“It’s worthy of being a boss, whether it’s appearance, or talking, it’s so domineering, so arrogant, although it looks quite flat, but it’s really fucking handsome, being a person has to be so arrogant, I have to learn a little, hehe!” Jossen’s face was full of admiration, and he agreed with Klockdar’s words.

To be a man is to be so arrogant, your treasure is mine, mine is mine. To be able to do this is a sign that you have ascended. Of course, under the premise of arrogance, you have to have arrogant capital

Compared with the silence inside the palace, and the fierce war was breaking out in the outside world at the moment, one rebel army killed the king army, while the other king army was at the speed at which he could not react, and the knife in his hand had fallen on his head.

The fierce fight, the way you die and I fight, makes the rebel army and the king army have red eyes and bloody eyes, constantly looking for the next target.

The screams continued one after another, and the entire Albana had become a battlefield at this moment, blood flowed like rivers, the corpses of the king’s army and the rebel army could be seen everywhere, and Albana had been dyed blood red.

And the Straw Hats, at this moment, have also faced their opponents, compared to the members of the Baroque Work Society, the partners of the Straw Hats are really a little weak!

Just by looking at Usopp’s trembling legs, you already know it. The only thing that was better were the two combat members of the ship, Solon and Shangis.

Solon looked at Mr1 with excitement in his eyes, from Mr1 he felt the breath of natural enemies, and as a Warcraft, he was most looking forward to this kind of battle, and only this kind of battle could make him excited.

Shangis and Mr2 are on top, as a knight, of course, he does not hesitate to let Nami stay away from the battlefield, Luffy and their team, at this moment, it is indeed a little weak. If Klockdar really took it seriously, how could he be defeated by Luffy? All this depends on the protagonist’s halo!


“Father 、、、”

“Let go of Lord King, 、、、 Klockdar”

The ear-shattering cry of sorrow pulled Jossen’s heart back, looking at the king at this moment, who had been nailed to the wall, and Princess Weiwei and Gaka only roared sadly next to them.

But without the slightest intention of moving, the two of them were still calm, and they both understood that they were definitely not Klockdar’s opponents.

“Hey! I finally made him unable to move, how could I listen to you and let him go? Really, use your brain! Klockdar lit a cigar and looked at Gaca playfully. But he still has to rely on this guy to know the existence of Hades? How could it be so easy to let Mibra go.

“Sorry, Pico! The opportunities you worked so hard to create, but I couldn’t take them. ”

The king looked at Princess Weiwei with an apologetic expression, even if it had become like this, Gongbula did not expect it, but he had been prepared for a long time, and he was not hurt.

There was a warm relationship between father and daughter, and Klockdar ignored them and said, “Oops! The father and daughter who have not seen each other for a long time can only say these words! I can’t bear it、、、 ”

“I’ll say it first, I don’t plan to let your father and daughter live, once the kingdom is destroyed, the royal family disappears with it, it is a matter of course, right?”

The scene was silent, and there was a slight king on the scene, with a look of horror in his eyes. Obviously, Klockdar did not expect this kind of plan, which made Mibra sigh slightly in his heart: “Hundreds of years of family history, will it be destroyed in my hands?” ”

Klockdar did not leave, but slowly walked towards the king, and said: “But before the change of thrones, the current king Gongbra, I have something I must ask you, this is also my biggest purpose this time, where is Hades?” ”

“Is it really Hades? However, it does not seem to be a place recorded in the king’s family! Joson frowned, because he knew that Luffy relied on luck to find the ruins, whether the specific Hades was recorded there, and Joson didn’t know, ancient weapons, except for Poseidon was a mermaid princess, nothing else was known.

Can have the ability to summon sea king beasts, imagine the whole world, sea king beasts are all overlord existence? And being able to become a king of the sea king class is enough to have the ability to destroy heaven and earth.

How powerful should that ancient weapon, which is not weaker than the sea king, be? However, all this is unknown, and other ancient weapons are not mentioned in the plot.

Kobra listened to Klockdar’s words, his eyes flickered slightly, and his face was even paler, but whether it was a slight princess or Gaka, they all looked at Klockdar in amazement.

Klockdar opened his arms and said with a conceited expression: “Hades, it is rumored that with just one blow, an island can disappear without a trace, and the world’s most evil ancient weapon with the name of God must be sleeping in a certain corner of this country.” ”

“Ancient weapons? That kind of thing exists in this country、、、、、、”

“Is it a secret to inherit with the throne?”

As the chief guard, Gaka knew that when the royal family inherited, there would be a huge secret, what kind of secret, even he did not know, rumored to be a secret that was enough to change the world.

“My aim has always been it, and as long as I have it, I can make this the most powerful military country.” Klockdar had a longing look on his face, and his arms were slightly open, as if he wanted to embrace the whole world.

“That is, you have been 、、、 for this purpose”

Klockdar had a look of longing on his face at this moment, his eyes were full of madness, and said: “As long as I become the king of this country, it is easy to recruit those pirates into my jurisdiction, as long as the power continues to increase, one day I will get the power above the world government and become a dream country!” ”

As soon as Klockdahl’s words fell, Jossen sprayed! The heart said: “The thoughts of the heroes are indeed extraordinary, and mortals like us cannot understand it!” ”

Let’s not say whether the world government has a stronger hole card, after all, the world government can overthrow a great dynasty, then it definitely has its own hole card, and it is also enough to change the world.

Even if Klockdar gets Hades, what about Aquaman, or Celestial? What’s more, would the World Government make it so easy for Klockdar to get Hades? The answer is obvious.

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