Princess Otohime looked at herself in such surprise, and Karp, the old bastard, was also a little proud, but he didn't expect that his name even knew Fish-Man Island far away in the deep sea.

So he grinned and said, "Princess Otohime is happy to see you"

Seeing that Karp was so polite this time, yes, he was polite, Carl's eyes almost popped out, and Dupont, who knew Karp on the side, also had the same expression as Carl.

"Did you say Karp's old bastard has a crush on someone?"

Dupont whispered in Carl's ear.

"It's possible, this old bastard has been single for decades, and he probably can't hold it back," Karl nodded thoughtfully.

Although Princess Otohime is not very beautiful in his opinion, but in the eyes of his lover, she is still a mermaid and has an interracial style, and Karp's sudden heart seems to be reasonable.

But people are princesses, Karp, your idea of beating other people's wives is a bit too much, and we don't have the same thing as the old king next door, so it's easy to ruin your reputation.

In the end, it was still his own teacher, and Carl didn't want to go out in the future, so he heard someone sneaking 16 at him and saying, "He is Carl, his teacher cuckolds"

"His teacher caught a fish"

"His teacher has a crush on the mother of four"

And so on these words that affect his mood and reputation.

"It's no wonder that poor old bastard has been holding back for decades," DuPont shook his head with a sigh.

Although he had never tasted a woman, as a man, DuPont felt that he could understand Karp very well.

"Yes, he's practicing physical arts, and he's very angry," Carl nodded.

People who practice martial arts must have a lot more fire than ordinary people, and Karp is one of the best, in the words of traditional Chinese medicine, solitary yin does not grow, solitary yang does not grow, yin and yang are harmonized, and this can reach the point of physical and mental health.

There are no small movies in this world, action art movies, and Karp Five-Fingered Girl has no place to use it.

"Carl, do you think he's going to be suffocated," DuPont said with a sudden splash.

"No, at least from a medical point of view, it's not bad to hold back, this old bastard ----"



Princess Otohime is having a cordial meeting with the Terran Navy heroes on behalf of Fish-Man Island, touching the relationship between the two races and allowing the two races to live in harmony.

Looking at Karp, who had just had a good conversation, suddenly burst out, punching Carl and Dupont with a punch, Princess Otohime was speechless in fright, wondering if she had just said something wrong.

"Two stinky boys, don't think I can't hear them"

Karp glared at the two of them angrily, just one old bastard, anyway, he was used to it, the key was still arranging himself, and he was suffocated, thinking of women, you two have such a good imagination, why don't you write a novel.

It doesn't matter if you're a Tianlong or the future of the navy, if you make me angry, I'll beat me.

Compared to Dupont, who has lived under Karp's violence for a long time, although this fist hurts, he is also used to it, used to keeping his stubborn tears from falling, used to not screaming, used to pain, it sounds very sad, right?

But why didn't DuPont call it, it's not scientific.

Could it be that this kid is so backbone and can endure it, then I underestimate you, with such a thought, Carl, who was squatting on the ground, looked up at Dupont on the side.

Dupont fell to the ground, his body convulsing, his mouth still spitting white foam.

Fragrant, soapy, spitting bubbles after eating, inexplicably Carl thought of this sentence.

"This --- this --- Lieutenant General Karp, he won't die, right?"

Dupont's appearance at the moment made Princess Otohime very worried, don't die then, although she didn't kill her, but she died on Fish-Man Island, it's not good.

"I don't think I can die---- right?"

The last word shows that Karp is not confident, and when he just punched, he didn't seem to keep his hand, what kind of strength was given to Carl, and what kind of strength was given to Dupont.

"Ah--- he really doesn't seem to be able to"

Princess Otohime's face has begun to change, don't look at her powerless, she is still a brittle bone patient, but she is naturally powerful and domineering.

You can feel the thoughts and emotions of the other person, and convey the user's own consciousness to others, influence the minds and thoughts of others and have a strong resonance, and even change the values and ideology of the other person.

This kind of domineering color, which can be called the highest level, cannot be obtained by cultivation, but is innate like the "overlord color", and it is even rarer than the "overlord color", and at present, only Otohime has this level of seeing and hearing color domineering.

Like Roger's Seeing and Hearing Colors has the ability to listen to the sounds of all things, and the little girl in the Sky Island, who was born with a powerful Seeing and Hearing Colors domineering and can envelop the entire island.

Relying on the domineering appearance of seeing and hearing through cultivation, it seems that Princess Otohime does not have the characteristic of perceiving the other party's thoughts and emotions, or listening to all things like Roger.

Of course, the domineering of seeing and hearing color that is practiced does not mean that it is worse than those who are born with seeing and hearing domineering, and when cultivated to the extreme, seeing and hearing color can predict the future, although it is only for a few seconds, just like the son of the aunt, Ka Er.

In Princess Otohime's perception, Dupont's thinking activity has become lower and lower, and he is about to stop thinking, and if a person stops thinking, it means that this person will die.

Karp also felt that Dupont's aura was weakening, so he kicked Carl and said: "Hurry up and treat him, if you kill a day 633 dragonman, the old man won't be able to mix in the navy."

It doesn't matter if you are a naval hero, an admiral or an admiral, if you kill a Draconian, you will not have any good fruit to eat.

"Visceral repair"

"Bone Healing"

Carl hurriedly treated DuPont.

"Heavenly --- Heavenly --- Dragonman"

Princess Otohime suddenly heard such exciting news from Karp's mouth, and she was almost speechless with fright, and her snot hung out in fright.

If the Draco people die on Fish-Man Island!!! Princess Otohime already feels that the end of Fish-Man Island is coming.

However, this apocalyptic was stopped by Carl, who pulled Dupont back from the line of death.

The cured DuPont was not well at this time, and he seemed to be dying just now, and even saw his late grandfather.

Kai Dad: Only by getting infinitely close to death can we understand the true meaning of survival.

Now DuPont has finally realized the true meaning of this sentence, the happiness of escaping from the Kai Daddy knife and then returning to the spring.

Carl saw that Dupont's eyes were dull, probably because he was scared stupid, and he hadn't come back to his senses yet, so he patted him on the shoulder comfortingly: "Don't be afraid, it's okay, with Dad here, no one will hurt you"

DuPont "---- you die"_

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