"Carl, where are we going to play today".

At the end of the morning shift, there was one more person by Carl's side, this person was DuPont, a Tianlong man, and Carl often went to DuPont's house for dinner in the past two years.

There are no meals that taste better than those made by the owners of the flavored fruits.

Carl went to Mary Joya a lot, DuPont came to Marin Fando a lot of times, plus Dupont was young, but his mind was more mature than his peers, and Carl became friends with him after coming and going.


Hearing this, Carl rolled his eyes, sure enough, even if his mind is mature, he is just a seven-year-old ghost, and he knows how beautiful the adult world is, you don't know.

"It's better for you here, there are a lot of good-looking sisters".

Walking down the street, Dupont looked at the young ladies who walked behind him, and these young ladies would greet Carl, and some of them would greet him by the way.

Now at this age, I know that I want to look at the young lady, and she is still good-looking, this is the mature side of DuPont, and it is also the reason why Carl is willing to play with him.

"The female slaves in my family are too old, and my father won't buy me young and beautiful slaves," DuPont complained very dissatisfied.

He had seen other slaves of the Celestial Dragons, all of them were young and beautiful, and the men were all tall, like the slaves in his family.

"Your father is also for your good, and besides, you are different from those scum Tianlong people, don't learn from them, otherwise you won't be friends with me."

Carl said very seriously, DuPont was the first peer he recognized, and he was also a special Draconian.

"I know, I also look down on those people, I know how to enjoy them all day long, and I don't pay attention to the eyes of outsiders who look at us."

DuPont nodded, saying that he would not be in the same stream as those scum, he wanted a clear stream among the dragons, a white lotus that came out of the mud and was not stained.

"You haven't said yet, where are we going today, first say that I won't accompany you to training."

Dupont went to play with Carl before he sounded, but the other party dragged him to train all afternoon, although the intensity and amount of training were less than one percent of Carl's, but he was still tired like a dog, and his tongue was sticking out.

"Strength is the foundation of standing in this world, and you nobles who eat and wait for death don't understand it at all" Karl glared at Dupont, and said very awesomely.

"Yes, yes, I'll eat and wait for death, you can envy it".

Du Pont nodded again and again, his identity is destined that he doesn't need to fight with others, there is a need for cultivation or something, their Solomon family is already a maverick among the Celestial Dragons, not extravagant, not playing with slaves, not trampling on life and dignity at will.

If there is another Tianlong person who is desperate to cultivate, it is estimated that he will become a wonder among the Tianlong people.


Well, Carl is indeed a little envious, after all, if he can be a happy rice worm, who wants to shed blood and sweat.

"Where do you want to go?" asked Carl.

Dupont rolled his eyes and said, "Let's go to the Chambord Islands, there are so many things to do."

Karl was a little impressed by this proposal, and then nodded and said, "That's fine."

So Carl borrowed DuPont's toddler phone bug to call Granny Crane and told him that he and Dupont were going to play with the Chambord Islands and that he would come back tonight or tomorrow.

Granny Crane also agreed, as for worrying about Carl's safety, there was no need at all, and she didn't see who Carl was going with.

That is the Tianlong people, or the only son of the top Solomon clan among the twenty clans, Du Pont came to the naval headquarters, how could there be no one to protect him.

There are definitely masters of the CP organization in the secret, so there is no need to worry about Carl's safety.

In the afternoon, Karl did not go, and released the pigeons of the supervisor Kuzan very gorgeously, and Karp had already returned to the East China Sea.

The Chambord Islands are still relatively close to the naval headquarters, and it takes less than an hour to reach the destination by Dupont's ship.

The Chambord Islands are made up of a number of large trees, the ground is the roots, the most distinctive feature is that the roots of the Archi mangrove tree secrete a special natural resin due to respiration, and the resin expands to form bubbles due to the air, and then flies into the sky. Since the bubbles are only suitable for the climate range of the mangrove trees in Yarki, once the bubbles are out of the climatic realm of the Chambord Islands, the resin components will not be able to use their full power and explode.

Bubble cars, bubble Ferris wheels, houses built on bubbles... Bubble culture permeates every part of Chambord.

This is not the first time Carl has come, I remember the first time I came, Carl was surprised when he saw those bubbles.

The Chambord archipelago is called an archipelago because it is made up of 79 large trees, each of which forms an island with houses and various facilities built on it.

Carl and Dupont's ship stopped at Harbor 35, the 35th tree, and the island, as well as the surrounding islands, are covered with soap bubble parks.

There are quite a few amusement facilities in it, so the islands in this vicinity are the most populated, with locals, tourists, merchants, and even pirates hiding in it.

Carl and Dupont wandered among them, and some people noticed Carl and Dupont and wondered why there were no adults, but they didn't care.

"I've heard that there is a shop here that sells the latest flavors of senbei."

DuPont didn't know where he heard about it, and even if he knew that the news was eighty percent false, he still wanted to give it a try for Carl, a senbei enthusiast.

Road, DuPont definitely didn't know, he himself said that he had heard of it, it was strange to know the road, the two of them asked while walking, and saw some snacks that looked very delicious on the road, so they bought a few, and the money was naturally DuPont, a big dog.

Eating unknown grilled fish and drinking black juice is not clean or good-looking, but it tastes good, and as long as it tastes good, a slight deficiency can be forgiven.

"How dare you drink".

DuPont looked at Carl who was drinking black juice with disgust, this thing is not juice at all, the boss said that this is the bile of sea fish.

Bile, such a bitter thing, so black in color, this iron stomach can't bear it.

"It's cool, it tastes good, and on such a hot day, drinking this can also prevent heat stroke," Carl said unconcernedly.

A good foodie is one who dares to try all kinds of bizarre foods so that you can discover more delicious things.

For example, the black fish bile drink in front of him, he also bought it with the idea of giving it a try, because there is a raw fruit, and food poisoning is completely non-existent.

If it is not delicious, the most is that the sense of taste is affected, and if you throw it away, you will buy other strange snacks again.

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