Naruto fans sign in, One Piece fans sign in, veteran driver sign in, brain storage! The waves hit the reef, splashing white spray, and the reef was covered with a lot of shells and seaweed. Seagulls circled in the sky, as if they were staring at the fish floating on the water. Two vicious men carried a middle-aged man covered in blood to the shore. After shaking three times, the two men let go together, and the body fell on the garden reef covered with green algae. The smooth surface pushed him into the sea, and the reef was left with the man's blood.

"" Plop~"

A huge noise came from the sea surface, causing the seagulls circling in the sky to scatter.

The bright red blood mixed with the sea water and soon faded.

I don't know how long it took,"Gurgle Gurgle~" a few bubbles sounded in the sea, and there was a splash on the water surface, and a head emerged from the water.

"Cough cough~"

Jia Ban's face flushed and he coughed twice, with a stream of water flowing out of his left nostril.

"Fuck you!"

Jia Ban cursed on the sea, and then he kept slapping the water with his hands and stomping his feet quickly to avoid sinking.

Looking at the bloody reef in front of him, Jia Ban swam over in a doggy paddle and grabbed the bloody stone.

""What's going on? How did I suddenly appear in the sea?"

Jia Ban said in a panic. The pain in his back made him realize that he was not dreaming.

He glanced behind him and saw an endless sea. The next second, a wave hit and Jia Ban was swallowed by the wave.

The waves receded and he wiped the remaining sea water on his face.

Suddenly, a memory that did not belong to him rushed into his mind. Jia Ban's eyes widened. He couldn't believe that he had traveled through time.

And it was still One Piece. It was now the 1484th year of the Sea Circle Calendar, and it was decades earlier than the protagonists had set out to sea.

The original owner was named Toss. He went to challenge Rocks and was hit on the back by Kaido with a club, and then he knew nothing.

After receiving the memory, Jia Ban remembered Toss in the Naruto mobile game and immediately complained:"Damn it! Do you think you are really a god? You dare to challenge Rocks. Is that someone you can mess with?"

No matter how much he complained, Jia Ban still planned to get ashore first.

From his memory, he knew that this body was quite strong. Jia Ban used his right hand to gain strength from the stone, and suddenly jumped out of the water. Then, he did a backflip and stood steadily on the shore.

"Is this the body from the pirate world? It's so strong!"

Jia Ban couldn't believe it. He just used his hand to support himself against a rock and jumped four meters high, and did a somersault.

If this was placed on Blue Star, he would be simply a superman, but here, the reward would probably be tens of millions at most, otherwise he would not be killed instantly by Kaido.

Thinking of strong men like Rocks, Whitebeard, and Roger, Jia Ban felt helpless. If he were younger, maybe he could work hard to become stronger, but now this body is 36 years old. If he wants to become stronger, he can forget about it unless he looks for a powerful devil fruit.

Just as Jia Ban was thinking about what to do next, a voice that Jia Ban thought was the most beautiful in the world rang out:


"System? Is it a system?"

Jia Ban hastily confirmed, his face full of excitement. Jia Ban, who wrote novels in his previous life, was certainly not unfamiliar with this.

""Yes, host!" The system's prompt sounded.

Hearing this, Jia Ban was excited and asked quickly:"System, what functions do you have? Introduce yourself!"

‘Ding! This system is a template system. The system will provide a turntable for the host to extract the role template.’

‘If you draw any of these characters, the host can immediately obtain all the abilities of the character as long as they are used! '

After the introduction, the system prompts: 'Ding! Host, do you want to draw?’

""Extract!" Jia Ban shouted in his heart without hesitation.

As Jia Ban finished speaking, a light curtain appeared in front of him. In the middle of the light curtain was a disc, and around the disc were many character portraits.

【Saitama】【Gojo Satoru】【Young Son Goku】【Old Danzo】【?】【Esdeath】【Tornado】【Zhang Chulan】【Kaneki Ken】【?】【Tomioka Giyu】【Tsugokuni Yoichi】【Indigo Dye】【?】【Altria Pendragon】【Red Eyes】【Young Konohamaru】【?】【...】

It took Jia Ban about a minute to finish looking through the hundreds of avatars. Some he didn't recognize, but some he did. There was a ? next to every four characters. Jia Ban estimated that it was probably random.

"By the way, system, is the avatar that looks like Louis Koo Yang Guo from The Return of the Condor Heroes?"

‘Ding! Reply to the host, that is Han Tianzun from the Mortal Cultivation! '

Hearing this, Jia Ban's eyes lit up. If he draws this, he will be able to take off, right?

‘Ding! Host, do you want to extract?

The system prompts again

""Draw!" Jia Ban replied without hesitation.

The next moment, a cursor appeared on Saitama's grid on the turntable, and it jumped irregularly on the character portraits at a very fast speed, accompanied by a slot machine-like bell.

"Give me a Han Tianzun! Give me a Han Tianzun! Give me a Han Tianzun!"

Jia Ban stared at the screen, muttering non-stop.


Seeing that it was almost time, Jia Ban shouted, and the cursor began to slow down and slid above Akame.

Seeing this, Jia Ban's face turned pale, because the cursor was already very slow. The next one was the young Konohamaru.

"It's over, it's all over! My dream of becoming stronger!"

Jia Ban said in despair.

He thought that with the system, he could draw a powerful character, but he never thought that he would get such a weakling.

Jia Ban, who had already accepted the reality, was about to see if the system had any other functions. Suddenly, the cursor seemed to have used up its last bit of strength and slid to【?】Jia Ban rubbed his eyes in disbelief, and suddenly his feeling of loss turned into excitement.

The next moment, a small pop-up window popped up, with the avatars of countless strong and weak people flashing rapidly on it.

‘Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining Uchiha Madara - Konoha Period Character.

The moment the system prompt sounded, the character on the pop-up window froze, and a killer wearing red armor and holding a fan appeared on the pop-up window.

"Oh my god! It's Uchiha Madara?"

"Thank God, it's not Konohamaru anymore!"

Jia Ban was excited.


Suddenly, Jia Ban looked a little strange. His name was Jia Ban, and now he had a real Madara. Was it destined that he would become Uchiha Madara?

Jia Ban always felt like the system was playing tricks on him, but he had no evidence.

‘Ding! Host, do you want to claim it? '

The system prompts

"Receive it!"

As Jia Ban's voice fell, he felt a lot of memories appear in his mind in an instant. It was Uchiha Madara's childhood, until he founded Konoha and then left.

These included the memory of ninjutsu and fighting moves. To Jia Ban, these memories were as if he had experienced them.

At this moment, Jia Ban felt as if there was something more in his hand. He looked down and saw that it was a fan weapon-Uchiha round fan.

Jia Ban, who had obtained Uchiha Madara's memory, knew that this fan was made of branches of the sacred tree and was extremely hard. It was a rare artifact. There was also a sickle inlaid on the back of the fan, which was a detachable weapon.

Then, Jia Ban found that his clothes were changing. The original jacket turned into a red armor with a sense of age.

Jia Ban touched his cheek. He didn't know when two long black hairs appeared on both sides of his cheeks, and his right eye was also covered by long hair.

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