Within the flames, two black shadows shot out from the opposite direction, and with the help of the impact of the explosion, Johnson flew back to a hundred meters away, facing Pansedo, surrounded by a black cloth covering his eyes, and he could also guess Pancedo’s expression at the moment.

Compared with the indifferent Jossen, Pansedo looked extremely embarrassed, a trace of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth, revealing two fist marks on his abdomen, and around the fist print, there were burnt marks.

The embarrassed Pancedo’s eyes were even more red, and his body was even more tyrannical, with a harbinger of an outbreak.

“Hmm! The breath seems to be getting more grumpy! ”

Joson secretly said in his heart, the more irritable Pansedo is, the more beneficial it is for him, anger may be able to make Pancedo stronger in a short time, if he is driven by anger, what is the difference between it and the beast?

If it is a calm and average enemy, and a fierce and powerful beast, Johnson is more willing to deal with the tyrannical beast.

A calm enemy may turn over at a critical moment, not to be underestimated, a tyrannical beast, no matter how powerful it is, is nothing more than a beast at best.

Panseido roared in the sky, the sound wave first, and then followed.

“It doesn’t seem to have completely lost its mind.” Joson raised his eyebrows, did not retreat, and rushed towards Pansedo without hesitation.

Although the sonic cannon is powerful, it cannot change its trajectory, if so, it can’t hit the opponent, what if it is strong in attack?

“Tiger Tear!” Pansedo was angry, but he had the beast intuition that ordinary people could not have, and his reaction ability was even higher than ordinary people, seeing Qiao Sen flash a sonic cannon, his right hand turned into a claw, and he tore into the air out of thin air!

The tiger’s claws flashed with black light, tearing out of thin air, supersonic tearing, the air was directly torn open a claw, the claw blade was like a knife, slashing towards Josen.

“Tear the air, Arashi foot of the Navy Six!” Qiao Sen frowned, stopped without hesitation, and flashed to the side.

The sharp claw blade, frequent sonic booms, tore past Jossen’s side at supersonic speed, and the soft sand was actually cut open a crack several meters deep.

“What a sharp claw blade!”

The cunning fox Rabul on the side, looking at the crack not far away, showed a smile at the corner of his mouth, and said in surprise: “The strength of the regiment commander has improved again!” It seems that it will not be long before our flamingo mercenary group is famous all over the world. ”

Qiao Sen fell aside, and secretly said: “Can attack and defend, is it difficult to deal with?” ”

He thought that the animal fruit ability was not invincible before awakening, but Pancedo’s strength was beyond his expectations.

In a real sense, Josson is still the first time to deal with animal line ability, although the previous Baroque work also has animal line ability, just like Mr5, it must have its ability.

Pansedo did not speak, did not give Josson any time to think, and rushed towards Jossen like a tiger.

“Boy, go die!”


Qiao Sen sneered, his body tilted slightly, and by a fraction of a minute, he dodged Panseido’s claw strike, clenched his right hand into a fist, straddled his front leg, and shouted: “Cannon fist!” ”

Panseidor’s eyes were cold, and he didn’t care about Qiao Sen’s fist at all, and the tiger claw cut towards Qiao Sen at an extremely fast speed, like a sickle.

“Injury for injury?” Qiao Sen’s pupils shrank, but the arrow was on the string, and he had to fire, if he forcibly stopped, he would hurt himself.

Pan Saido looked hideous and shouted, “Die! ”

“Who is not necessarily dead?” Jossen’s face turned cold, his right fist was even more ferocious, and he landed on Panseido’s lower body at an extremely fast speed.

Panseidor is too tall, Qiao Sen’s height of one meter nine, in front of Pancedo, is only the size of a child, not to mention, from the beginning, he aimed at the point, although the method is despicable, but he does not lose the means of Jedi counter-killing.

Jossen’s speed is too fast for Pansedo to dodge, and his only advantage is his absolute superiority in defense and resilience.

Even if Johnson is an ability, if the two are against each other, the final winner must be him, and he will exchange injuries for doubles, which is Pancedo’s idea at the moment.


The sound of broken eggs sounded!


Panseido’s tiger face was extremely rich, the whole face turned green, and the tiger eye was even more bulging, forcibly endured severe pain, his face was hideous, and he hissed: “Despicable villain, go and die!” Tiger Eater! ”

Panseido’s claws are like tiger jaws, and his sharp claws, like tiger teeth, are like giant tigers swallowing, biting into Jossen’s head, vowing to devour Josen.

A breath of death hit Qiao Sen’s heart, and the picture of himself being torn apart appeared in his mind, death was imminent, Qiao Sen’s face was hideous, unwilling, and born in vain.

Seeing that although the domineering spirit is powerful, it cannot change everything, and in the face of the crisis of death, Joson is not afraid, he knows very well that if he is afraid, he will definitely die.

He can’t be afraid, let alone panic, strong unwillingness, Qiao Sen’s face is hideous, and he shouted: “If you want me to die, it’s not so easy, the whole body detonates!” ”


The deafening explosion sounded, for a time, the sky was dark, the ground was shaking, the flames were all over the sky, and the flames turned into a fiery impact, spreading in all directions at an extremely fast speed.

Hundreds of meters away, the cunning fox Rabul saw the flame shockwave, turned pale, and shouted: “Not good, run away!” ”

Pancedo, who was a little farther away, his humble face was full of worry and weakness, and he rushed to the sea without hesitation in the face of the flame shockwave.

The impact of the flames destroyed everything around them, and like the end of the world, all the creatures around them turned into char under the flames.

The surrounding sea, under the impact of energy, vibrates frequently, forming monstrous waves, wave after wave of huge waves, spreading in the sea.

Kidd, who is far away in the small town of Erdi, was lost face by Joson yesterday, and he was extremely unhappy, sitting in the restaurant with a livid face.

Ten minutes ago, the explosion in the opposite sea attracted his attention, but he didn’t care, thinking that it was just a fight between pirates.

And just as he was eating, a deafening explosion came from the other side, followed by a violent shaking, as if encountering an earthquake, exclaiming: “What is going on?” ”

From outside the restaurant, a young man ran in and hurriedly came to Kidd, saying, “Captain, in the direction of the back mountain, there is a flame, as if someone is fighting. ”

“Let’s go, let’s take a look!”

Compared with Kidd and the others, the residents of Eldi Island, with shocked faces, came to the open street, looked in the direction of the back, and said: “This explosion just now, is it a pirate coming?” ”

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