If you want to say who is most reluctant to leave Carl on Fish-Man Island, it must be Xiao Baixing, and within a few days of getting along, Xiao Baixing has become Carl's little fan sister.

Carl was also reluctant, not to the point of reluctance of Little White Star, but of the mermaid on Fish-Man Island.

Although Princess Otohime has repeatedly said that Carl is welcome to come to Fish-Man Island at any time, it is too thrilling to come to Fish-Man Island, and Carl is sparing his life, he will definitely not be able to come to Fish-Man Island at any time.

How did they come to Fish-Man Island, and how did they go back, the speed of the ascent was much faster than the dive, so Carl and they didn't take much time to come to the sea of the Chambord Islands, and then without stopping, Carl and they returned to the naval headquarters.

DuPont was picked up by the CP group and brought back to Mari Bridge.

This time he went to Fish-Man Island with Carl privately, and his father Charles Winsheng didn't know about it at all, and by the time he knew, Dupont had already set off.

The only son of the dignified Solomon family dared to go to the territory of aliens like Fish-Man Island, and when Dupont went back, it was estimated that a meal of fried meat with bamboo shoots was inevitable.


Cook, you're back.

The Navy Headquarters had already been notified before, so Xiong Ba knew that Carl was coming back today, so he was waiting for him at the port.

16 Seeing that Xiong Ba was waiting for him so enthusiastically, and he didn't lose his temper with himself at all because he didn't take him to Fish-Man Island, Carleton felt very relieved.

"Xiongba, you've finally grown up"

My own bear child has finally made some progress in his thinking, and he knows that it is not easy for him to be a parent.

"Doctor Karl, you're back"

The owner of a barbecue restaurant has a chubby face with full sincerity.

"Doctor Carl, Fish-Man Island is fun?"

Said the owner of a beef seller.

"Karl Doctor Marinfan has no more of you, it's not lively"

Said the owner of a cake shop.

Something is wrong, Carl looked at these people, in addition to these three people, there are also hot pot restaurant owners, pizza shop owners, and sea fish shop owners.

These are all shops that Carl frequents from time to time.

It's not ripe, anyway, it's not cooked enough for them to deliberately put down the business in the store and pick them up at the port, why haven't I seen you come to pick it up before.

"Are you sick?"

There must be a reason for such enthusiasm, is it that when they were away, they collectively had some disease, could it be some kind of infectious disease, a disease that was transmitted from the ingredients.

"Doctor Karl, look at what you said, we are all in good health, how can we get sick"

A few people were a little unhappy, and they said that I was also sick.

"Take a look at this bill"

"And mine"

"It's mine"

With that, the bosses handed Karl the long bill.

What the hell is the bill, I always pay the bill when I eat, Carl muttered to himself, and when he picked up the bill, he saw Xiong Ba flicking his little tail and leaving quickly.

I suddenly chuckled in my heart, and immediately looked at the bill in my hand.

Barbecue restaurant, 150,000 Baileys, 200,000 Baileys, 180,000 Baileys.

The total bill for this store alone adds up to 1.8 million Baileys.

There are a total of eight stores here, and Carl will turn white and then red every time he looks at the bill of each store, and the white and red continue to change.

"Dr. Carl, we've done the math for you, the total of the eight stores is 37 million Baileys"

The owner of the barbecue shop rubbed his palms and looked like a profiteer: "Look at Dr. Carl, when will this money be given to us, you also know that our store has a small profit, and if you don't pay back the money, our store will not be able to open."

As he spoke, the owner of the barbecue restaurant also showed a bitter and sad expression, and the bosses on the side also nodded.

The shop is thin, you lie to the child, your barbecue shop is the most profitable in the whole Marin Fando, and there is still your branch in the Chambord Islands, you really think I am a child.

And you, Marin Fando chooses the ten most popular stores every year, and you are among them all year round, and you still nod your head, which is not too much.

The most excessive of these bills is not what I eat at all, it is Xiong Ba's food, I don't see the bear paw print on the bill, who eats, who are you looking for, what are you looking for?

You can't hang a sign in your store that says no pets.

"I don't have that much money on me."

Carl thought he could see if he could get rid of it.

"It's okay, it's okay, we can go to Dr. Carl's house and get it ourselves"

The owner of the barbecue restaurant said that this is not a problem, you have no money on you, but it does not mean that you have no money at home.

They didn't believe that Karl, who had been treating the Draconians and the kings of various countries for a long time, would not have tens of millions of Baileys on him, which was even more fake than they said that the things in their store were not expensive.

"Another day," Karl probed.

"You see, Dr. Carl, we all left the store on purpose to come here today, it's better to hit the day than to hit the day, let's do it today."

It's worthy of being the boss, this eloquence is really a bit powerful, and he dragged me an ancient sentence.


Carl suddenly laughed a few words, and the frightened bosses were a little confused, but the money still had to be asked.

It is natural to give money for eating, although it is a bear that eats, but this bear is your Carl's, and the whole Marin Fando who does not know that you have a bear with a huge appetite.

"Okay, I'll give"

With the last two words, Carl almost crushed his own teeth.

Hunting geese all day long, today is considered to be pecked by geese.

I thought that the bear child had grown up, but it turned out that he was more bearish than before, and he had learned to cheat his father, isn't this the opposite.

Most of Carl's money was placed in Dupont's, and a small part of his room, exactly 37.5 million Bailey, was placed in the secret compartment under the bed.

This secret grid was secretly made by himself, just to prevent Granny Crane from knowing, so as to confiscate his Bailey.

Now it's okay, my hard-earned wife Ben was spent by a bear.

Looking at those bosses, they came in empty-handed, walked out with sacks on their backs, and the tired ones couldn't even straighten their waists, and their faces kept smiling.

"Dr. Carl, I'll give you a nine-percent discount next time you come."

"I'll give you a membership card"

"Dr. Carl, I'll leave you a special cake tomorrow."

Several bosses who returned with a full load have promised Carl, the rich man, that you come, and I will give you preferential benefits.


Karl smiled awkwardly but politely.

You guys are very good, pray that you don't get sick, otherwise you will see a cold, I can prescribe you a sky-high medical fee, I think the money is so easy to get.

But now it's time to stab the bastard Bear to death first, and the plan for the bearskin coat is about to come up again. _

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