"It hurts, it hurts, you let me go"

The Tianlong man who was pinched by Carl's palm screamed in pain, and his whole body bent down, and at the same time kicked Carl with his foot, Carl didn't move at all, and his palm was a little harder.

"How's it going, it's okay"

Carl turned his head to look at Yuuri and the other female navy, although the female navy was hiding behind Yuuri, the red slap marks on her pink face were so glaring and obvious.

Yuuri was about to speak, when he suddenly heard a click, and then the Tianlong man made a sound like killing a pig, and the sound was so loud that Yuuri's eardrums were buzzing.

Letting go of his palm, the Draco immediately fell to the ground, grabbing the palm that had been crushed by Carl with one hand, rolling all over the ground.

Coming to this female soldier, the latter also walked out from behind Youli, looked at the screaming Tianlong people on the ground, and spat: "You deserve it"

Seeing her still angry, Carl smiled and said, "Why don't you go up and kick two feet to relieve your anger"

"Really, Dr. Carl"

The female navy 16 said with a look of surprise, she was so big, it was the first time she was beaten, and she was slapped in the face, although the other party was crushed by Carl, but after all, she was not beaten by herself, and she still had a breath in her heart.

Carl looked at the female navy as if she was really going to kick a few feet to get angry, and immediately gave her the label of being naïve, and was ready to stop her, and it would not be an accident to fight this Tianlong man by himself, but you little female soldier dare to fight the Tianlong people, and the Tianlong people will definitely find you to settle accounts later.


Yuuri grabbed the female soldier named Beibei.

"Youli is just together, we are one person and one kick, let him know that our female soldiers are not something he can bully" Bei Bei rolled up his sleeves and pulled Youli to think about it, sisters are of the same heart, and beat the Tianlong people.

It's exciting to think about it and win the adoration of the other sisters.

Although Yuuri was moved, she was still sensible, and she knew the consequences of beating the Tianlong people, so she said angrily: "If you beat him, both of us will be unlucky"

"No, there's Dr. Carl, Doctor Karl, do you say it's" Bebe looked at Carl with wide eyes and anticipation.

Hanhan, you really don't know what a joke is.

A spit and a nail, when I meet this Hanhan, count me unlucky, Carl nodded: "Well, count me, with me, you will be fine"

Now that I'm joking, I'm not slapping myself in the face, how can I be embarrassed in front of a woman as a man, and Princess Otohime, Xiao Shirahoshi is watching from behind.

"Look, that's what Dr. Carl said, it's okay Yuuri"

When Bei Bei heard Carl say this, she was relieved, and once again encouraged Youli, a good sister, to kick the Celestial Dragons with her, and accomplish a great feat that 99.9% of the navy had never done.

What admirals, what admirals, as long as they do this, they are all their younger brothers.

"Vincent Carr"

Before a few people could speak, the Celestial Dragon Man had stopped screaming and stood up, gritting his teeth and looking at the man who had crushed his hand bones.

"What a snot man"

Karl looked at this man with a glass cover, a big face, fat lips, and a snot, this appearance is not a copy of the stupid son of the landlord's family.

Among a group of scum dragons, there are always a few who are not so scum, such as DuPont, but there are also some who are particularly scum, such as the snotty man in front of him, Char Rose.

The other party is really a scumbag, as long as you can think of bad things, the other party has done it, and the other party has more than a dozen wives he got by various means, and he abandoned the other party after he got tired of it.

It's just scum to the bone, Carl wants to beat him for a day or two, he's been trying to get him for a long time, but he hasn't found a chance.

By the way, the other party is the Draco man in the original book, who was punched by Luffy and spun a few hundred degrees to the ground.

The second place on the list of characters that pirate fans most want to kill for a long time is the little imp Momonosuke, who even Karl wants to kill him.

"You dare to hit me, I'm a Tianlong person, you dare to hit me"

The snot man yelled angrily at Carl, and the snot was directly on his mouth, and his tongue touched the snot when he spoke, which disgusted Carl and the Yuuri and Beibei behind him.

I wanted to hit him in the face with my fist, but I thought about it or forget it, but when the time came, the snot shook my hand, and I was disgusted.

This scum Tianlong didn't seem to be aware of his situation, as a Twenty-style Celestial Dragon, his family was the bottom of the existence, even their heartbroken patriarch had to be polite to Karke, not to mention his little Celestial Dragon.

"Anyway, why are your guards and slaves gone?"

Guards and slaves are the standard configuration of the Draconians, those scum, they like to ride tall slaves as mounts, to show their identity, if this slave is the captain of the pirate group, it is like a painting of a certain painter, a sought-after commodity.

Today, there are no such standards around this snotty man, which is simply rare.

"They're all at my father's, and when he comes, you're dead," the snot man pointed at Carl, who felt that his position with Carl would be reversed if he had a guard by his side.

Hold the other person's fingers, and then break them slightly, and the familiar click sounds, followed by the killing of pigs.

"Dare to point at me, you think you are better than me" 580

Carl was extremely angry, and those who dared to point at me, such as Karp, Kuzan, and Sengoku, I couldn't get any of them, so I put up with it.

Now you weak chicken scum dare to point at me, don't you take me too seriously.

The status of this weak chicken is also very low, even the slaves and guards are with his father, and the eight achievements are that his father is not enough to go out to protect and slaves, so he borrowed him to go outside to support the field.

Such a low-status Celestial Dragon is also extremely rare among all Celestial Dragons, of course, in the outside world, even the lowest Celestial Dragons have a supreme status.

It's like ordinary people, for them, there is no difference between multimillionaires and billionaires, anyway, no matter who they are, they can't compare in their lives.

Looking at the screaming snot man on the ground, especially when he saw him looking at him in horror, Carl felt very relieved at the same time, but at the same time, he felt that it was not a taste.

I finally became the person I used to hate the most.

It turns out that the feeling of bullying the weak is so cool, looking at the other party's eyes full of revenge and hatred, but they have no ability to take revenge, that kind of hatred, that kind of hatred, that kind of anger.

"Stupid snot man"

"If you want to kill me"

"Hate Me"

"And then the ugly one lives"

Sure enough, it still uses the words of the ferret, which is very suitable for the occasion. _

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