
In Blackbeard’s position, several roars erupted, and the flames were radiant. The smoke of the explosion, like fireworks, disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Blackbeard and the others lost their rafts and were swallowed up by the huge water column rising into the sky in an instant

The Golden Merry, riding on the upper current, rushing up the Merry, is not as smooth as expected, because of gravity, the hull is constantly undulating, and it is the prelude to getting out of the water column.

If it weren’t for the surrounding wind and waves, the Merry would have fallen long ago, and even so, they would be a little dangerous! Because the ship is constantly out of the current, if this is the case, sooner or later it will fall.

Now the Merry is hundreds of meters out of the sea, and if it falls from this height, there is only one possibility, and the ship will be wrecked and killed.

Robin apparently noticed the ship’s movement and said, “Wait a minute, things don’t seem as simple as you think!” ”

Except for Luffy, the nervous guy, they all clearly felt the shaking of the ship, and it was likely to be off track, that is, ejected by the water column.

Luffy: “What’s wrong?” Did you forget what you brought? ”

“The hull is floating! If you go on like this, the result is to be ejected. ”

“Ah~! We were finished, and everyone fell and died in the sea. ”

Joson smiled, he believed that Nami had also seen something, because from the look in Nami’s eyes, he saw a confident light.

“Set sail! Right away now. ”

Nami looked at Luffy’s puzzled gaze, and suddenly said: “This is the sea, not a column of water, it is an upward current, and then the wind blowing up from below is the upward flow generated by geothermal and steam explosions, as long as the opponent is wind and sea, I will sail to you, who is the navigator on this ship?” ”

As a faithful flower idiot man, Shangis suddenly said at this moment: “It’s Miss Nami.” ”

“Hey, little ones, do it the way Miss Nami does.”


The ship is rushing upstream, with the upward current, flying straight towards the sky, Johnson looked at all this in amazement, although he had done an airplane in his previous life, now this kind of flight is completely different from the feeling on the plane.

“This is the legendary flight by the wind!”

Not only Joson, but also Nami the Voyager also showed unprecedented happiness, Luffy and they looked even more surprised, their faces were more looking forward to the next adventure, their expressions, and hot eyes, all showed their prospects for the future.

Even if there is no danger to come to the middle layer of the Cumulus Cloud, if you want to go to the empty island, there is still some distance, but since you have come here, it should not be far away.

“Is this an empty island?”

Jossen looked at everything around him with glowing eyes, as if entering a sea of clouds, all white. In the white expanse, the sky is clouds, and the clouds below are also clouds, and above the clouds, feel the slightest pressure! This should be the high-altitude reaction!

“Wow, a piece of white!” The most active was Luffy, cheering in surprise, looking surprised, and with excitement on his face.

“On top of the clouds? How can it float on the cloud? Nami looked at the white expanse and was amazed, everything here messed up her worldview.

“Could it be that this is the Sea of 、、、?”

“Nope! This is just the middle clouds, do you see the pointer pointing to it? Joson pointed to the record pointer on Nami’s hand.

Sure enough, the red one, or pointing upwards, what does it mean? That is to say, it is only in the middle level now, and the empty island is still in the sky.


“O sea! Ahaha! Usopp, the world’s greatest route captain, is going to swim here. Usopp jumped on the guardrail at this moment, revealing his choppy body and laughing proudly.

“Hey, don’t mess around! This is still an unknown sea. ”

“Usopp, there is a few kilometers of sea below, and there is no sea below, only clouds!” Jossen showed a sinister smile, which made Usopp terrified, while Luffy and Joba were completely hilarious, constantly encouraging Usopp to jump.

All right! As a result, the lucky Usopp was pulled up by Luffy, and Josson was constantly doing warm-up exercises, and the air pressure here was very high, as long as it was not a guy who lived here often, he would have altitude sickness. In the original work, Luffy and the three of them, because of this, were abused by a little minions.

“The empty island is so terrible!”

This is Usopp kept repeating after getting on, making Joson shake his head, Usopp is worthy of the ship’s atmosphere regulator, and Choba, who is watching with a telescope, but sees a terrifying scene.

Qiao Ba suddenly fell down from above with a person, because of nervousness, he couldn’t explain it for a while, and suddenly said intermittently: “It’s not pulling 、、、 well、、、 there was a 、、、 just now”

“Choba, is there a boat, and then it was attacked, and that person came towards us again, right?” Joson came to Qioba, and then gently patted its head, and Qioba nodded continuously.

“Hmm! Well! ”

“How do you know?” Shangis asked suspiciously, while Johnson pointed ahead, and sure enough, there was a dark shadow. Quickly towards them, frantically swept towards them. And to Luffy’s surprise, this person actually glided in the clouds!

“Hey, stop, what are you doing!”

“I’ll destroy you.”

The sudden fellow, wearing an ancient wooden mask with some ancient patterns depicted on it, was naked, holding a giant cannon in one hand and a huge shield in the other. The only thing that surprised them was the pocket wings on this guy’s back. However, this guy did not give the straw hat a lot of favor, and came up and said wildly: “I will destroy you.” ”

“Alright! Without the slightest euphemism! Josson shrugged, and at this moment he was ready, and the revolver in his hand was also dispatched at this moment.

Shangis: “Is that really the case?” It looks like it’s trying to kill us. ”

Solon: “Have the audacity to 、、、”

The masked man took off ten meters from the Merry, and Shangis was also ready to take precautions, and before Shangis could react, the masked man’s right foot had kicked Shangis’s stomach.

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