The empty island town is the trial passage to Apayado, Qiao Sen walked towards the direction of the pier, not far in front of Qiao Sen, there appeared a black abyss with a diameter of several meters and a bottomless depth, and around the black abyss, traces of thunder and lightning could be faintly seen.

Joson muttered, “Did Anilu do it?” ”

In the entire empty island, only Anilu can do this, and just as Joson was about to go to the dock, he was stopped by a familiar voice:

“Wait! Qinghai boy! ”

Johnson looked back and happened to see McKinley rushing towards him quickly, his face was puzzled, and he said in his heart: “Huh? Is that the security captain? ”

“It turned out to be Captain McKinley, you called me something?”

McKinley walked up to Joson with a serious face, and said, “Qinghai boy, this is not the place you should come.” ”

From the beginning, Johnson has always been under McKinley’s control, after all, he is from Qinghai, and since Luffy before, he has been deeply impressed, but he does not dare to relax.

When he saw the direction Qiao Sen was going, he definitely knew what Johnson was going to do, in this direction, there was only one pier, and this pier had only one destination, and that was Apayado.

What place Apayado was, McKinley knew very well, it was a forbidden place on an empty island, and outsiders could not enter it, and if they angered the Almighty God, they would also be punished by God.

Johnson wondered, “Why?” ”

I remember Luffy in the original book, it seems that he was sent to this trial channel by them, why is he stopping himself now? This made him a little puzzled.

The reason why he chose the trial channel to go to Apayado is because Apayado, the current situation is complicated, right and wrong, it is better to go early than late.

McKinley’s face froze and said, “Do you know where this pier leads?” ”

Jossen said of course, “I know! Apayado! ”

McKinley was stunned, obviously defeated by Josson’s innocence, looked at Jossen with an idiotic look, and said, “Know that you are still going?” What’s more, this is the trial of God, and there are many dangers inside, and there are four gods of Almighty God to protect 、、、.”

“I know that, too!”

“Ugh!” McKinley was defeated by Josson’s simple eyes again, and said a little madly: “Then why do you have to go over?” ”

Johnson glanced at McKinley, shrugged his shoulders, and said helplessly: “It was Anilu who called me over!” ”

“What、、、” McKinley and the others opened their mouths, obviously shocked by Joson’s words, especially Joson’s direct call to Anilu.

After the shock, McKinley and the others quickly opened the distance between them and Qiao Sen as if they were warding off evil spirits, and the surrounding empty island townspeople also looked frightened and looked at Qiao Sen from afar.

Johnson pouted and muttered, “Is it necessary to be so afraid?” ”

Under everyone’s shocked eyes, Joson slowly walked to the dock, swept these ships unique to the empty island, and then jumped on a medium-sized sailing ship.

Standing on the deck, Johnson took out a piece of gold from his backpack and threw it directly to McKinley, saying, “I want this ship, the money is for you.” ”

“Ugh!” McKinley took the gold with a dull expression, looked at Joson who was slowly leaving, and muttered, “Is this guy looking for death?” ”

“Captain, it’s the first time I’ve seen such a stupid guy! Ha ha! ”

“Captain, it’s the first time I’ve seen that I want to be so anxious to find death!”

On the other side, Apayado accepted a big shuffle, and the original team of hundreds of people was drastically reduced, and the warriors of the divine soldiers and Sandora fell every moment.

In just one hour, there were only about fifty people left in the original team of hundreds of people in Shandora, and Anilu had already met with Sandora’s praying mantis? The invincible ability made the praying mantis feel the taste of despair.

He could imagine that the fate of the entire Sandora warriors, even if all the people combined, was not Anilu’s opponent.

This point, the praying mantis can be sure, after all, thunder in their minds, is a divine power, an invincible existence. It’s just that he is unwilling, why does this kind of power let people like Anilu get it, he hates it in his heart! Hate the injustice of heaven to them Sandora.

In the passage of God’s trial, Joson sat bored on the deck, and a person did seem a little bored, and muttered: “Since you don’t join the straw hat, a person is also very bored, shouldn’t you find some partners?” ”


Johnson turned the shells in his backpack upside down, many shells, a few of which were living shells, and most of them were gambling shells.

“In other words, these things are really like gambling stones! The nine layers are all ordinary shells! ”

According to the method introduced to him by the boss, Jossen constantly tested the pile of shells, as if they had no function, just like gambling stones in the previous life, the chance was no less than winning the lottery.

A large number of shells, not a single good thing, out of hundreds of shells, only a few are real, and they are the kind of ordinary sound shells, wind shells and the like.

“The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment, small gambling is pleasant, big gambling hurts the body!”

Johnson lamented that the chance of gambling shells is too small, most of them are ordinary shells, even if they open special shells, they are just ordinary living shells.

If you want to rely on betting on shells and open out-of-print shells, the probability is almost zero, spending millions of Baileys, what you buy back is a pile of garbage, and it is really unlucky.

“Huh! Here’s another one? ”

Joson saw the last shell, because this shell is pitiful! The diameter is only about five centimeters, and the green moss on the shell makes people feel that this thing should be a long time ago.

“It seems that there is not enough luck!” Qiao Sen sighed slightly, his heart was also disappointed, and he pressed the shell at will, and the next scene shocked Qiao Sen and shouted: “Lie in the groove!” This time I really won the lottery. ”

In front of the shell, a suction force appeared, and Qiao Sen looked at the shell carefully and exclaimed: “Is this the legendary space shell?” ”

Ordinary storage shells, Qiao Sen is also within his shopping range, the storage shells in his hands are very large, up to half a meter in diameter, and the storage space inside is only two square meters.

And the price of storing shellfish made Joson feel very distressed, spending millions of Baileys, eight of which were spent on this storage shell.

Of the large volume shells that Johnson bought, he only bought three, one was wind shells, another was flame shells, and the others were furniture shells.

Space shell, this is also what Johnson inadvertently found out from the boss, when he first bought the storage shell, he had too little space to store the shell, so the boss mentioned this out-of-print space shell.

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