Because of the proximity of warships, a large number of female warriors have gathered here in the Amazon port, holding bows, knives, hammers, and eighteen kinds of martial arts.

Each figure is great, ringed fat and thin, and wears some revealing clothes.

"Ho Ho Ho"

Carl, who was standing on the deck, watched this scene, his mouth constantly coming out of his mouth in a tone that only a man could understand, and his index finger began to shake a few times unconsciously.

"What are you looking at?"

Behind him, Hancock's face darkened.

"Of course, it's looking at the scenery, your Amazon scenery is really good, there are peaks, ravines, and small dirt slopes, I believe many people will like it when they come here."

As long as it is a man, you will definitely like it here, a variety of styles, you can choose, this is simply a man's paradise.

"But can you get them to put away their weapons and look a little panicked"

With so many bows and arrows pointed at him, Carl was a little cowardly, even if he was bold, and besides, he didn't think he was bold enough.

At least along the way, he didn't take advantage of Hancock.

"They don't recognize us anymore," Hancock said sadly.

It has been four years since the three sisters were 12 years old when they were abducted from the Nine Snake Pirates by slave traders and sold to the Draconians as slaves.

In the past four years, their appearance has changed a lot, she has become more beautiful hahaha, and it is normal for her companions on this side of the port not to recognize her.

"Don't shoot, I'm a good guy, these three are from your Nine Snake Pirates"

Karl raised his hands to show that he was not hostile, he was a weak man, and pointed to the three sisters beside him and said, "This is Boya Hancock, her sisters Boya Sandasonia and Boya Marigorud"

"Some of You Should Know About Them"

After saying this, the warship had arrived at the port at this moment, and of course Carl and the others did not get off the ship.

"Hancock, it's really you?"

One of the female warriors looked at Hancock with some confusion, she didn't look good before, why she hadn't seen her for four years, and suddenly she became so beautiful, she couldn't move a knife on her face.

So sometimes it's not a good thing that you're too pretty.

However, the female warrior recognized Hancock's two younger sisters, and could vaguely recognize what they looked like four years ago.

Because of these two people, she didn't attack Hancock and the others at the first time

"It's me, Merry"

Hancock immediately uttered the name of the female warrior.

"Hillmelia, Fran, Mitchell Valli, Anthony Rachel ---"

Hancock then pointed to the names of several of the female warriors.

"Hancock, I didn't expect it to be you, you actually came back, we thought you three were ----"

The female warrior named Merry looked at the three Hancocks in disbelief, they had been missing for four years, and they suddenly returned here one day, and they came on a warship.

"Put away your weapons, they're my buddies"

Merry hurriedly spoke, and the women put their weapons back.

Carl secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

The three of Hancock disembarked, and Carl and Xiong Ba naturally followed suit.

But as soon as Carl got off the boat, two knives were directly on his neck, and the bear on the side did not have such a "good" treatment.

"Misunderstanding, misunderstanding, our own people, we are our own people"

Carl raised his hands again, looking at these women with some helplessness, what are you doing, although I am taller than you, I am much younger than you, and here he is finally condescending.

At the same time, he said to Hancock: "You quickly explain to them."

This woman is simply ungrateful, she worked hard to send her here, but she was killed by a knife and axe, and the key is that this woman didn't even say a word.

The female warriors also looked at Hancock, and as long as the other party said that Carl was a villain, then the next moment, they would bleed Carl.

"He was the one who saved our three sisters"

Hancock said reluctantly.

What kind of trouble is this reluctant look, isn't this a fact, is it back to your territory, women, you start to turn your face and don't recognize people.

"Right, so can you move a little bit away?"

Karl tried to show a smile, and gently removed the knife around his neck with his fingers, it is not good for girls to play with such sharp toys, and they will not be able to marry in the future.

"Leave a few people to watch her, Hancock, you come with me"

A woman who looked like a leader walked over, said a word, and took the three Hancocks away, leaving Carl to stay here.

"You wait here, I'll come later"

······ Asking for flowers···

Hancock said something to Carl before leaving, and hearing that the other party was a little worried about his tone, Carl pouted and said, "It's a bit of a conscience, bring some food when you come over"

The food on the ship was finished yesterday, but luckily it was close to the Amazon by then, otherwise Carl and the others would have had to fish or eat the spare food of the bear ba.


I'll go over and take a look, cook.

Xiong Ba said, and followed Han Cook and the three of them away, this thing must have gone to eat and drink, after all, they were all out of food yesterday, and Xiong Ba naturally didn't eat anything.

"No--- why don't you stop this bear?"

Seeing Xiong Ba abandon himself and leave, Carl said to the five female warriors guarding him in disbelief.


"It's just a bear, what's the danger"

One of the female warriors said disdainfully that a bear of this size was not a beast of prey on their island at all, and the domestic pets were bigger than this.

"This sister, you are all women on the island."

Looking at these five female warriors who are quite good-looking, the key is that they all have abdominal muscles.

"Of course, aren't you also a woman?"

The female warrior said as a matter of course, and asked Carl a profound question.

Looking down at his crotch, although it is blocked, when he can see his little friend in his crotch every day, then he should be a man.

"What would happen if I weren't a woman?" Karl asked.

The female warrior smiled directly: "It's not a woman, then what else can you be, isn't there only women in this world?"

The four female warriors on the side also nodded, agreeing with each other's point of view.

"You've never heard of a man"

Karl said cautiously to the five.

He now wondered if these women had never been out of the island, and if they hadn't been out of the island, they wouldn't have told them.

"Man, I seem to have heard the elders say it"

The female warrior looked thoughtful: "The Great Elder said that men are the most disgusting creatures in this world, greedy, cruel, incompetent, weak, ----"

The next moment, Carl heard all the derogatory words in the world to describe men, and when this woman said it, Carl even felt ashamed of being a man. _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - harvest

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