One Piece: I Am Really Not Crocodile

Chapter 364 Guess, Arrive at the Navy Headquarters

"Sure enough, I still have to work hard. No matter how I say it, I have to take a few heads back, otherwise the group of old men may think of me, Heavenly Dragon Sword, lend me the ability to judge the world!" Ramirez held up the chopping knife , and then a bright red liquid gushed out from Zhan Dao's body, penetrated into his body along the arm,

In an instant, blood was swirling around his body, and with a light swing of the chopping knife, a surging stone was cut, and then unexpectedly stopped in the air.

As if time stood still.

"Is it really possible to become a capable person? This is impossible." Ainil was a little shocked.

"Whether he is or not, just kill him."

But at this moment, a flare exploded in the sky, and Rosen and the others stopped in their tracks. This was a signal to prepare for sailing.

"Let's go, the business is important." Although Rosen didn't know what happened to Ramirez, he thought it was some kind of desperate stunt.

In this case, it will be even more difficult to take him down in a short period of time, and fighting with this kind of fighting madness is of no benefit at all, and it is a waste of time.

"Xiao Lei welcome!" Hearing Rosen's words, Anilu slammed the drum behind his back with the scepter, and seven or eight small thunder balls with a diameter of only about ten meters descended in the sky, cutting off any possible pursuit. their back road.

"Thunderman, what a trouble, I let you run away..." Ramirez's face was unwilling, he didn't expect to pay such a high price, and he couldn't even catch a single person, damn it.

But the thunder ball just fell, even if he resisted with his body, he would be paralyzed and suffered serious injuries, but if he avoided it, Luo Sen and the others would run away.

"It doesn't matter, I will continue to chase you! There is still about a month, enough." Ramirez did not give up, even if the enemy is very strong.

But next time, I have to bring some navy to catch up. Although the navy is useless, it should be possible to involve other people. Great grasp.

"Among the known generals of the navy, there doesn't seem to be such a person." Hathaway thought for a while and said, thinking while running.

"The secret personal army of the World Government is very powerful, and I always feel that the usage of this blood seems to be similar to yours, although his is in the weapon." Rosen thought back.

The increase of blood or the evolution of other abilities are similar to Hathaway's blood boiling, entering the outbreak period, and blood sucking to speed up healing and enhance strength.

"You mean, he might also be an experimental subject?"

"Well, but the knife should be the key, and at the last moment, the ability of the knife seems to be transferred to his body. If this guess is true, then the world government's scientific experiment is too big." This is what Rosen cares about the most.

The experiment of feeding devil fruit to dead things exists, and there are many successful cases.

And after this successful case, if the ability can be transferred to the weapon user, doesn't that mean that the side effects of the devil fruit and the weakness of fear of sea water have been overcome?

No, or it cannot be said to be overcome, the weakness remains, but within the weapon.

But even so, it's unbelievable. It would be very convenient if the human body could borrow abilities without suffering side effects.

Judging from the previous technology of feeding devil fruits with dead objects, such an upgrade seems to be possible. That's why Rosen felt that the World Government or the Navy Headquarters had a big plan.

Could this be something from the special forces behind?

It seems that if there is an opportunity in the future, I really need to find some naval-related laboratories to see the situation. We must not unilaterally allow the World Government to have technology far surpassing this sea, because the World Government is Rosen's imaginary enemy, so it cannot be ignored. .


"Shall we set sail now? I seem to have heard a tsunami warning from the Chambord Islands just now!" MR.5 was a little worried after welcoming everyone on board.

Just now Urgi and Luo didn't stay to fight with Rosen. It's not that they have no strength, but they are much weaker than Bowness. Domineering.

At the same time, we had to keep a few combat forces on Robin's side to prevent them from encountering the navy, but I didn't expect that the world government's combat power would not bring a single soldier, otherwise I was afraid that it would be delayed for more time.

But a lot of time is wasted now.

And since the tsunami has swept in, it means that the war has started. If you go at this time, it should be about the same, at least you can catch up with Germany.

"Continue sailing, don't worry!" The tsunami is terrible, but now there is no time to wait for the tsunami to pass before sailing.

At the same time, Whitebeard is really unreasonably powerful. With a single punch at the Navy Headquarters, the Shaking Fruit ability can bring a monstrous tsunami to nearby islands.

fear! A world-destroying disaster is really not an exaggeration.

"Okay." MR.5 didn't talk nonsense anymore, since it was decided by the BOSS, even if they were asked to die, they would have no hesitation.

"You are crazy, the tsunami is coming, you still have to set off?" Luo was a little puzzled, it was a tsunami, one of the most terrible disasters on the sea, no matter how powerful you are, if you meet it head-on, will you still survive?

In particular, they have many abilities.

But his words can't decide anything, they can only follow the voyage, I just hope that they are confident that it is true, not just bluffing, otherwise it will be dangerous for them to wait for others.

"Whitebeard is indeed strong, but if we can't even decipher the aftermath of his attack, then why go to the Navy Headquarters?"

Facing Luo's questioning and the worries of Urki and others, Rosen only said one thing.

"You mean, this tsunami is the aftermath of Whitebeard's attack? How is this possible?!" Luo and Urki thought they had seen many strong men, but in their cognition, no human being could be so terrifying, and the aftermath set off tsunami? This is simply unreasonable.

The ship set sail, and not long after, I saw huge waves that were tens of meters high, slamming like a monster of destruction. Even if it is a warship, if there is no skilled navigator, once it is shot on the hull, it will be smashed to pieces in an instant

"Shadow of the Sword Demon!"

"Lei Ying!"

"Annihilation sand bomb!"

The sword energy is vertical and horizontal, the thunder is attacking horizontally, and the huge grain of sand is like a small meteorite. The three major attacks erupt at the same time. At the last moment, they gather on the surface of the waves, and only a roar like a sky crash is heard.

The tsunami in front of him was like a large water droplet that exploded, and not only the wave in front of him, but also the successive waves were crushed.

Then the surface of the sea was blasted out of a small island-like pothole, and all the surging waves poured into it, forming a huge vortex in a short time.

However, the tsunami calmed down instantly, and the ship passed by the vortex at a fast speed.

"The tsunami was flattened?!" Although it wasn't all of them, it was in front of them, but it was too strong.

The bursting seawater formed a torrential rain and fell from the sky.

"If such an attack landed on an island, the whole island would be razed to the ground." Urki was also horrified, and the power of this alliance scared them a little.

At this moment, not only Rosen was rushing to the Navy Headquarters, but also the Straw Hats and Sabo, who had kidnapped the Navy warship and were about to reach the Gate of Justice.

There is also the Blackbeard Pirates who started the next plan after making a fuss in the large submarine prison.

At this moment, Magellan didn't know that many criminals imprisoned on the sixth floor had already escaped from the large submarine prison by taking advantage of the chaos...

The most eye-catching thing at this moment is the war on the top. At this moment, the war at the Navy Headquarters has completely started.

With Whitebeard's astonishing punch, the scuffle kicked off. As expected, the tsunami unleashed by the Shocking Fruit was frozen by Aokiji, and at the same time, the bay was turned into an ice field, creating a conflict battlefield.

But they were just fighting in the bay, and Whitebeard hadn't attacked in the bay yet, but the scene in front of him had already made the reporters watching the battle tremble nervously.

This is the war between the real strong! It was really too terrifying and unimaginable. All kinds of destructive forces made them, reporters who were not much better than ordinary people, feel fear and trembling from the bottom of their hearts.

Not to mention them, even the generals participating in the battle at this moment have the idea of ​​being deserters. This level of battle is many times more terrifying than those so-called wars between kingdoms.

The shocking fruit shakes people and has the power to destroy the world. With just one blow, it can shatter the atmosphere and create shock waves that can cause earthquakes and tsunamis. Even a master with such power will appear extremely small.

There are also Phantom Beast Phoenix Fruit, Diamond Fruit, etc., all of which are extremely powerful monsters, and the Navy also has magma, flash, and freezing, which also have natural disaster-level powers that can destroy the world.

After that, Qi Wuhai's swordsmanship, sweet fruit, shadow fruit, meat ball fruit, and thread fruit are also extremely powerful.

There are so many and powerful ability users, all crowded together in one navy headquarters, making the people on the entire battlefield, no matter where they are, look like little ghosts struggling in purgatory.

The explosion range of the laser light can sometimes affect some friendly forces, not to mention lava, and ice is better, but even if there is only a little aftermath, it is extremely dangerous.

As soon as they got closer to the battle between those monsters, those who were not strong enough were directly shocked to death by the aftermath of the battle.

Burnt to death, killed pirate navy, countless...

On this island, there are explosions, screams, screams, and all kinds of madness gathered together, allowing everyone to see the cruelest side of war. This made many reporters watching the live broadcast in Chambord feel terrified. endlessly.

A large group of superhuman wars caused the casualties to expand rapidly. The tragedy made people think of the beauty of short peace at this moment. Life is extremely fragile in this level of war.

"How is it possible?! That's Major General Moxi, the manager of our island. I once saw him destroy three pirate ships by himself. He just lost to a pirate. This can't be true! "A reporter looked at a familiar major general, and his mentality almost collapsed.

How could such a powerful person die so easily! And he saved himself.

"Colonel Deco is dead!"

"Is this the Whitebeard Pirates? It's really scary!"...

It wasn't just the reporters who felt fear and fear. Even Rosen and the others who landed from the coast behind the Navy Headquarters were about to witness this unprecedented battle and were destined to be deeply shocked.

But it doesn't seem to be going so well.

"I didn't expect the Navy Headquarters to deploy defensive forces on the coast of the large military town behind. Although there are not many, it is really unexpected, but it seems reasonable after thinking about it." As soon as Rosen's ship approached, the shore The few navies on the side opened fire directly.

But it was quickly settled, because after the outbreak of the war, the original full range of defense forces had been gradually concentrated on the battlefield in Qianqian Bay.

If it weren't for the prevention of the Whitebeard Pirates and whether there is any fleet that might raid from behind, launch a surprise attack, etc., they wouldn't even keep this part of the navy here.

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