Five hours later, the territorial waters of the New World Whitebeard.

At this time, after a full five hours of fighting, the sea area can be described as messy.

On the sea, the wreckage of ships can be seen everywhere, including the Hundred Beast Pirate Group and the Whitebeard Pirate Group.

Although the redhead brought his cadres to support, the Hundred Beast Pirates gathered all their subordinates to come, without the support of the captains of the Whitebeard Pirates.

The vassal pirate group of the Whitebeard Pirate Group suffered heavy losses, and the original 43 vassal pirate groups, after a five-hour battle, only 31 pirate groups remained!

Even, many of these 31 pirate groups are already in a state of huge personnel losses and exist in name only.

After all, this is a war, not just Kaido who comes to challenge Whitebeard as usual.

Since it is a war, then it must not be possible without damage, if it were not for the redhead coming to help in time this time, I am afraid that these 43 pirate groups would have already been left by now.

And this is just the loss of the Whitebeard Pirates.

The losses of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group were also very heavy, and the number of pirate groups under its command directly decreased by twenty percent.

Although after five hours of fighting, none of the cadres under Redhead and Kaido had fallen, everyone was also scarred.

Even the redhead and Kaido had a lot of scars on their bodies, but in comparison, the injuries suffered by the thick-skinned Kaido were obviously much lighter than those of the redhead.

“Kaido! Are you still unwilling to stop? ”

At this moment, the redhead looked at the battlefield around him, and couldn’t help but frown and ask in a deep voice.

His patience is almost worn out, and if Kaido is not willing to stop, then he can only take out his hole cards and fight with Kaido to lose both.

None of the people who can become the Four Emperors are easy to mess with, not to mention that the redhead is still a rising star and has secured the throne of the Four Emperors in the competition for the New World.

Without enough hole cards and strength, how could the redhead be able to be the Four Emperors for so long?

It’s just that he has always been unwilling to come up with real means.

After all….


“Huh?” The redhead’s expression was slightly stunned.

Although the weather here was already a dark cloud scene after Kaido turned into a dragon, the redhead was still keenly aware of the sudden change in the weather at this moment.

Originally, it was just a dark cloud, but now there is a burst of thunder in the dark clouds?

Even, this sea area actually began to blow fierce winds?!

“That’s not right!”

“This is… Overlord color domineering?! ”

At this moment, the redhead and Kaido’s gaze froze at the same time.

The two of them actually felt a breath…

Even they feel the overlord-colored domineering of their bodies?!


Suddenly, a huge pirate ship jumped out from the sea not far from the red-haired pirate group.

That is, the Moby Dick of the Whitebeard Pirates!


The vassals of the Whitebeard Pirates, the members who remained in the territory of the New World, were in good spirits the moment they saw the Moby Dick, and shouted in unison with joy.

“Goo la … Little ones, Lao Tzu is back! Whitebeard stood at the bow of the Moby Dick, looked at the battlefield, and let out such a laugh.

His lovely sons were the only ones who were beaten by Kaido’s sudden attack, and Whitebeard naturally felt very angry.

But now, he still has to laugh, because only this kind of laughter can make his group of cute children feel at ease!

“Redhead…” Whitebeard laughed, then looked at the redhead with a slightly complicated face: “Although, you are often nosy, but this time… Thank you. ”

As a group of pirates of the Four Emperors, each of the Four Emperors has his own arrogance and does not want others to interfere in his own affairs.

But this time, if it weren’t for the redhead coming to help, his lovely children would definitely all be broken in Kaido’s hands.

So, this thank you is also deserved.

Hearing this, the redhead looked at the bow of the Moby Dick, Jiang Yang, who was standing next to the white beard, and couldn’t help but shake his head with a wry smile: “It seems that it’s still too late…”

Now, Whitebeard has returned with Jiang Yang.

With Jiang Yang already arriving, it was already impossible for the redhead to stop this war again.

Although in the Chambord Islands, the redhead did not seriously compete with Jiang Yang, but even the brief sword fight, and the current overlord-colored domineering, made the redhead understand one thing.

That is, even if he took out his hole cards and really seriously competed with Jiang Yang, he would definitely not be able to defeat Jiang Yang!

This is not that the redhead underestimated himself and looked up to Jiang Yang, but he was stating a fact.

Now as the Four Emperors, he has only cultivated the armed color domineering to the extreme, swordsmanship, physical skills, seeing and hearing the color domineering, overlord color domineering, physical fitness …

Only the overlord color domineering is the closest to the extreme!

Although the abilities of domineering and physical skills have been greatly improved over the years, the distance has reached the extreme… There is still a long way to go.

Especially the physical fitness, which is far from the extremely poor.

And because of the broken arm, his swordsmanship was indeed weakened at the beginning, but after that, it improved a little, but now his swordsmanship has long been in a bottleneck, and he can’t be saved, let alone the extreme.

Sword art, but even his captain One Piece King Roger has never reached it, but Jiang Yang, who is not even twenty years old, has achieved it!

You know, the direct lethality of this kind of thing is stronger than physical art!

You don’t see that Kaido has already cultivated the armed color to the extreme, and the development of physical fitness and devil fruit has reached a very high level.

Also only the sword art has reached the extreme, and the weapon color and physical fitness are far inferior to Kaido’s Mitsuki Ota, leaving a permanent scar on a sword heavy injury?

And now Jiang Yang, what the redhead alone perceives, there is not only one sword technique that has reached the extreme!

Therefore, after seeing the appearance of the Moby Dick, the redhead could only let out a helpless sigh.

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