Shiji used his strength to interpret what the three legendary pirates are, and they can still resist in the face of the joint efforts of Sengoku and Karp, although they have now been punched by Karp on the wall.

"I guess I'm not dead."

Although there was moonlight, it was too far away, and Carl probably saw a silhouette, and he really didn't know if he was dead or alive.

"It's not dead, Lieutenant General Karp can't kill him with a punch."

Jiaji's eyes widened, and he was able to see the three top powerhouses fighting with his own eyes, which was extremely rare, and it would also help his strength in the future.

"Old man Karp should have been able to kill him if he had a knife just now, it's a pity," Karl shook his head.

In this world of pirates, there should only be three professions that can be chosen, one is based on Devil Fruits, one is based on pure body skills like Karp, and the other is Sword Hao.

Here, a knife is a sword, a sword is a knife, as for why it is called a sword hao, if it is changed to a sword hao, it doesn't sound very weird, and it is homophonic with the thief number.

Of course, these three professions are basically one of the main and the other is supplementary, and physical arts are needed whether they are majors or minors.

Because whether it is a Devil Fruit ability or a sword hero, if you want to use the ability of Devil Fruit and practice swordsmanship, you need a strong body, and when fighting the enemy, physical skills are definitely inevitable.

Therefore, the practice of physical arts is something that everyone should do.

Like Karp and Zefa, these two are pure physical masters, who have built their fame on the sea with their fists and erected the majesty of the navy.


At this time, the ground under Carl's feet suddenly shook violently, and at the same time, the entire naval fortress also shook, and Jiaji hurriedly grabbed Carl's clothes at the back of his neck.

"Your sister, I remember you."

Carl was depressed, why did he always like to carry this place, I didn't know it would make me ashamed.

However, he didn't let Gaji let go of himself, because a stone had just fallen from the wall in the tremor, and if it weren't for Gaji, he might have been smashed.

Although you saved me, the way you saved me made me very unhappy, and I will make another note in the small notebook.

"Look at the joke".

After dodging a few falling stones, Gaji looked at the source of the shock, and seemed to be so shocked that his eyes bulged out and his face was full of disbelief.

"It's horrible, it's horrible".

Polusalino really had a little fear in his expression this time, so he didn't pretend.

"What's the matter-------- it's ----- to the slot".

Karl, who didn't know why, wanted to ask Jiaji, but as soon as he looked up, he saw a scene that he couldn't describe in words, and he could only replace it with a national scolding.

It seems that there is still too little reading.

But in front of me, no matter how many books I read, I guess I will say a word.

I saw that the two big characters of the navy were written on it, and the wall of the naval fortress was slowly pulled up from the ground like a radish, and the shaking was caused by this, and the cracks continued to expand, and at the same time, some seawater had gushed out of the cracks.

Shiji plans to use the ability of Piao Fruit to send the entire fortress into the sky, giving the Navy a memory that will be unforgettable for decades or even hundreds of years.

The sea poured in and swept through the surrounding navy, which thought they were about to win, only to be greeted by this scene.

"Ice Age".

Kuzan froze the surrounding seawater, saving many navies.

"Karp, stop him quickly," Sengoku shouted angrily.

If this fortress was really taken to the sky by Shiji, the loss of face of the navy would be small, anyway, when Shiji attacked the headquarters, his face would have been gone.

The fortress is connected to the most important foundation of the island of Marinfando, and if the fortress is uprooted, it will cause a shock in the entire Marinfando, and it will not only be the navy that will die, but also many ordinary people in the town of Marinfando.

If such a thing really happens, the majesty that the navy has erected on the sea for hundreds of years will no longer exist, and the deterrence generated by catching Roger will disappear completely.

"You don't need to say that


Karp is already in action.

At this time, Shi Ji stood on the fortress, his body trembled a little, and it was not a simple matter to pull up this huge fortress.

By this time, Karp was about to come to him, and the other party's angry shouts reached his ears.

"Shiji, this old boy of Sengoku is angry, I can only kill you".

"Karp, you think too much of yourself, if you want to kill me, just trade your Navy Headquarters" Shiki laughed, not caring about Karp's attack behind him at all.

"Give it to me


A roar resounded through the heavens and the earth, and I saw a crack that was bigger than all the previous cracks forming under the fortress, and the cracks continued to extend to both ends, directly cutting the entire fortress in half, and at the same time quickly extended, while the remaining section was extended to the shoreline.

According to this trend, it is difficult to say whether the fortress can fly or not, but this crack seems to be about to split Marin Fando in half.

Seeing this, the face of the "Sakaski" Warring States changed greatly.

This crack is not enough to split Marin Fando in half, if Shiki has this ability, One Piece will not be Roger's turn, but it will definitely cause huge casualties, you must know that behind the fortress, not only many navies live, but also the town of Marin Fando.

Sakasky spews a large amount of magma into the cracks, which acts as a binder that binds the cracks together.

Kuzan, on the other hand, uses his freezing ability to accelerate the cooling of magma, which quickly turns into rock and fills in the cracks.

The speed of these two tinkers is still relatively fast, but unfortunately they can't keep up with the speed of the crack propagation, and half of the houses behind the fortress have been destroyed by the crack.

Skey gave up the resistance and destroyed the naval headquarters with all his might, and Karp's iron fist had arrived, an incomparably strong punch, carrying Karp's anger.


Shiki was knocked into the air, and the sheer force sent his body straight into the ground below.

Without Shiki's control, the fortress stopped shaking, and at the same time, the crack was no longer extended, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Karp came to Shiki, at this time Shiji had already breathed out a lot, intook less air, and his body was severely injured, with his physical fitness, he was not dead, but he no longer had the strength to continue wrestling with Karp.

"With your little ability, it's impossible to catch Roger, and even you can't do it," the blood spat out of Shiki's mouth was like this, and he still missed Roger in his heart.

"Roger is important to you!!".

Karp looked at Shiji with a strange expression, he had a good relationship with Roger, why hadn't he heard the other party say that Shiji was a friend.

But if it weren't for Keiyou, why would Shi Ji take such a big risk to Roger.

"He is my enemy, but I will not allow you to capture him".

The way Skey looked at Karp was unkind, the way this guy looked at him just now was very problematic.

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