"Broadsword longship, handsome, really handsome--- sure enough, only such a knife can support the momentum of my sword hero" Karl gently wiped a layer of unstained broadsword longship with a handkerchief.

DuPont looked at Carl speechlessly as he wiped the knife for the thirtieth time today, no need to do this, although this knife is a supreme fast knife, but you don't need to wipe it so many times, the supreme fast knife will not have dust at all, this is their most basic ability.


Seeing that Carl was about to wipe the thirty-first time, Dupont yelled impatiently.

"You don't understand, people who don't have a supreme fast knife don't understand my current mood at all"

Carl proudly patted the big knife long boat, he had already departed from the fun of using ordinary standard sabers, and stepped into the sky, directly using the supreme big fast knife.

In terms of knives, he is already on par with Hawkeye, and he should be regarded as the world's No. 1 swordsman, which is one less big word than Hawkeye, the "260" world's No. 1 swordsman.

As long as his sword cultivation goes up and he becomes a great swordsman, he is excited to say when he thinks about it.

Carl, who got the broadsword longship, thought beautifully, in the near future, he kicked off Hawkeye and became the new world's No. 1 swordsman.

DuPont is already immune to Carl's supreme fast knife showing off, after all, anyone who says the same thing in his ear hundreds of times a day and night can not be immune.

"Don't you think you're a bad match for this knife?"

Carl's current height is just over two meters, and the length of the big knife is almost one meter eight, so this knife is not suitable for hanging around the waist, and it is not suitable for the back to be carried out, and it is the most suitable only to hold it in the hand.

Understanding the meaning of Dupont's words, Carl suddenly said viciously: "Do you think I'm too short?"

Height is definitely Carl's pain, also thirteen years old, he is only in his early two meters, DuPont is two meters five, and he has to hold his head up when he talks, and it is always difficult.

The height gap is already almost half a meter, if it is a few years later, this gap will definitely get bigger and bigger, and by then DuPont will be more than three meters, and he will still be more than two meters.

The more I thought about it, the more angry I became, and the joy of getting the broadsword and longship instantly became much less.

This bastard is definitely deliberately poking himself at this one, absolutely, whether to cut him short or not.

Carl's gaze looked at Dupont's knee, if this part was cut off, then he must be shorter than himself.

"Hey, your eyes make me very uncomfortable, I tell you I'm not afraid of you"

Dupont took a few steps back and looked at Carl warily, whether this bastard was trying to cut himself.

"Dr. Carl, Mermaid Coffee Opens Today"

At this time, a fish-man guard approached.

Hearing this, the cold light in Carl's eyes disappeared in an instant, and he said in surprise: "It's open, it's really good."

Carl came to Fish-Man Island, the main purpose is to see the mermaid and the supreme fast knife, and now that the supreme fast knife is available, then there is only a mermaid left.

And there are two places to see mermaids, one is the mermaid café and the other is the mermaid bay.

The former is a café, but the waiters are all beautiful mermaids, and the latter is a place where mermaids swim and frolic.

As a man, Carl wants to go to Mermaid Bay and watch those mermaids who wear very little to play, but when he thinks that he is a Devil Fruit ability, and he can't go into the water to play with his mermaid sister, think about it or forget it, so as not to feel itchy when the time comes.

Then there is only the Mermaid Cafe, but during this time, the Mermaid Cafe is being renovated, and it is not until today that it has been officially renovated and opened.

"Go DuPont, brother will take you to see the world"

Carl walked to the door with his knife in his hand, and he didn't need a guard to lead the way, he had been there before when the Mermaid Cafe was renovated, so he knew where this place was.

"I don't think you've seen the world."

Dupont muttered disdainfully, but his movements were not slow, and he immediately followed Carl, and he had also seen mermaids in Mari Bridge, but the mermaids there were soulless.

Everyone is a man, and there are certain things that are tacitly understood.

Twenty minutes later, Carl and Dupont came to the door of the mermaid café, and the two of them sorted out their clothes very tacitly before walking in.

"Jingle Bells"

The welcome bell rings.

Several mermaid maids who were wiping the table immediately looked at the door and reflexively shouted, "Welcome"

Mermaid, really a mermaid, young and beautiful, with a great figure, and a mermaid in a slave costume.

Carl's eyes widened a little in an instant, trying not to show himself the appearance of Brother Pig, holding the handle of the big knife longship, and in an instant, the originally excited heart and trembling hands returned to normal...

Longship brand tranquilizer, there is wood.

If the longship had a spirit, it would probably cry, with such a master.


When a few mermaid girls saw that the guests turned out to be two humans, they immediately showed fear and hatred.

Among all the fishmen, the price of mermaids is the highest, and naturally they are also the favorite existence of slave traders and pirates, so although Fish-Man Island has strict protection for fishmen.

But every year, a small number of fish people are still caught and sold, and those who are sold end up very miserable.

So almost all mermaids hate humans, because of humans, they have lost their sisters or family members.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, I'm a good person"

Carl didn't expect this mermaid to be so timid, and immediately comforted him, he also knew why these merfolk were afraid of them.

So Karl pointed to Dupont and said, "He's not a good thing, if you want revenge, I can help you tie him up"

"Beautiful mermaid sister, don't listen to this bastard's nonsense, how can a good person say that he is a good person" Dupont was anxious, and really wanted to strangle Carl, the bastard.

What's the matter, aren't you a comrade-in-arms in the trenches, but you're going to stab your comrades-in-arms for the sake of a woman.

Hmph, this is not an ordinary woman, but a mermaid, mermaid, do you understand, one, two, three, four, five, five mermaids, not a mermaid.

Not to mention comrades-in-arms, Hancock has to pretend not to know each other when he comes to card 0.6.

It doesn't matter if Carl says he's a good guy or Dupont says Carl is a bad guy, both of them are human, so the mermaids still look at them with fear and hatred.

This doesn't work, it's not what I imagined.

Carl and Dupont were a little speechless, and they didn't know what to do now, feeling that the mermaid's hostility towards them was unexpectedly great.

"Ahem, can you bring me a cup of coffee---- Blue Mountains ---- Mocha will also work---- then cappuccino?" Karl said tentatively.

Seeing that the mermaid girl seemed to be a little confused, Carl was also confused.

"Hey, have you ever drunk coffee, why haven't I heard of these three coffees"

I've drunk ---, but the world really hasn't drunk it!!_

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