One Piece: I Am Really Not Crocodile

Chapter 436 Great Changes in Murloc Island, Disaster for the Whole Island

"There's nothing he can do if he's dead. Let someone collect his body. Call the phone bug to see if there are any alive. If not, we'll go there again in person." Quinn said lightly.

Originally, Peggy Wanhui was a good ability user. After all, his performance in these years was still very good. He didn't expect to die just after going to Fishman Island. This is boring.


"There is no antidote, what should we do now? Can the spread be controlled?" Rosen returned to Dragon Palace City, and saw Luo, the king and others wearing bubble hoods, carrying the poisoned people together, but as far as Dragon Palace City is concerned, There are also many.

Some people on Murloc Island received the news and were able to leave in time from outside locations, but those near Dragon Palace City had no chance to leave at all. As soon as the wind blew, a group of people were poisoned.

"There is no antidote?" Hearing Rosen's words, the faces of Jinbei, the king, and Robin and others changed slightly. If there is no antidote, what should so many poisoners do? Will you die?

Moreover, since Rosen has killed all the people brought by the Beast Pirates, once Kaido learns the news, it is impossible to remain indifferent. Such a plan against Doflamingo may be about to change unexpectedly.

"It's hard to deal with. Ordinary people can't hold it for a day. The poisonous gas carries bacteria and some unknown ingredients, and it's highly contagious. If my field can't filter the poisonous gas, I'm afraid I won't dare to contact patients directly." Luo Luo Shen Sheng said.

"There is no way at all?" Rosen frowned. Thousands of lives are at stake, and there is only one day. Even if their bodies can withstand a few more days, if they cannot detoxify, it may be very dangerous.

"If you give me enough time, five days, no, three days, maybe there is a way to develop an antidote, although it will require hundreds of people to be dissected, but at least I am sure, but the problem now is that the poisoned people can't last for three to five days at all. At that time, we are okay, but most people can't..." The Dawn Pirates, with Luo around, it is difficult for them to suffer casualties.

But the problem was the residents of Murloc Island who were implicated by them.

"Shark Star King Star, can you still hold on?" Neptune lay three princes in his arms. They were poisoned earlier, and it was too late to take any protective measures. Now that the poison has entered their lungs, it is difficult to move.

"In three days, I'll give it a try..." Rosen walked up to King Neptune. Jinbe glanced at Rosen and didn't say anything. We can't blame Rosen for this matter. After all, no one could have predicted that Peggy Wan would dare to do it. This kind of inhumane thing came.

"Hathaway, Enel, pay attention to your surroundings." After Rosen ordered, he relaxed, and the light particles escaped from his body. The activity has always been very effective, and this is currently the only thing Rosen can do. Try the way out.

"Uncle is shining again."

"Luo, let's see if their physical conditions have deteriorated, or if they have been relieved." Rosen said to Luo.

Luo nodded, raised his palm, and expanded the scope of the ROOM, covering most of the Dragon Palace City directly. He strengthened his ability, and then aimed at the three princes with a knife from the air, splitting, and his body instantly became countless pieces.

"What are you doing?!" Jinbe and the king were startled.

"Are we dead?" The third prince of Shark Star was stunned, this was cut into several pieces, they are not dead, and they seem to be able to control their bodies.

"Don't make noise, they're fine, it's just my ability, I'll check their bodies, scan..." The blade reflected light, and a dialysis light fell on these body fragments, and the detection was very thorough.

Seeing what Luo said, Neptune and Jinbe calmed down. They were too anxious just now. Otherwise, after thinking about it for a while, they would know that the Dawn Pirates had no ill intentions towards them, otherwise they could leave now.

Yi Luo's ability is completely enough to save their own people. Even if they cut them one by one, it is less than a hundred people, and it is almost enough for one day.

But it is difficult to save more people.

"The deterioration has slowed down and it is useful, but it will last for about three days at most. I can't save all the poisoned people on the island in three days. I still have to research the antidote." Hearing Luo's words, everyone was relieved. in one breath.

But the next question was in front of them again. Even if it was useful, there are so many people in the Fishman Island, and there are not many of them who can rely on their arrogance to resist. If they want to save the people in the Fishman Island, they have to be concentrated Only within the range of Sen.

Even if the light particles on Lawson's body diffused over a wide range, they still couldn't cover the entire Murloc Island.

After Rosen raised the question, everyone fell silent.

"Your Excellency Luo, we have a Dragon Palace in Dragon Palace City, as long as we can cure the giant tortoise pulling the boat first, we will have the mobility to organize people with bubble hoods to transport the residents of Murloc Island back. "Nipton suggested, this is also the way he can think of.

"Captain?" Luo looked at Rosen.

"Go." With Rosen here, the deterioration of everyone's situation can be slowed down, but at the same time, Rosen can't act rashly, after all, he has to stay here to keep ordinary murlocs from deteriorating, and will soon A large number of murlocs were transported over.

"Jinbe, please bring Shirahoshi down, I don't know how she is now, but now Murloc Island needs us more." Neptune said to Jinbe with earnestness.

"Leave this trivial matter to me. This poison has not taken effect on me so quickly."

"Well, Lord Crocodile, we..." Baron Eggy said with some embarrassment. They are the Big Mom Pirates, but now it seems that the Dawn Pirates seem to have a way to detoxify, and this is not enough even if they return to the Ten Thousand Kingdoms. It must be solved.

They don't have such a brilliant doctor as Luo, and it is possible that they will consume too much resistance to poison gas on the way, and then they will be killed.

The Four Emperors are the pinnacle of the pirates, but they are also the challenge of countless pirates.

"Stay here." After thinking about it for a while, Rosen didn't chase anyone away. He didn't have any conflict of interest with the Big Mom Pirates, and the attitude of the two of them was pretty good before. Naturally, Rosen wasn't ruthless. business people.

If he can properly make friends with some members of the Four Emperor Pirates, maybe it will be of some help to him in the future.

"Thank you." Baron Eggy and Pokhmus heaved a sigh of relief, fearing that Crocodile would kill without batting an eye like he did just now, and he would be ruthless.


"There was a poisonous gas leak in the entire Murloc Island? What's going on? No, no, no matter what happened, go grab a few bubble hoods first, and at this time, my dear Princess Shirahoshi, you must still be hard Inside the shell tower, it seems that many of the king's army have lost their combat effectiveness, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, I want to marry you..." In the waters outside the fishman island, Daken looked at the refugees who kept escaping from the fishman island We, suddenly had a bold idea.

Under normal circumstances, he and Huo Di before would not dare to attack Dragon Palace City. After all, there are many guards, and it will be difficult for them to attack if the passage is not opened.

But now the gate of Dragon Palace City is wide open, and the Dragon Palace seems to be constantly transporting patients to Dragon Palace City, so it is naturally impossible for Dragon Palace City to be blocked again.

From Neptune's latest announcement, the residents of Murloc Island learned that going to Dragon Palace City is hopeful for treatment, but the Murlocs who are not poisoned are afraid to land on the island. This is the biggest problem.

Of course not including some pirates who plot evil.

"Hey, did you see that there was a poisonous gas leak on the murloc island. Look, there seems to be no king army around the murlocs, no defense force at all. We are about to send out. There are a lot of mermaids...ready to act."

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