One Piece: I Am Really Not Crocodile

Chapter 137 Decision and Conspiracy

Near the big fissure, a small gathering place of about 500 people hiding in the middle of a group of short hills, the only entrance to the canyon fissure is heavily defended by the navy at this moment.

This place is not big, and the height of the surrounding low mountains is relatively speaking, more than 100 meters. Ordinary zombies will basically die if they fall.

The locals have also remodeled the underground passages. In addition to the regular patrolling guards at night, the survivors will hide in the underground world.

In general, although it is not enough for more people to live together, there is no problem for hundreds of people to live here.

But at this moment, these Lantis people were captured and tied up, even if some of them were powerful.

Because they were facing Ganos, the vice-captain of the Science Corps, two thousand elite marines, and two top major generals. With such combat power, they would be able to stand up to the Qibukai for a while.

Ganos is a middle-aged short man in a white study uniform. When he saw the arrival of Chief Leiser, he couldn't wait to say: "Chief Leiser, the indigenous people have completely controlled them, and we have captured them from near the big crack. There are some new varieties and the latest research data, such important data, I should be allowed to participate in the research earlier, you people, none of you understand the greatness of science..."

As soon as Ganos came up, he talked endlessly, his whole face was full of excitement. For him, this may be the greatest discovery and experiment in his career.

"Chief Leiser, do you see any difference between the two?" Ganos greeted Leiser as he walked to the side of the two iron cages.

One contained a horned demon, and the other cage contained a human being with horns and the same color as the demon's skin.

"A human, a monster?" The leader of the Reiser base saw the identities of the two.

At the same time, he looked at the hundreds of Landis survivors who were tied together with ropes and didn't care.

Looking at their fearful eyes, Reiser felt that this was normal, instead of ignoring herself with contemptuous and superior eyes like that scarlet queen.

"Yes, but if you put mutated humans in monster cages, something very interesting will happen. Monsters can increase their strength and physical capabilities by devouring mutated humans. I think this may be to maintain some powerful monsters from continuing The reason for the decline, but I have used many methods, even killed some humans, but I can't lure the long-lived species from the crack..." Ganos said disappointedly, completely ignoring the murderous eyes of the Lantis people on on them.

"No one slipped through the net, right?" Reiser glanced at it. Although this place has been completely controlled now, he didn't directly participate in the previous matter, and he was still afraid that there might be some mistakes.

After all, once Landis knows about this matter, it will become particularly troublesome. In fact, Reiser doesn't care about the life and death of the people of Landis, and even advocates eliminating these dangerous elements, but the order of the Navy Headquarters is not the case.

So he has to be careful when he does things against the orders of the Navy Headquarters, even though his actions have been directly authorized by CP0.

The study of longevity species will be the most important task of his trip. As for the others, even the sensory experience of Lord Des Minglie is ranked second.

"No, don't worry about it." Ganos said affirmatively. At that time, the strength given to him by the head of the Reese base was very sufficient.

An ordinary gathering place relaxed its guard on the premise that they negotiated to transport it out of the island, and took it in one fell swoop.

The strongest man was directly killed by the major general, so what happened in this gathering place will not be spread outside.

"That's good. Now that the results of the research are obtained, let's capture more mutant humans and see if we can lure the long-lived species out of the crack. If we can capture them, this operation will be perfect." Reiser beaming.

If he succeeds, his position in CP0 will be higher, his family in the world government agencies will be more influential, and he will even have the opportunity to "live forever" one day in the future.

"I understand that there are many mutants among these natives, but I heard from these natives that the monster in the crack is very powerful, just in case..." It's not that Ganos doesn't believe in Reiser's strength.

It was because the fear on the faces of the natives when they talked about the monster was too obvious.

"Don't worry, Commander Eric will come here soon. He has also captured some mutant humans. This is a research beyond human common sense. If it succeeds, our name will go down in history, and some appropriate sacrifices will be made. It's necessary." The head of the Reese base said calmly, they did this for more convenient research.

And they have asked Wulaoxing for instructions, but if they are exposed, they will still be very troublesome. After all, the combat power of the woman on the island is still unfathomable, especially her swordsmanship is superb.

"Of course, there is no science that does not sacrifice."

"Blu, blu, blu." The phone bug of the leader of the Reese base suddenly rang, and it was Eric's phone.

The head of the Reiser base picked up the phone bug: "Commander Eric, what's the matter?"

Reiser and Eric are naturally acquainted. At the same time, they have performed missions together in CP0 many times, and many ideas are similar.

"Batholomexiong can't find you at the station, so let me know that some Lantis people have agreed to follow the navy out of the island to the resettlement place, and you can arrange it as soon as possible." Eric His tone was so calm that no other meaning could be heard.

However, Reiser has cooperated with him many times, so he naturally understands another meaning in the words. As early as last night, he discovered a breakthrough in the research, and the two had an in-depth communication, and planned to send the survivors of Lantis Island Find a way to destroy here.

Although the Warring States Marshal's order is to hope for treatment, the people of Lantis are now too hostile to the World Government and cannot be ignored.

Especially after the first negotiation broke down, the consensus between the two of them became stronger. They even asked the five old stars for instructions and let them play by ear, which was actually a tacit agreement.

But the premise is that there must be something to gain, otherwise the Warring States Marshal loses his temper, and the two of them will be very troublesome, but if it is a fact, it will be easy to operate.

And the reason they didn't give up on continuing the negotiation was that they hoped to disintegrate the Landis organization from within. No, if some people broke away, the Scarlet Queen's power would be much weaker.

And these people can provide many variants as long as they do a little tricks, and they are very easy to deal with.

If there is a head-on conflict, the strength of their navy on the island at the moment may not necessarily have any advantage.

If the strategy is used well, it can still save a lot of trouble. After killing one wave, continue to the next wave. It is perfect. I hope it is really a good thing, Leiser sneered in his heart.

"Don't worry, leave it to me, I will handle it properly, how is your side?"

"Lieutenant General O'Neill is unwilling to present the final closing event for the famous martyrs of Des, but I have already dispatched a special operations team to do it." Eric said.

"Great, as long as these Lantis people agree, our mission will be completed, and they won't have to suffer any more." Two major generals beside him heard Eric's voice and exchanged glances with each other. One of them The major general said in a low voice.

It is too dangerous to perform missions in Lantis, and some major generals who have been mobilized from other places and do not know the truth, see the current situation of the Lantis people, and many of them feel compassion, especially for the people who attacked the Lantis people Very dissatisfied.

However, the military orders were overwhelming, and they had no choice. The only colonels who disobeyed the orders of their superiors had already been dealt with by dangerous missions.

It's not that there are no people in the army who uphold justice, but that those who uphold justice and those who disobey orders have been assigned various impossible tasks by Chief Lei Seji before departure.

A conspiracy is brewing against the survivors of Landis.

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