One Piece: I Am Really Not Crocodile

Chapter 262 Paradise, purification

Because Rosen had just made a fuss not long ago, and the purpose of his trip was to assassinate Aberdeen, without knowing the enemy's protection force, Rosen would not carelessly expose himself to others.

Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon on this sea, too arrogant, there are not a few people who think they are strong and fall down.

To put it simply, Fujitora, Green Bull and other generals who were promoted in the future were not also unknown at the beginning.

But when the world conscription, two new generals were recruited directly, and the navy has new generals. Aren't there more powerful pirates who don't like to be restrained?

Otherwise, why is it called the era of great pirates, and not all strong people will only stay in the new world, because the pattern of the new world has been finalized, and many strong people are also waiting for opportunities to come.

For example, Doflamingo has always been afraid that the world will not be chaotic.

The Kingdom of Andia is also a big country with a population of one million, and its economy is very developed. Although it was built with the blood of the people at the grassroots level, the top group of people is definitely not ordinary people.

It is Rosen's purpose to never underestimate any enemy, so Rosen wears a mask, an ordinary mask.

As soon as the Xiya drove under the island ship, countless searchlights came over in an instant, illuminating Xiya's ship. From the wall-like hull, countless cannons and guards with guns protruded, and one of the guards made a voice: " Give your name."

"The agent of the AKS Chamber of Commerce, Alexia!" Shea stood at the bow with a calm expression, and it was no surprise. Obviously, this was not the first time she had come to such a place.

"Confirmation is correct, pass!" After waiting for a while, the chief guard seemed to be rummaging through the information to confirm that they do not accept unknown people here, no matter nobles, pirates or navy, no matter how famous they are, they can come in, but they are not famous , and no acquaintances brought them, such a place is not open to them.

Then the door of the hull was opened, and the door pushed open the sea water, which looked very textured and very thick.

"Is this hull made of metal?" Rosen looked at the metal gate, slightly surprised. Such a big ship, which is the Paradise in Shia's mouth, if the outer hull is all made of metal.

That would be amazing.

"It's not entirely metal. It also uses the latest compound stone bars in Andia. It is very strong and has a very strong defense. High-level warship cannons may not be able to blast. The Paradise does not belong to anyone, but the big shots involved But there are many." After the ship entered the gate, it was somewhat similar to the island ship of Moonlight Moria, only one was gloomy and the other was bustling.

Not far away is the port of call, which is full of ships, including pirates, nobles, merchant ships, and even naval ships.

But this is an unplanned and lawless sea area, even the navy will not catch pirates in such a place.

Many shareholders of the Paradise will not allow such a thing to happen, after all, the benefits brought by such a gold-selling cave are not trivial.

I heard that even the world's number one rich man and the ruler of the world's largest entertainment city, Golden Emperor Tezolo, owns a lot of shares in this Paradise, and he is also very optimistic about the future of this island ship.

Paradise, the central city, in a clean white building, a bald middle-aged man hung up the phone bug.

By his side, he hired two pirates with a bounty of over 100 million yuan, and a team of 100 elite mercenaries. At the same time, he deployed his subordinates in this castle-level defensive building that only shareholders could enjoy.

The building is not tall, it seems to be only five stories high, but the buildings on each floor are extended out of the balcony, and there are steel plates that can be raised and lowered in all directions. If necessary, the steel plates can be raised to protect the building in all directions.

And once the defense is raised, the steel walls still have gun ports for easy attack. Such a fortification, a team of a hundred people, can even resist the onslaught of thousands or even tens of thousands of people.

"All the ships sent to escort Xi Ya lost contact. It is very likely that she has powerful allies by her side. She has just passed the gate of the Paradise. I am afraid that the general chamber of commerce meeting tonight will not be so easy." Among the bodyguards, there are four Names, two pirates, a bounty hunter, and a mercenary captain, the one who spoke was the right-hand man of the lord of mercenaries—Denley.

"Don't worry, all her friends and relatives are in my hands. I may have found some foreign aid, but they will not be our opponents. When I completely control the AKS Chamber of Commerce, I will definitely assist the infiltration of the military master, Andia There are not many other things in the kingdom, but there are plenty of people." The bald Aberdeen said confidently.

"Would you like to have a private banquet with Xi Ya to find out the details?" De Enli's face was calm, he was only in his thirties.

But he was extremely calm. He was originally the captain of the king's army in a certain country, but because he was betrayed by his own king, he finally failed to kill the king and fled, and was rescued by the military master.

Therefore, he will definitely handle the things assigned by the soldier master in a beautiful manner without any mistakes.

"No, I'm sorry she won't be able to make any waves. You can just control her after the conference hall. The most important thing now is to prepare for the welcome party of Your Excellency Tezolo three days later." Aberdeen's eyes were full of enthusiasm.

The world's top rich man, who holds a huge amount of gold in the world, and Bailey, the king of the world's largest entertainment city, exists like a god.


"Tezolo will really come? Our military master had some cooperation projects with him before, but the troubles were not very pleasant. I hope you will stand on the team." De Enli reminded a little.

"Don't worry, it's only due to the arrangement of the General Chamber of Commerce." Aberdeen became a little sober. Although he admired Tezolo, after all, the military master is his most solid backing.


"Hey, isn't this the daughter of the AKS Chamber of Commerce? Why don't you even have a few decent frigates now? This is not acceptable. Paradise is very dangerous. As long as the compensation is based on the price and the shareholders are not harmed, there is no legal constraint. The eldest miss has not forgotten this, do you want to come to our Tuolom merchant ship to stay for a while?"

As soon as the Xia entered the port, a luxuriously decorated merchant ship was abruptly inserted into the position where the Xia was supposed to stay under the protection of four frigates.

And on the luxury merchant ship, a big fat man with a big belly, about two meters tall, and weighing more than five hundred catties frivolously looked at Xi Ya. beard braid.

The whole person looks like a fat catfish monster. He hugs left and right, and they are all beautiful women.

The person in charge of commanding the docked ships did not respond. The location of the port was originally parked casually. If someone robbed it, it could be taken back by force.

"Don't worry about them, find a new place to stop."

"Miss AKS, don't rush to leave. I heard that your current situation is not good. If you consider becoming my woman, among other things, it is still possible to save your life. How about it? Do you want to consider it?" ?” But obviously, Catfish Monster Keel doesn’t want to let go of this woman who might get it.

He approached the ship with a large group of guards. The ship was lightly next to the Xia, and the distance between the two ships could be reached in one step.

"What do you want?" Xi Ya said, quietly using her ability, with her hands behind her back, a piece of brilliance rose, and it was a dirty black. Xi Ya wiped the black with her hands, but found it difficult to erase everything. Erased a little.

"Ahem, why do I want to come here?" Kiel was slightly taken aback when he heard this.

"Master Keir, didn't you just say that you wanted to take her as your own woman? What a fool."

"Go, go, I am the vice president of the Tolomo Chamber of Commerce, how can I be this kind of person..." The original obscene expression on Kiel's face disappeared, and he became upright and awe-inspiring.

"Can this ability still be used like this?" Rosen was a little surprised. He thought it was a pure auxiliary ability, but he didn't expect that it could purify a person's evil thoughts to a certain extent. Could this be the legendary Virgin?

Rosen couldn't help thinking wrong.

The two women next to Keir are coveting with the subordinates, what is the situation.

But Keir didn't care. He originally wanted to board the boat, but now he planned to turn around and leave, but at this moment, the white brilliance wiped from Xia's back hand suddenly disappeared, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

This man is too filthy and dark, and just after erasing a little bit, it grows again.


Kiel had just walked a few steps, and suddenly turned his head fiercely: "Smelly woman, are you using the fruit ability on me?"

Thanks to the sky is my 2000 coin reward support.

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