The eight-foot Qiong Hook Jade is the Yellow Ape's ultimate move, and countless flashbang-like photons continue to bombard Kaido below, and the speed is extremely fast.

Dangdang, the photons continued to hit Kaido like raindrops, even though Kaido was already armed with color, and did block these photons at first, the photons did not break through his defenses.

But as the photons continued to attack slightly, and they were intensive, under the constant attacks, the armed color domineering on Kaido's body was also constantly being consumed.

Traces of blood began to appear on Kaido's body, and the ground below him and around him had been shattered by the photons.

Within a radius of several hundred meters, not a single piece of ground was intact, and those hard rocks were as fragile as tofu under the attack of photons.

Carl is the strength of the first real general, although he usually learns from Kuzan, but people will definitely not be serious, if he is serious, Carl will not be reincarnated I don't know how many times.

Swapping positions between himself and Kaido, he had no way to resist the Yellow Ape's move, and his armed domineering spirit couldn't stop the Yellow Ape's photons at all.

Kaido's armed color domineering is definitely the top existence in the entire pirate world.

The speed is the force of 223, when the speed reaches a certain level, the power generated is absolutely terrifying, the speed of these photons naturally does not reach the speed of light, but it is already the top existence in this world.

Even so, so many photons hit Kaido's body, just punching his body into thumb-sized blood holes, looking at the blood that remained, there were also such holes in his body, which was quite terrifying.

But for Kaido, this is not an injury at all.

The Yellow Ape's eight-foot Qiong Hook Jade lasted for about a minute, and the ground below had been beaten into sand by him, and Kaido was standing below covered in blood, looking at the Yellow Ape directly

"It's horrible, it's horrible"

Seeing Kaido's eyes, the yellow ape's heart tightened violently, he was all open, and he didn't cripple him, how can he beat him.

With a bang, there was a vibration on the ground, and it was clear that it had turned into sand, but Kaido's explosive power was still very strong.

The next moment, there was another bang, and Carl saw that the yellow ape was knocked down from mid-air by Kaido's punch, and the yellow ape's body smashed into the sand, and countless fine sand flew.

Kaido obviously didn't let go of the yellow ape so easily in mid-air, and smashed directly into the place where the yellow ape was.

Countless photons flew out of the sand, dodging Kaido who smashed down, and the photons recondensed into the appearance of a yellow ape in front of Carl and the others.

The yellow flash of this pirate world is now a little miserable, not to mention the tattered clothes on the side of his clothes, and even his shoulder blades have collapsed.

"No, Marshal Sengoku should let Lieutenant General Karp go, I can't beat him"

The yellow ape pretended to be afraid, and showed his miserable appearance to the Warring States.

"Brother Karl, please treat me, it really hurts me to death," the yellow ape said.

Carl nodded and set about treating the yellow ape, and at this time he saw that Karp had already walked towards Kaido, and Carl's mood suddenly became a little excited.

Navy Karp and the Four Emperors Kaido, the two navy and pirates' respective top battles are finally going to fight.

"General Yellow Ape, it's really your full strength just now."

Heal the yellow ape's injuries, Carl asked with some confusion.

Oda Supreme God said that the yellow ape has the combat power comparable to the four emperors, and in the battle just now, although the yellow ape injured Kaido, the advantage has always been on Kaido's side.

"That's right, the other party is too strong," the yellow ape nodded matter-of-factly.

Carl doesn't believe it, eighty percent is that the Warring States salary is not enough, your life motto is not, the salary is in place, and the four emperors are in vain.

"Half of your bonus will be deducted this month"

Warring States looked at the yellow ape, this guy still dares to touch the fish in the face of Kaido, really when I am old and blind, he still knows how much strength he chooses BGCA.

Karp is playing physical arts, and Kaido's body knows that he is also playing physical arts.

The blood hole on Kaido's body that had just been punched out by the yellow ape had been cured, and although the healing speed was not as fast as the rapid healing, it was also very fast.

You must know that Kaido's fruit ability is animal-based, and it is not a fruit with healing power like Carl, but it has such a terrifying healing ability.

It is a consensus that the animal fruit ability is very strong, but if he can achieve Kaido, Karl, whose injuries can heal on his own in a short period of time, is only the only one who sees Kaido.

The two sides first attacked each other, and the two fists collided, like a thunderclap exploded in the ears, and the fist pressure of both sides continued to oppress the surrounding air, forming a huge wave of air.

Don't look at Karp's body is smaller than Kaido, but his strength is greater than Kaido, this punch, Kaido's body obviously shook a few times, but he didn't move.

Kaido bared his white teeth, grinned at Karp, and kicked Karp in the waist, but Karp clamped his foot between his waist with his hand.

The other hand also grabbed Kaido's feet, and as soon as he used both hands, Kaido's body was directly picked up by Karp, like a hammer, directly on the ground.

Bang bang bang----

After a few smashes like this, Karp threw Kaido's body out with all his might, smashing a pile of towering rocks in the middle.

The rubble buried Kaido, revealing only one arm, and the next moment, Karp came up to the team of rubble, and stepped heavily on Kaido's head.


A hand pinched Karp's foot through the rubble, and as the gravel shook, Kaido's body slowly revealed.

Karp raised his eyebrows, and his left foot began to press down harder, and Kaido's palm that pinched Karp's foot began to burst with great force.

As the saying goes, the arm can't twist the thigh, plus Cap's strength itself is stronger than Kaido, after a few stalemates, although he didn't step on it, Kaido's body has been sinking into the ground.

Kaido's hand slowly moved down, almost reaching his nose.


At this time, Kaido suddenly let out an angry roar, and in the roar, his strength suddenly increased, and he directly threw Karp's feet and body away.

Then Kaido stood up, patted the dust on his body very leisurely, looked at Karp who had landed steadily, and said, "You have the strength to do it."

Carl was stunned, is this Kaido too pretending, you were just pressed to the ground by the old man Karp to eat soil, obviously less strength than him, and what do you say that you have the strength of a handle, this is a bit too big.

"But it's not enough"

Saying that, Kaido killed Karp, a distance of dozens of meters, and he walked it in a few steps. _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - harvest

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