no, no!!! You can’t kill me! Ben Da/Ye is —–.”



The hideous burning bone claw quickly fell, and Van der Deken’s last voice stopped abruptly.

Rumble! Click!

The deck on Noah’s bow was constantly shattering, cracks were filled, endless wooden planks were flying, turning into powder and scattering, and then mixed with van der Deken and broken wood chips were slapped into the depths of Noah!


The other side.

From the moment the Wind Wing Divine Dragon solved Van der Deken, Qin Feng felt it.

Now that he has solved Van der Deken, Qin Feng is in a good mood.

Van der Dyken is a big nuisance for Fishman Island, but only an insignificant little character for himself.

Now with a small role, in exchange for the trust and gratitude of Fishman Island, plus a mermaid loli with the name of Sea King and Poseidon, Qin Feng may be a little difficult to be unhappy.

Immediately, those sluggish Dragon Palace City soldiers and Minister Zuo reacted, bringing a layer of respect to Qin Feng and the others.

As Qin Feng thought, Van der Deken was a small character to him, but for Fishman Island, it was an unstable time bomb.

Next, Qin Feng, Perona and the others visited Dragon Palace City, but the mermaid Loli of White Star was still in the hard-shell tower for the time being.

For this, Qin Feng thought about it slightly, and he was relieved.

It is estimated that this is Neptune afraid that the guy Van der Deken is not dead yet, so for the time being, in order to avoid accidents, he let White Star stay in a relatively safe hard-shell tower.

Neptune is not unreasonable to worry about, after all, the people in One Piece have special attributes of immortality, basically whether they are bombed by shells, or knife wounds, fire, as long as they are not dead, maybe they will jump alive in front of them the next day.

In this regard, Qin Feng, who has read the original work, has a deep understanding, so in this world, Qin Feng does things in a way that absolutely does not leave any hidden dangers.


Time passed quickly, and before I knew it, after visiting Dragon Palace City, it was already night.

Neptune originally wanted to keep Qin Feng and them, but Qin Feng refused.

For no other reason, he can’t leave the Lingji where it came in the first place.

Outside Ryugu Castle, shady coral streets.

A pair of eyes saw Qin Feng and they appeared, and left the place in an instant, in this regard, although Qin Feng did not see people, he still left a heart eye, after all, he believed in his feelings.

And at the same time.

The deepest part of Fishman Street.

“Boss Hody Jones, those lowly humans have come out of Dragon Palace City!”

The door was pushed open in an instant, and a fishman shouted into the dark room.

Then his face changed, and in the darkness he suddenly stretched out an arm to lift him up, and then threw him out in an instant.

“I said, don’t bother me at night.”

Browning, Hody Jones glanced at his subordinates who smashed through a wall, unknown whether they were alive or dead, and then the corners of his mouth split.

“Is it finally out? Lowly human! ”

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