Carl didn't go to work in the hospital today, not because he was lazy, but went to the Navy Headquarters with Granny Crane, and as for the purpose of Tsuru, he just said that he would go to see a special patient.

To put it simply, it's about going to the doctor, and that's how Carl understands it.

Although he lives in Marin Vando, but in the Navy Headquarters, Carl really hasn't entered it, after all, he is not an official Navy soldier now, and the Navy will not want him to be a five-year-old child.

However, it is a fact that he is a key training target of the Navy.

Many officers on the road were greeting Crane, and some looked at Carl curiously, not knowing what the relationship between this little guy and Crane Staff Officer.

The relationship between Carl's fruit ability and the crane is not known to all navies.

Coming to a place that resembled a conference room, where the new Admiral Sengoku was among them, Karl saw a familiar shadow.

"Yo, Kuzan".

Polite children, of course, say hello to each other.

This man is naturally the same Kuzan I saw yesterday.

Kuzan turned a deaf ear, leaning quietly in his chair, wearing an eye patch, not knowing if he was really asleep.

"It's rude sir, I took the initiative to say hello to you," Carl muttered quietly.

Tsuru gently knocked Karl on the head and asked him to pay attention to the occasion, don't be so big and small, don't see that the top boss Sengoku is here.

It was the first time Sengoku had met Carl, and he felt that there might be a second Karp in the future.

It's not about combat effectiveness, it's about personality.

Talking about what is going on with this dog-headed hat, why is this hat so similar to Karp's, I heard the crane say, Karp wants to accept this child as a disciple, this hat can't really be given to him by Karp.

Carl has a dog-headed hat, which is quite peculiar, but compared to the seagull hat of the Warring States, Carl feels that his dog-headed hat is still a little worse.

This seagull hat is the real wonder, it is not warm, it is not covered, it is a hat that looks like a seagull, and the seagull feet stand on his head.

Not to mention, this seagull is just like the real thing.

Sengoku noticed Karl staring at his hat, and then poked his own seagull hat with his hand.

The seagull moved and hit Sengoku's finger with its wings.

"--- --- of ---


Carl's eyes almost popped out, he had watched anime before, and he always thought that this seagull was just an ornament, but he didn't expect it to be alive.

This admiral, whose hobbies are really eccentric, has a man who likes to eat paper, and a seagull who likes to stand on his head, motionless, and pretend to be a hat.

"It's going to pull you on its, birds are rectums," Carl said suddenly.

He didn't know what the body structure of birds in this world was, but on the earth in the previous life, birds were all rectums, and they didn't have the function of holding at all.

The sudden question caught the Warring States off guard, and almost flashed his waist, you said this is your child, why don't you ask this.

"Ahem---- Carl, I asked you to come over this time, I have something for you to help" Sengoku Zhengse's expression was stunned, and he planned to implant the theme, and it is estimated that if he let this bear child play freely, he will definitely be confused.

"You know, you're sick, you don't look like you're sick, is there some hidden illness---- it's hard to deal with this---


"Oh, by the way, last time Old Man Karp said that you were very young and scumbag, although I don't know what this means, but it can be understood that the internal organs are damaged, and I have no way to do this at the moment---- maybe wait for my fruit ability to continue to develop."

Karl said to himself, not seeing the slightest change in Sengoku's face.

Kuzan, who was pretending to sleep, had already taken off his blindfold and looked at Sengoku with a surprised expression, but he didn't expect the Marshal of Sengoku, who was known as a wise general, to be so prodigal when he was young.

Immediately showed an expression of sudden realization, no wonder the marshal of the Warring States period has never been married and has no children, it turns out that he has damaged his body.

"Tsuru, I think the next time Karp comes back, you can cool him for half a month" Sengoku said faintly, and then glared at Kuzan, what does this bastard think, can show such an expression on his face.

"In the future, you are not allowed to stay with Karp without my permission."

Tsuru patted Carl's head lightly again, and his tone contained anger, not to Carl, but to Karp.


Carl nodded obediently, deep down in his heart with the joy of having a handful of Kap.

"Carl, I heard that you healed a patient who was in a coma due to a flu".

What Carl did in the hospital yesterday had already spread through the patients he had cured, and Sengoku also paid attention to Carl's news from time to time, so it was normal to know.


Karl nodded.

"It's fruit power."

"Well, I call it antibody boost, which can improve a person's resistance in a short period of time, to the extent that their own resistance can deal with the virus."

Originally, Carl thought that it was a permanent increase in his own resistance, but after yesterday's observation, he found that it was only a temporary increase in resistance, and the time was almost two hours.

According to the information obtained by Sengoku, the hospital has no way to cure the patients who Karl treated yesterday who fell into a coma due to the flu.

So if Carl hadn't acted in time, the life and death of those patients could only depend on God.

"As long as it's a cold, you can be cured," Sengoku asked, looking a little nervous.

Karl, who didn't know why, nodded: "Yes, it's not just that, the biggest reason why people get sick is because of their own lack of resistance."

"Therefore, the antibody boost can cure diseases caused by external factors, such as viruses and bacteria."

The effect of antibody promotion is very large, and the range of diseases cured is naturally very wide, but it is not only used for small colds, this is completely a small test.

"Someone has a cold and wants me to treat it?"

The Warring States said this, how could Karl not guess the reason why he came here, but he was more curious, what kind of patient was worthy of the Marshal of the Warring States to come forward in person.

"Well, there was a patient of noble status who fell ill because of a flu, and his doctor did not cure it, but made it worse, and now he has fallen into a coma," Sengoku explained.

Noble status, well, the people who can make the Warring States call it that, there are only a handful of people in this world, and Carl estimated that he should have guessed who they were.

At this time, the door opened, and a man dressed in white walked in, because he was wearing a mask, and did not see the other person's face.

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