"Okay, the deal is done, then I'll go first"

After curing Sanshui, this Devil Fruit really belongs to him, for the sake of a Devil Fruit, Carl actually treated a sea thief, is this too bottomless, where will he take the position of the navy.

As for the position of the Navy, Carl said that although he is the Navy, the Navy's position does not represent his position.

Sanshui's pirates, if it was a murderer and arsonist, then Carl would definitely not treat him, and would do his best to keep him, but they were just pirates like Luffy.

He's not a red dog, and he kills all the pirates with a stick, which is tiring and easy to kill himself.

Seeing Karl leave with the box containing the Devil Fruit, Sanshui suddenly asked, "Doctor Karl"


"You are not afraid, after you healed me, I suddenly repented, so that not only will you not be able to get the Devil Fruit, but you will even be killed by me" Sanshui looked at Carl very seriously, and even exuded a little killing intent on his body.

This sea thief with a reward of 300 million can be regarded as the small group of people who stand at the top of the first half of the great voyage.

In the face of Sanshui's inquiry, Karl's face suddenly stiffened, but he immediately covered it up. 613

"Damn, I made a mistake, I didn't even think of this, if he really regretted it, I could only run" Carl secretly scolded himself for being confused, and he was dazzled by the Devil Fruit.

Forgetting that if he heals him, the other party will immediately backtrack, and he will be the unlucky one.

"First, I think you are different from other pirates, at least you are trustworthy, the most basic integrity between people, you must have"

Don't care about it, first stabilize it, and send him a halo that you are an honest person.

"Second, you think that if you are injured, you really have the ability to kill me"

The strong domineering aura of the overlord color emanated from Carl's body, and instantly dispersed the little murderous aura emitted by Sanshui, and the domineering aura was like a hurricane, rustling the flowers and trees in the back garden.

Put on a high hat for you first, and then show your muscles, and give you a set of civil and martial arts, I see if you dare to do it with me.

"Overlord color domineering, how is it possible"

Kidd exclaimed, looking at Carl in shock, Carl had fought with him a few times before, he didn't win the other party, but suffered some small losses, and he was already very surprised.

And now Carl has shown his domineering spirit in front of them, this kind of human talent, known as a natural king.

Excellent strength, plus overlord color, armed color, these three are gathered on any person, and the other party can break out of this sea.

But these abilities are put on a doctor, it is very weird, and even has a feeling of beeping a dog, you say that you are a doctor, and it is your task to treat diseases and save people.

You train your muscles well, and you are also armed with color, overlord color, what are you going to do, are you a doctor who is too powerful at crossing.

Kidd was surprised, and Sanshui on the side was also surprised, but he didn't lose his temper, and looked deeply at Carl, who was showing a crazy and cool hanging posture on the opposite side.

"Dr. Karl, if you become a pirate, the new world may be a little more exciting, but you're still a navy" Three Waterways.

This is a bit unclear, but when you think about it, it's very understandable.

If Carl is a pirate, then with his ability, he can definitely bring a huge gate shock to this world, and maybe he will become the new One Piece.

Therefore, aspiring pirates, their goals are to become One Piece, so they will be opponents in the future.

But Carl is not a pirate, but a navy, although he is also an opponent, but Carl's main job is a doctor, and he rarely has the opportunity to catch pirates, and sitting in the headquarters is what Carl needs to do most.


Carl sighed heavily, when he first came to this world, Carl's first fantasy was that he would become a pirate, and even he had some evil taste to cut off the crew members of the road (BGCI) fly, and cut a few if he could.

But he finally became a navy, the so-called do a line, love a line, since he is already a navy, this pirate's dream is buried in the depths of his heart.

If there is no accident in this life, it is impossible for him to become a pirate, and he is still a little disappointed in his heart, so he sighed.

"Dr. Karl---- either --- or you come to my ship"

Looking at Carl's end of the curtain, the Sanshui Ghost Envoy actually said this.

Kidd was stunned on the sidelines, whether his own captain was showing his brain, although he also wanted to, but it was obviously impossible.

Just when he thought that Carl would immediately refuse, he found that Carl was slow to speak, his expression was complicated, and his face was still tangled.

"Damn, won't you-----"

Kidd's heart bulged violently, Carl's appearance --- wouldn't it---- if this was the case--- then our Ghostface Pirates weren't going to take off directly.

Sanshui stared at Carl tightly, his mood was even more nervous, he didn't expect that his whimsical words would have such an effect.

The ready-made atmosphere became extremely tense and heavy because of Carl's expression, as if your breath was a huge burden.


Kidd swallowed to himself.

"Okay--- do you think I'm going to say that---- they're such big people, and they're so naïve, although it's dark, but don't dream of such unrealistic dreams."

Let's not talk about whether Carl dares to abandon the navy and join the pirates, if he really does, believe it or not, he will be hammered by Karp soon.

Just like a dragon, this thing set up a revolutionary army to fight against the world government and navy, but he never dared to appear in front of Karp, and even gave birth to a son, he didn't dare to go back to the East China Sea to see, for fear that he would be unlucky to meet Lao Tzu Karp.


With a dashing wave of his hand, he came with an empty hand, and when he went, he held a devil fruit worth hundreds of millions of Baileys in his hand, and in less than an hour, he earned so much, much more powerful than any Jack horse.

After playing these two pirates, Carl is also in a very good mood.


Seeing that Carl was gone, Sanshui shouted.


"With such a bad character, how did he survive in the Navy"

"Captain, with Dr. Karl's ability, even if he is bad, the Navy will not do anything to him, although I also think that he has just played us, very unhappy"

"Let's go, get Carl cured of my illness before we go, get the news out"

"Uh--- Captain doesn't do this well"

"You don't want a salary increase"

"Do it right away"_

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - harvest

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