Uchiha Ban couldn't believe that this was his home. He activated his Samsara Eye to sense the surroundings. The mountains in the distance were so familiar, as if they were indeed his home, except that the houses around him had undergone earth-shaking changes.

Before crossing over, Uchiha Madara couldn't stand the life-threatening assembly line work, so he returned to his rural hometown and supported himself by writing novels. Who would have thought that his home is gone now?

"System, what's going on?"

Uchiha Madara asked angrily.

‘Stare! This requires the host to explore it himself! 'The system replied.

In order to find out what was going on, Uchiha Madara flew at a very fast speed towards the mountain two kilometers away, where an old farmer was digging the soil with his five or six-year-old grandson.

When they arrived at the foot of the mountain, Uchiha Madara shouted to the White Zetsu on his body:"Hide first!" White Zetsu obeyed and burrowed into the soil. Uchiha Madara slowly walked up the mountain.

As soon as he reached the mountain, the old man wielding the hoe discovered the existence of Uchiha Madara.

The old man was stunned.���Next, he said:"Shamatte?"

The old man seemed to be lost in memory, which was their unique memory of the 90s and Audition.

Uchiha Madara was stunned by the other party's words. This old man actually knew this, which seemed to be quite trendy. Thinking of the purpose of his trip, Uchiha Madara asked directly:"Old man, Jiajia Village Team 15, why is the house over there gone?"

""I don't know what you are talking about. You can go ask somewhere else."

The old man pretended to be stupid and continued to hoe the ground with his hoe, without even looking at Uchiha Madara.

Uchiha Madara saw that the other party didn't want to tell him, so he didn't plan to ask. He directly opened the Mangekyō Sharingan and asked in a low voice:"Whose money fell?"

"Where is it?"

The old man turned his head and looked over. The next second, he met the scarlet Mangekyō Sharingan, including his grandson next to him.

Uchiha Madara used hypnosis and began to ask questions. The more he asked, the more shocked he became.

36 years had passed in this world, which means that it was 2060 now, and the person in front of him was actually his classmate, 58 years old this year, and they had a good relationship in elementary and junior high school.

Seeing that his former classmate had aged so much now, Uchiha Madara could only sigh, and then she began to ask what had happened.

Under hypnosis, classmate Lin Chuan said one by one. Ten talked about everything that happened in the 36 years since the Uchiha class left.

It turned out that Uchiha Madara (Jia Madara) died suddenly while writing a novel 36 years ago, and his family held a funeral for him. His old classmates Lin Chuan and Uchiha Madara who were close to him all came.

In the following years, due to air pollution, the climate became worse and worse, and heavy rain fell every day.

At first, ordinary people didn't know about this at all, until He Nan Province produced an introductory manual for qi training for elementary school students to study, and then netizens realized that this matter was not that simple.

In addition, the"Martial Arts Master" reported in the next one or two years 'Flying over eaves and walking on walls, this made netizens realize that times have changed.

The original cause of everything was finally exposed. The dragon-slaying nails used by Liu Bowen to slay the dragon in the Ming Dynasty nailed down the major mountains and blocked the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

After being washed by the heavy rain, some dragon veins loosened, which led to the leakage of spiritual energy.

The levels of cultivation were divided into - molding the fetus - refining qi - concentrating the mind - building the foundation - supernatural powers, but later it was simplified by netizens and called Qi training 1 to 13 levels, and then - building the foundation - golden elixir. As for the Nascent Soul, no one has reached this level yet. The strongest in the country is only at the golden elixir stage, and this is still relying on countless people. Resources piled up.

As for how his family was destroyed, Lin Chuan only knew that the villagers next to Jia Ban's house dug up a treasure.

Lin Chuan's son and daughter-in-law wanted to go over and take a look.

As a result, an explosion occurred there not long after.

Lin Chuan's son and daughter-in-law, as well as most of the nearby residents, died there, including Uchiha Madara's family.

As for who did it, Lin Chuan didn't know.

Later, Daxia gave compensation and issued a gag order, and these things could not be discussed.

This incident happened two years ago.

After learning the cause and effect, Uchiha Madara was extremely angry. His family was actually destroyed!

"Ah Fei!"

Uchiha Madara shouted to the air, and Ah Fei poked his head out from the ground.

"Look around the big pit, if you see any human tissue, collect it for me."

Uchiha Madara ordered.

"Yes! Master Ban!"

Bai Zetsu replied respectfully.

In order to find out who did it, Uchiha Madara soared into the sky.

Not long after Uchiha Madara left, the dull eyes of the grandfather and grandson gradually brightened.

The next second, Lin Chuan felt that the thing in front of him was extremely dazzling. When he looked down, Lin Chuan was excited. There was a pile of gold sand on the ground!

"I am not dreaming, am I?"

Lin Chuan rubbed his eyes, unable to believe it.

In the sky, Uchiha Madara flew all the way to the county town in his memory. He wanted to ask these officials.

During the flight, Uchiha Madara found that there were very few high-rise buildings. Most of them were antique single-family villas. Not only that, those shops also became antique. There were flags outside each shop, which looked a bit like the formation flags in the novels of cultivation.

During the flight, Uchiha Madara also met several young men driving flying swords.

When he arrived at the county town, Uchiha Madara looked up and saw the most In the center, there is a towering classical building with the words"City Lord's Mansion" written on it.

The City Lord's Mansion has red doors and high walls, and is very imposing. The courtyard is deep, and the pavilions and towers are scattered in an orderly manner. The eaves and corners are exquisite and gorgeous. The bluestone paths are winding in between, and the flowers and trees are dotted, showing elegance.

Uchiha Madara extended his perception to the hall inside. The hall was magnificent and majestic. Several old men were sitting cross-legged in the hall, obviously practicing.

Uchiha Madara's perception ability stopped at one of the people with the most energy, and then Uchiha Madara disappeared on the spot


City Lord Zhuang Riqiang slowly opened his eyes. Just at that moment, he seemed to notice someone staring at him.

Zhuang Riqiang used his spiritual sense and found that there seemed to be no one. He murmured:"Is it an illusion?"


Zhuang Riqiang felt something was wrong behind him. He turned his head suddenly and found that there was a killer standing in front of him. He was shocked. When did this person come behind him? He didn't even notice it.

Zhuang Riqiang hid his left hand behind his back, and his palm turned into a sword finger posture. There was a fluctuation of spiritual power on it. It was obvious that he was ready to take action.

"Who are you?"

Zhuang Riqiang asked the person in front of him.

The two old men in the hall were also ready to take action and were watching Uchiha Madara with caution.

"Tell me, what happened in the fifteenth group of Jiajia Village! Why are all the people there dead?"

Uchiha Madara asked in a low voice. There was anger in his voice.

Zhuang Riqiang narrowed his eyes and looked at the dress of the person in front of him. He was probably in his thirties and had no storage bag on his waist, but the other party could easily come here and escape his consciousness. He estimated that the other party's cultivation was higher than his. Zhuang Riqiang smiled and shouted respectfully:"Junior Zhuang Riqiang, greetings to the senior!"

""Senior, do you want to inquire about the fight for the magic weapon two years ago?"

Uchiha Madara looked at him with inquiry in his eyes.

Zhuang Riqiang pretended to recall the past and explained:"I know this!"

"Two years ago, a farmer in Jiajia Village dug up a magical flying sword. The old farmer originally planned to sell it, but somehow the news leaked out, and spies from many countries rushed to the scene, and a war broke out!"

"The governor of our country was afraid that the flying sword would be snatched away by the strong men from the Beautiful Country, so he threw a nuclear bomb out of his storage bag!"

"In the end, those ordinary villagers suffered, and thousands of people died there! Only the governor and a few strong men escaped from the explosion!"

"Those enemy spies are so abominable!"

When he said this, Zhuang Riqiang showed anger on his face.

"What is a governor?"Uchiha Madara asked.

The three people who heard this looked at each other and were puzzled by each other's question. This person didn't know the governor?

"Senior, the governor is the former governor, haven't you heard of him?"

The old man with a goatee asked.

Uchiha Ban didn't explain, but looked at him for a few times. Seeing his appearance, he didn't seem to be lying, and then he soared into the sky. He was going to cause trouble for the so-called governor.

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