The Warring States means that there is no hurry to go to Fish-Man Island, and the matter of the Supreme Great Knife is not certain, and Princess Otohime said that she doesn't know what this knife is called, but she can only be sure that it is the Supreme Great Knife, which you all believe, in case it is fake.

What if it's Princess Otohime's way of tricking you to Fish-Man Island?

You must know that Fish-Man Island is flying the flag of the Whitebeard Pirates, which nominally belongs to Whitebeard, and Sengoku also knows that Neptune, the king of Fish-Man Island, was a friend of Whitebeard, who was also young, when he was young.

It is because of this relationship that Whitebeard allows Fish-Man Island to fly his own pirate flag, and at the same time, he does not charge any benefit fees.

Flying the banner of the Four Emperors means that this place is under the protection of the Four Emperors, and other pirates will undoubtedly offend the Four Emperors if they fight the doctrine of this place, and this place will also give a lot of money or other things to the forces that protect them every month or year.

Fish-Man Island has a lot to do with Whitebeard, and of course Sengoku is not worried that Karl and Princess Otohime will go to Fish-Man Island, and this island is still under the sea, if something really happens, it will be very difficult for the navy to rescue.

Seeing that the Warring States were not allowed to go by themselves, Carl left sullenly, 16 What can I do, my arms can't twist my thighs, and the Warring States is a marshal, so he is a big-headed soldier.

Walking out of the Navy Headquarters, Carl saw Xiong Ba at the gate, and estimated that he had gone to the Navy Hospital, but he didn't see him, and then heard that he had come to the Headquarters, so he came to find it.

"Do you like to eat lamb," Karl asked.


I like it, the leg of mutton is roasted and eaten, the mutton is eaten by brushing, the sheep's head is marinated, the heart of the lamb and the belly are fried, and the loins are too fishy and not delicious.

For eating, Xiong Ba now says that it is a set of sets, any ingredient and any part, it knows how to make it delicious, which is the truth that it has eaten for many years.

The lamb kidneys are the essence of the whole sheep, and you even say that it is not delicious, so you can only be a bear, and if you are a human, you will eat this thing even if it is fishy.

Carl couldn't help but despise Xiongba.


Shall we buy a sheep to eat today?

"What to buy, don't you need money to buy sheep, didn't this old boy of the Warring States raise one?"

The two navies guarding the gate on the side looked at each other, and they both saw the admiration in each other's eyes.

It is worthy of Dr. Karl, who dares to call the Marshal of the Warring States like this.

"It's time for Xiongba to show your strength as the number one beast on Beast Island, bite that sheep to death, and let it see what the cruel law of the jungle looks like"

"This kind of paper-eating sheep is a heresy, and not killing it is not enough to appease the anger in my heart"

Carl patted Xiongba's head and pointed to a certain floor, where Sengoku's office was, and the sheep was inside.


I'm leaving, I'm going to you.

Xiong Ba screamed, and left without looking back, what are you kidding, its bear still has a long life, this cook's heart is getting worse and worse, his ability is not good, and he is always bullied.

"I knew you were cowardly"

Karl shouted angrily at Xiongba.

In response to Carl, it was the bear's little tail that flicked around.

"My Supreme Knife, you wait for me for a while, and when my bodyguard comes, I'll pick you up, you must wait for me," Carl muttered.

He was also stupid, he didn't expect to let Princess Otohime send the knife to the Navy Headquarters, so he thought about going to Fish-Man Island to get the knife himself.

If you ask someone to bring it to you, it will save a lot of trouble and be safe.

Carl: You're stupid, if I don't go to Fish-Man Island, I won't see the mermaid, and I won't see the giant baby White Star.

Princess Otohime is an old woman, her figure is still mediocre, the key is that she is still sick, and she does not have the figure that Carl imagined a mermaid should have.

So he had to go to Fish-Man Island, where there were many mermaids, and then look at the giant baby of Shirahoshi.

You must know that under the pen of Oda Supreme God, there are three top beauties in the world of pirates.

One is the One Piece Empress Han Cook, the other is the mermaid princess Shirahoshi, and the last one is the Light Moon Hiyori of Wano Country.

Now the empress Han Cook has seen it all, and he has touched it a lot.

Then there is only Shirahoshi and Guangyue Riwa, and now he has the opportunity to meet Shirahoshi, of course, Shirahoshi is definitely still a child now, and he has not yet developed to the point where he can jump on her Oupai in the future.

As for the last light moon and sun, this Carl must meet when he has the opportunity, if nothing else, just to satisfy his obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Returning to the Naval Hospital again, he had just walked into the door of the Naval Hospital, and was greeted by the big man Orson walking out of the hospital.

"Yo, Orson"

Carl looked up and greeted Orson.

Being tall is good, not only do you look far, but no one says anything about you when you look down at people.

"Carl, I just went to see you, and those doctors said you weren't there," Orson said.

Orson is now a lieutenant colonel in the Navy, with the same rank as Karl, and is one of Kuzan's subordinates, and is trusted by Kuzan.

"Is there anything wrong with me?"

"It's okay, I'm here to see my comrades, by the way," Orson shook his head.

"Your comrade-in-arms is injured or sick, do you need me to take a look?"

"Thank you Carl, he was injured while capturing the pirates, the doctor has already dealt with it, but he needs to stay in the hospital for a week, if you can go, he can be discharged immediately" Orson said happily.

Not all of the 437 wounded patients in the Naval Hospital were treated by Carl.

First Carl couldn't do that, otherwise the doctors in the other trauma departments would be a decoration.

In terms of physical strength, Carl now not only treats external injuries, but also internal injuries, surgeries, and some incurable diseases, once he uses the ability to live fruits, it will definitely consume his physical strength.

If a severely injured patient suddenly arrives later, and Carl runs out of physical strength because of the treatment of some minor injuries that are insignificant, then the severely injured patient may die without effective treatment.

When Orson's comrades-in-arms were sent to the Navy Hospital before, the hospital also thought about letting Carl treat him, because the other party was the Navy, and the Navy who was born and died had the priority to treat.

But Carl was called to the headquarters by Sengoku at that time, so the naval hospital would let other doctors treat Orson's comrades.

Follow Orson to the ward where his comrade was, who was reading.

"Orson why are you back again, did you forget something?"

"Neil, look who I brought you"

Orson moved away, revealing Carl behind him.

"Dr. Karl!!"

Neil looked at Carl in surprise, basically as long as it was the navy of the headquarters, no one didn't know Carl.


Carl said with a smile. _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - harvest

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